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The Clique: Second Collection (平装)
 by Lisi Harrison

Category: Teens, Girls
Market price: ¥ 308.00  MSL price: ¥ 288.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: An all time best-selling fiction with realistic and lifelike characters.
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  • Jake (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-13 00:00>

    Here's the info that appears on the back cover:

    Dial L for Loser (The Clique Series #6)

    From The Publisher

    Goodbye Westchester, Hello Hollywood!

    Massie Block: The Pretty Committee is this close to begging Principal Burns to readmit them to O.C.D. when movie director Rupert Mann invites the girls to audition for his new teen blockbuster -- Dial L for Loser. Massie packs her straight-leg velvet Sevens, ties her new hair extensions in a high pony, and heads off to L.A. with her friends, on the studio's ah-mazing private jet. But when they arrive on the set, everyone starts treating Claire like she's the star. Dial W for What the...?!

    Kristen Gregory: Parents have her grounded in Westchester while her friends are off glamming it up. But so what? She has the Briarwood boys to keep her company, including "certain people's" crushes...

    Alicia Rivera: Doing the morning announcements at O.C.D. was great preparation for her latest gig -- being a movie-set correspondent on The Daily Grind.

    Dylan Marvil: On a new all-bran diet. Good thing she wasn't invited to L.A. since she needs to spend most of her time running to the bathroom.

    Claire Lyons: Snags a starring role. Befriends a hot teen starlet. Is invited into a world of extreme fabulousness -- she goes to glitzy parties, gets her picture in lots of magazines, and receives dozens of free pairs of Keds. She's living the dream! But what happens when Cam catches Claire kissing a Hollywood hottie?
  • Safia Abdul (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-13 00:00>

    Our favorite clique is back once again in this preppy and ah-dorable novel. After being expelled from their seventh grade class at their private school, OCD, the Clique girls, have risen to fame on a movie set - Dial L for Loser, the latest teen movie being filmed. But what will happen when Gap-wearing "ordinary" Claire snatches the lead role from Prada-loving, born-to-rule Queen Massie? That obviously doesn't go over well with the Clique girls, and Massie has to employ some ruthless tactics to get herself back into the spotlight.

    While this feud is continuing, other dramas round out the book. Alicia and Massie have found themselves as movie-set correspondences for a popular morning TV show, The Daily Grind. Kristen and Dylan of the clique are stuck back at home in Westchester, but that doesn't mean they can't have fun... especially with the Briarwood boys. And new Hollywood "It Girl" Claire has caught the eye of her co-star, teen idol Conner Foley. What happens when her boyfriend at home, Cam, catches
    them kissing...?

    Rich and fabulous, though sometimes over-the-top snooty, these girls sure know how to have a good time. In this humorous pieice of teen chick-lit, I found myself laughing out loud with every page. Is this a Clique novel you don't want to miss? Definitely so. Or, as Alicia might say, given.

  • A kid reader, USA   <2007-02-13 00:00>

    Dial L for Loser is an awesome book. I was really happy that Claire was finally put in the spotlight because even though Massie and the rest of the pretty commitee have become nice to Claire its nice that she is suddenly the most popular of them. If you've never read the clique series and you're a girl at least like (...) years old try reading the clique books cuz theyre really funny and its hard to put them down Oh and to the person who wrote a review on august 16 and all you talked about was how you rich you are and how you're like massie. Saying poor people stink and you bragging about how rich you are just makes you seem like a spoiled brat so next time keep the review on the book and off yourself and im not saying that cuz im jealous.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-13 00:00>

    I am 27, but I have a weakness for fun, light YA books like Gossip Girl and the Princess books by Cabot. I picked up the clique with a bit of trepidation, because it just seemed a little too snooty, and maybe too young for me. I shouldn't have worried. This was a playful, drama-filled, purely fun book that kept me entertained from beginning to end!

    Massie and her crew get stuck being nice to newcomer Claire (at least while Massie's parents are watching!), who isn't anywhere near as rich and fabulously stylish as The Clique. Claire, of course, realizes that she'd like to be part of the clique and tries to get in. How it all turns out is the story.

