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The Seven Silly Eaters (Paperback) (平装)
 by Mary Ann Hoberman (Author), Marla Frazee (Illustrator)

Category: Tale, Ages 4-8, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 98.00  MSL price: ¥ 88.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: It's an funny story about seven fussy eaters find a way to surprise their mother.
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  • The New York Times (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    Hoberman's riotous tale is spun like a Seussian fable and told, as the Doctor would have told it, in an up-tempo, whimsical rhyme. The preposterous premise sets the comedy in motion, and your suspension of disbelief goes into action ...
  • G. S. West (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    My children are 2, 4, and 6. Each is completely captivated by this book. The rhymes are almost Seuss like in their simplicity but the vocabulary is broader. After a dozen readings, each child plays the game of finishing the line.

    The illustrations build and offer many opportunities for questions like 'how many cats?' and offer wonderful sub plots.

    And for the parents, it offers a comical view of our lives as we try and satisfy the whims of our children's' appetites.
  • Carl Klutzke (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    The silly premise of this book is quite fun, and the verse carries it well, but the illustrations are where it really shines. The details are delightful. You can see the story begin on the title page, before you get to any of the words. This one's a keeper.
  • Tsila Elguez (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    When you rate a children book (one that is meant to be read aloud) you rate the book from your point of view as the vocal reader and not necessarily from the kids point of view. How was the reading from your "reading" side? is it one of the books you hate having to go through or is it fun for you as well? this book is definitely a "10" for all participants. The fatigued mother (sorry fathers, the mother is the heroine here), reading the book at the end of her full day and receiving in this book something to address her side and problems (in picture and rhyme) and the child who enjoys reading about other children funny as himself - and always loves to hear about large families. Former reviewers have saluted the rhymes of Mary Ann Hoberman but I would like to honor the great drawings of Marla Frazee. The story evolves from one drawing to the next, through time passing by - portrayed by changing seasons (Summer - bathing in the lake, Autumn - falling leaves), the mother continuous pregnencies, the part of her hobby (playing the chello) in her life - central when she had one child and then forgotten all together (thrown aside) and again appearing in the end of the story. I find it always interesting (and credible) to hear about other people's problems and this is what I feel when I look at the drawings - their house is also in a constant state of a mess (although she does do her best...), the loads of laundry... the ever lasting need to go to the store, fill the house with food (mother and father are again seen with bags of groceries), isn't that what you do all day? very real and very satisfying. I cannot comment much about the rhymes as I read the (beautiful) Hebrew translation but I am sure the translator had a great original to translate from.... I would like to stress again how I love the REALITY of this book - the kids and the house life are so normal. Nothing too pretty or cute - not the kids (each one with his own personality and each one with his own craving), and not the crowded house - diaper changing on the floor, one kid is in the toilet, seven beds in one room. You might argue about the reality of the ending but this is an ending I am sure we all wish for and a perfect ending to this perfect book.
  • Catherine Vodrey (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    Prolific children's book author and poet Mary Ann Hoberman has struck gold once again in this funny tale about the seven silly eaters (all children, naturally) in the Peters family. Mrs. Peters starts off as patient as can be, as each of the seven children develops some quirk or another having to do with size, temperature, taste, or type of food that they absolutely, positively WILL NOT EAT. She bends over backwards to accomodate their likes and dislikes, and the result is that the children are able to combine their favorite foods to come up with something wonderful for their wonderful mother's birthday.

    The illustrations beautifully complement the story. Artist Marla Frazee's work has something of a Hillary Knight look to it (think early "Eloise" by Kay Thompson), and she beautifully captures the frenetic wiggliness and activity inherent in a family with seven children. Lots of fun for children, especially ones who happen to be (or know!) "silly eaters."

  • Paul Montie (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    Playfully written, and humorously illustrated, my children love this book, as do we! We have a topnotch collection of children's books, and Seven Silly Eaters is among the favorites!

    I've never tired of reading it to the kids, and am always amused by the story's parents, whose noble efforts to accomodate their finicky, closely-spaced, delightful children drive them into the ground-only to be revived by their kids' good intentions and a little tom-foolery in the kitchen. A heartwarming, well illustrated tale of a "90's" style collaborative, do-it-yourself hip family.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    This book has character! From the interesting illustrations to the clever descriptions of the children's food preferences to the surprise ending!

    This book is wonderful to read aloud to very young children because the rhyming captures their attention...not to mention the large, beautiful illustrations! Even very young children can remember each child's food preference! Also, everyone in the family can relate to someone in the book!

    This book is also wonderful to read to a group or class! A fabulous story-starter or lesson "teaser" to get children to express their own preferences and individuality.

    No matter how many people read along, this book's great message is that Mom loves you no matter what what your personality is like!!

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