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The Science of Mind (The New Thought Library Series) (精装)
 by Ernest Holmes

Category: Motivation
Market price: ¥ 278.00  MSL price: ¥ 258.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Dr. Ernest Holmes has captured the essence of all great spiritual teachings, with his messages about the love, power and true nature of human beings, bringing "the kingdom of heaven within" each of us.
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  • Shaler (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-08 00:00>

    Only read this if you are willing to take full responsibility for all that you create in life! Ernest Holmes demonstrates an in-depth integration and synthesis of many philosophical and metaphysical traditions and systems of thought throughout the book. Blending these thoughts with his own understanding, he extracts a truth that is whole, intelligent, wise and uplifting. The insights, ideas and inspiration contained in this book can completely change your world view to one of power, passion, connection, strength and purpose. You'll definitely create more love in your life! Your spiritual life will be renewed.
  • Jackson (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-08 00:00>

    If you are on a Spiritual Journey then this book is a must. I have been a student of Science of Mind for seven years and the teachings of Ernest Holmes have changed my life by helping me change my way of thinking. This is not a "self help" book, nor is science of mind a religion; it is a way of life. It makes no difference what your beliefs are, you will find that this book touches your soul. This book is not a one time read; you use it daily, over and over. Take your time reading it in order to conceptualize the material and enjoy your journey!
  • Nobles (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-08 00:00>

    Since I was a teenager, I have always felt that there had to be a better way of experiencing the circumstances of life. I spent a life time searching for the happiness that I knew I deserved, but just could not find. When I came across Ernest Holmes' brilliant book, The Science of Mind, I knew, beyond a doubt, that this was what I had been looking for.

    Mr. Holmes speaks with a voice that rings with truth, faith and power. His message is consistently simple: God is a living presence that dwells within the individual, and by believing in this great power, all that we desire is provided to us according to our faith.

    I found every paragraph of this book inspiring and uplifting. Mr. Holmes uses a clear, straight-forward approach to teach you what you need to know to change your life as well as the life of other people. His method is practical. This book has given me the confidence and the mental focus I needed to transform all the negative, fearful and confusing aspects of my life into ongoing experiences of success, accomplishement and health. My wife and I have never been happier (after 20 years of marriage), my job is rewarding, my finances are in order, and most of all, I know that my relationship with God is just as it should be. I hope that I am not gushing, but there are very few things in my life that I feel a need to change. I cannot convey how rewarding it is to know that I can rely on a power that is eternal and that gives freely and consistently. Mr. Holmes has helped me to understand my place in the scheme of things, or better stated, to know who I really am.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-08 00:00>

    This seminal work has created a whole spiritual movement - Religious Science which numbers more than 100,000 people worldwide. More than any other book on metaphysics, it clearly explicates the universal laws that govern this universe and that can be understood by the human mind.

    Science of Mind is based upon the great spiritual ideas from both east and west. There is no dogma here. Rather it is a work about the power of the human mind to heal, to create, and make a better life for oneself. This is metaphysics at its absolute best.

    Please remember that Science of Mind is a textbook, not just a easy reading prose. It requires discussion and review for it to illuminate the mind and heart. Enjoy one of the finest books ever to be written about metaphysics and new thought. A gem.
  • Darrell (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-08 00:00>

    Although the language has grown out of date, The Science of Mind is a classic for anyone wanting to take charge of their life and lead a happier, more fulfilled existence.

    It should be said that it is a reference book, made to be studied, and therefore not a smooth read. For that, try some of Holmes' other works. This one is meant as a textbook to accompany classes.

    Holmes always said that he did not invent any of the ideas in this book. It is a compilation of the teachings of major world religions, science and philosophy. However, the approaches the book teaches to the practical use of prayer are truly life-changing.
  • Paul (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-08 00:00>

    This is one book that will give you more things to think of while you are reading it ,that you well have to set the book down to reflect on what you just read.This book will connect the dots on your of thoughts of how God,you and life come together with quotes from the Bible. It explaned in great detail our being.This book is worth the money.You well not be able to read this book in a short time. Read and reflect.
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