    I enjoyed this a lot and would recommend it to anyone over the age of ten who enjoys fashion, drama, and books that are just good light fun.
  • Little Willow (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-13 00:00>

    Lisi Harrison's debut novel introduces us to The Clique - a quartet of popular girls attending private school in New York. These girls are wise (and rich) beyond their twelve years, valuing their designer clothes, sparkling homes, and precious cell phones above all else. At the top of the clique is Massie, a girl whose room is modeled after an all-white posh hotel suite.

    When her father's longtime friend has a stroke of bad luck, Massie's dad lets his friend, his friend's wife and his daughter stay in the guesthouse. This girl may be Massie's peer and new classmate, but, since she is clad in overalls and Keds, Massie is reluctant to make friends.

    What follows is a somewhat predictable but squeaky clean story, appropriate for middle grades to read. Think a G-rated version of Gossip Girl: money talks, clothes matter, but friendship and backstabbing are the main issues instead of dating and, ahem, other more adult things. In other words, if you like the movie Mean Girls, you'll like this book.

  • A kid reader, USA   <2007-02-13 00:00>

    This book is probably my favourite in the series! I love how my favorite character, Claire, gets to finally be in the spotlight! If you've read the rest of the series, namely the previous book, you already know that Massie, Claire, Alicia, Dylan, and Kristen got expelled from OCD school. (Sorry to reveal it!) What happens is this: After getting to go on Dylan's mom's show, "The Daily Grind", Massie, Claire and Alicia get invited to go to Hollywood to audition for a new teen movie "Dial L for loser". (Dylan and Kristen can't go, on account of punishments for being expelled.) Immediately, the girls are thrown into a world of fame and movie - making as they audition for the movie and meet a hot co-star. But only one of the girls gets the part and it's Claire! But don't forget that Cam, Claire's boyfriend/friend back in Westchester, is hoping that she won't fall for a teen star. What happens if she does? That I'm not going to reveal! If you want to find out the ending, read a very good book about girl friendships, or just learn about cliques, I highly recommend this book and this series.
  • A kid reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-13 00:00>

    Let me just say one thing to that teacher who wrote the review: life is so much more different now, and it is fine for a child to be interested in fashion. I am in fact 11 years old and I adore fashion; it is an art, not some fake thing. In fact, if it is so shallow let me see you try to design a drop dead gorgeous dress. You need to shut up if you say it puts kids down. It is for entertainmant, and if some kid changes themselve, it is for their lack of brain cells, NOT the incredibly witty authour Lisi Harrison. The Clique girls represent how young teens ACTUALLY are today. We say words like slut, we like fashion, boys and everything they say. We're not stupid little kids like the main character in The Girls. People like The Clique, because it is witty, mentions all the clothes we like, and just basically represents the kids of today. Lisi Harrison didn't write this book to make kids feel bad. It's on the New York Times bestseller list for a reason. And let me just say something: most "smart" adults who review this are in fact NOTHING like the clique girls, and are just stupid, so they have no say in this matter.

  • A kid review, USA   <2007-02-13 00:00>

    this book is amazing. I am 13 and these books have been a big hit at my school. while everyone else was starting the third book I started on the first I started reading it on the way to a meeting and could not put it down. I finished it that day it was so good ( I never do that with books). while reading it you enter a new worls of glam and beauty and it makes you wonder how people really live like with a closet full of prada and gucci. This book is the best I have read yet and worth mare than it costs!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-13 00:00>

    I couldn't believe how much I laughed out loud when I read this book. You find yourself really loving these girls even though they make shallow look deep. Massie and her fellow Clique members rally together to make Claire Lyons (the new girl) feel awkward and an outsider. But they didn't bank on Claire being so resourceful. I'm never going to leave my computer on when I go out, every again! What so great about all these girls is that they're not as simple as you first think they are. They all have secrets that they don't want any one to know. They hide behind their fancy labels and trendy clothes. Discovering these secrets gives you an honorary membership to their clique. It also makes you look at yourself and the mean things you've done to try and be "in" with the in crowd.
  • A Kid reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-13 00:00>

