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Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story, Updated and Expanded Edition (精装)
 by Jerry Weissman

Category: Presentation skills, Communication skills, Persuasion, IPO presentation
Market price: ¥ 260.00  MSL price: ¥ 218.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A bible for power presentations, thorough analysis of the process of speech-making, with great insights, guidance and proven methods.
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  • peter frame (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-31 00:00>

    Jerry Weismann's "Presenting to Win" odyssey began in the network news and programming studios on West 57th street at CBS, America's so-called "Tiffany" network.

    His talent then for persuading the talent in front of the camera to follow his compelling and effective techniques for capturing the audience on the other side of the lens has now been dramatically transformed to the new century, the new media and today's new winning "presenter" persuader: YOU!

    Despite the vastly changing times today and the clutter of competing chatter, Weismann has broken through again with the same clarity and simple formula for success that motivated the old crowd at CBS and the new breed just beginning to break in on the air and at the podium at that new upstart network in New York, HBO.

    Jerry's talent then was what it is now : a piercing focus on giving us the winning recipe for bulls-eye communication, wherever the audience, whatever the message, whoever the voice.

    This one belongs on every desk in every shop everywhere. Rembember, we're not that far from West 57th street and 1973; it's just a slightly different climate.
  • Patrick Latterell (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-31 00:00>

    Jerry's help has been of enormous value to many of my companies over the years (at Venrock). Jerry has a unique ability to guide management teams to clearly identify and convey their key messages in a manner best suited to obtain the desired impact on their target audience. The transformation can be magical at times and we have found that not only does the management team appreciate his advice but target audience also as they are able to understand the key issues faster and more clearly than otherwise possible.
  • Les Vadasz (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-31 00:00>

    There are those rare people who can stand up in front of an audience and deliver an impromptu, high-impact message. For the rest of us, there is Jerry Weissman, who helps us create a high-impact presentation. His methodology lets you go beyond the jargon of any profession and develop a presentation that will be meaningful to your audience. Miraculously, your confidence will soar. He helped me and many others in business... and I am glad to see that he wrote a book. Beyond the logic of preparing presentations using his methods, the book is full of little nuggets that I will want to refer to over and over again. And so will you.
  • David M (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-31 00:00>

    Value simply cannot be realized unless it is communicated. Untold wealth has died on the vine because it was not effectively presented to key constituents in the value chain. In this respect, Mr. Weissman and his methods are responsible for the realization of tremendous value in the American econom over the past 15 years. Nobody teaches the art and science of business presentations better than Mr. Weissamn. He is more than the best in his class... he created the calss. I have recommended him to dozens of companies. With his help, they have dramatically improved the effectiveness of their internal and external presentations. In Presenting to Win, he makes his powerful techniques accessible to every person who cares about truly realizing value in their business presentations.
  • J. Wilson (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-01 00:00>

    This is an incredibly helpful tool. I've done many presentations in my day, but when I used this book to prepare for our annual sales meeting my presentation skills (and ratings) went through the roof.

    There are many examples in the book (although too many focused on IPOs) and more helpful than the examples are the actionable tips like using the "WIIFY."

    I have subsequently used the book to help many of my co-workers improve their skills. This is a must-have, even for the most seasoned presenters.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-01 00:00>

    You may be a skilled presentator, but your so called "support material" may be working against you. I give presentations almost every day since I work as a consultant and the audience response is better since I started following the book's advise. The book's writting is easy to understand and can be read very fast. The advice the author gives is easy to follow and it translates into achievements in real life. This book should be required reading for everybody in college, I'm giving it to the personnel under me as required reading. It's a great book. It has some typos and as verything it could be improved, but it's a great book.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-01 00:00>

    I purchased this book after the executives of my company raved about Jerry Weissman's work in helping them prepare for our IPO. Unlike many other books on this topic, I found it to be very useful because it provided a framework that was simple yet creative. The real-world examples he uses are great and they make it a more interesting read for those of us who enjoy learning more about the techniques used by successful people. Jerry is starting to conduct public seminars in the Bay Area but if you can't make it to a seminar, the book is a great alternative.
  • Roberta L. Baron (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-01 00:00>

    Jerry Weissman's book, "Presenting to Win," is a gem! Anyone who is interested in telling his/her story should read this book. It is exceptionally well written, is clear, concise, and completely holds one's attention. There are so many creative, as well, as inspiring ideas throughout. It's a tour de force!! Thank you for writing it, Jerry, it will be the next bible for the business community!
  • Paul Friedberg (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-01 00:00>

    About 99% of presentations I have been given violate all of the principles espoused in this book. Most people are thinking that more is better and that creativity is unbusiness-like.

    This book offers compelling perspective from a person whose background was in television entertainment, and who developed his perspectives through IPO roadshow presentations. If there is one message from this book, it is that your presentations should be Presenter Focused. This requires one to think through the organization, purpose and crafting of the presentation. In This book outlines the means by which you use the presentation to create the stage upon which you will act.
  • Rolf Dobelli (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-01 00:00>

    The lessons in this excellent book should be studied and applied by everyone who has to give presentations. In terms of audience connection and persuasive technique, Abe Lincoln must have known everything here (except, perhaps, the details of PowerPoint). And that's good, because you don't need anything new or fancy to give a great presentation, you just need a message and clear instructions on how to deliver it - so, here they are. The book is cleanly written with pop-out boxes, sample graphics and corporate examples. Anyone who ignores its powerful basic rules will fail at presenting. Failure means boring the audience and leaving them unconvinced and unwilling to hear more. This is your cure for those blues. The book's flaw is the author's tedious self-promotion, but he's a former TV guy, so what the heck do you expect? The bottom line, we attest, is that what he says, you need to know.
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