    The geek girl gets chosen for the main role in a major Hollywood movie when several other girls tried out. I enjoyed this book very much and found it very unique because of the realistic characters, interesting plot, and the peculiar settings. I would recommend this book to teenager girls like myself because I don't think many boys would enjoy it as much as a girl. It begins with a clique consisting of four girls: Massie, Alicia, Dylan, and Claire who live in Westchester and go to an all girl school called O.C.D. Massie was the leader of the group and Claire lives on her family's estate because their fathers are friends and Claire's family had moved to Westchester from Florida. Claire's father had gotten a new job and had to move the family. Claire didn't get along with Massie at first but over the previous year they became friends. Dylan's mother was the host of her own television show and had invited the girls to come and meet two guests on her show. They were teen stars Hadley Durk and Abby Boyd who were going to be in a new movie named Dial L for Loser. Before the show Dylan told Massie, Alicia, and Claire that Abby had stolen Hadley's boyfriend and everyone heard so during the show Hadley yelled at Abby and dropped out of the film. The producer of the movie, Rupert Mann, asked to borrow Massie's cell and accidentally never gave it back. Over the next few days the girls heard that he was looking for someone to replace Hadley and they received a call from him asking all of them but Dylan to try out for the part. Kristen's parents wouldn't allow her to go. The girls traveled to Hollywood and while in the studio met one of the other main characters in the film, Conner Foley. Connor was a major teen star and was there to go over the lines with them. After waiting for what seemed like forever to the girls they began to audition. Rupert Mann said that Massie seemed too confident, Alicia too beautiful, and Claire seemed just right for the part. Claire had been treated badly by her peers because of her clothes and how she acted and had done plays in the past so she fit the role of a nerdy girl. Massie and Alicia were going to stay and interview the stars of the movie for Dylan's mother's show but Massie was very angry that she didn't get the part. The girls were going to miss a dance at there school and Claire discovered that her boyfriend was going with her brother. Massie began to treat Claire badly again so Claire began to hang out with Connor and Abby instead. In the film the girl, played by Claire, likes one of the popular guys, played by Connor, and is transformed by one of popular girls, played by Abby and she had to cry a lot throughout the film. Connor and Abby asked how she cried so easily and Claire told them about what Massie and her friends had done to her when Claire had first moved there like making fun of her and they understood. During Claire and Massie's feud, Massie wanted to get back at Claire for telling Abby and Connor about what she had done. While they were practicing one of the kissing scenes Massie pulled out her phone and took a picture and sent it to Claire's boyfriend, Cam and told him that Claire liked Connor. Cam wouldn't talk to Claire when she called him and she became very upset. They finished the filming the movie and had a party to celebrate. Claire realized that Connor and Abby were only her "movie friends" and broke down in tears. Massie comforted Claire back at the hotel and patched up their friendship. When they got home they were welcomed with a party and everyone thought they were cool because of all the pictures of them with Abby and Connor in magazines. Throughout the party, Claire couldn't find Cam. Her brother came up to her and gave her a note from Cam that told her to meet him around back. Massie had told him the truth about the picture and why she had taken it. Cam and Claire were back together and Claire was thinking of appearing in other movies.

    The first reason I enjoyed this book of the clique series was the realistic and lifelike characters. Claire was slightly nerdy girl who dressed differently than everyone else. She had trouble making friends because she had just moved there. Massie was the most popular girl in school and the leader of a clique that was respected but disliked by other girls at the school. Abby and Connor were two stars who had been in several movies before so they seemed much more comfortable during the shooting than Claire had. Alicia, Dylan, and Kristen were girls who were similar to Massie who loved to be the center of attention and loved to shop.

    Another reason I enjoyed the book because of the interesting plot. The nerdy girl got the part for the main character in the film and her jealous friend tries to ruin it for her. Usually the more popular girl would get the role but in the book the other girls didn't fit the role. Claire was clumsy and peculiar just like the young girl in the movie so she didn't have trouble connecting with her character. The plot of the film was very similar to Claire's life. Claire had been transformed by Massie and her friends and her boyfriend was a popular star of a school soccer team.
    The setting was very unique and I thought it very interesting when they described the set at the studio. Through the girls' eyes it seemed as if it was a real neighborhood but it was really the area where most of the shooting would be done. The set even had a school where a lot of the shooting was done. Most of the book takes place in Hollywood on the set, hotel room, or a party and I found all the areas really detailed and creative.

    The novel was actually very interesting and I thought it was one of my favorite books. I believe that most teenager girls would enjoy the book more than adult or any men would. It would appeal to girls more because the characters talk about shopping and boys more than anything else. The original characters, peculiar setting, and unique plot were some of the many reasons I liked this novel of the Clique series.
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