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Think Two Products Ahead: Secrets the Big Advertising Agencies Don't Want You to Know and How to Use Them for Bigger Profits (Hardcover) (精装)
 by Ben Mack (Author), Mark Joyner (Foreword), Dave Lakhani (Afterword)

Category: Business, Market, Brand, Advertisement
Market price: ¥ 238.00  MSL price: ¥ 218.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: It tells the finer points of marketing, branding and selling straight. A valuable read for any business, big or small!
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  • Jeffrey Neil (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-15 00:00>

    Ben Mack is well known as an internet entrepreneur, but also a proven branding strategist. He brings branding to small business where large corporations failed to understand in the Dot Com bust of the late 90's.

    He turns internet marketing culture on its head as he demonstrates the power of branding for the small business. He breaks through that concept that branding has no place in the "direct marketing styles" of many budding online businesses and shares new concepts and ideas that are going to be a shock to many a "guru".

    For entrepreneurs that want to learn how they can build a long term business and build a online brand instead a fly by night here today gone tomorrow business, this is a must read.

    Learn methodologies that you use to brand your business and use to build a real business online, as the book says, thinking 2 products ahead.

    If you are tired of old ways of thinking, and are an entrepreneur that really wants to build a real business, then this is a must read.
  • F. Harrison (MSL quote) , USA   <2007-06-15 00:00>

    The strange thing about this book is that Mack consistently berates big agencies as not being able to help you (meaning a small business owner) but he's a product of the flashy big agency world. He likes to gush about his achievements (awards and U.N. appearances), but if that doesn't irritate you- there is some really good stuff in this book- a lot of it common sense (your Po-dunk shop shouldn't use the same marketing strategy as coca-Cola) and some other unique perspectives like billiards players thinking two shots ahead and the Kama Sutra of Marketing.

    There wasn't much on the psychology of marketing, which I found in "How to Take Advantage..." by Morse (very good book for consumers and small busniess owners) by the way. All around, though, this is a great, easy read! If you're a marketer, you almost have to buy this book.
  • Engela Schemel (MSL quote), Switzerland   <2007-06-15 00:00>

    In a world of advanced technology we all know that closer customer relations are important...but do we really tap into this opportunity.

    Ben provide the tools to give you a competitive advantage to build longterm relationships between your customer and you and ultimately your products or services. This is a ongoing challenge to lead to trust and even greater future sales. Great branding isn't just about the product you're selling now, but about maintaining the sales momentum into the product you'll be selling tomorrow. Think Two Products Ahead uses real examples to make you understand how legendary or disastrous the correct branding campaign can be. Scary and awesome stuff!! Certainly a handbook for all to savour and use now and in the future.
  • Irwin Glenn (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-15 00:00>

    This book gets to the heart and brain of what is arguably your most important asset, your Brand.

    Mack does a great job of making it clear that brand is not a logo or any marketing message. It is about all messages, all products and their packaging plus every hire. Does that give you a clue to how important brand and branding is to you and your company?

    This book is full of actionable content and has extremely useful exercises that guide you through the process of understanding your own platform and reasons why you are in business. Get ready to believe in and create your own legend.

    Beyond mere story, your legend will be the platform from which you can build, craft and communicate your long term story that gets better over time. Need a quick fix or a tactical campaign? Don't look here. This is about new life from old wisdom that creates lasting and loving bonds with your customers.
  • Juanita Bellavance (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-15 00:00>

    Think two products ahead is a compelling book that can help you completely define your perception of your business and what it is deeply about once and for all.

    Yes, it's about branding but in a way that when you hold the mirror up to your business, you see it from an entirely new perspective. This perspective will increase your understanding, clarify your message, and deepen your commitment to your business.

    Follow Ben Mack's process for defining your brand as an essence that is visible to your clients and customers more than to you. Once you "see" it you will be able to put it to use intentionally. Until then, it is in use but not as powerfully since it is there by default. Your essence is the core of your business and exists regardless of how you manage it. Increase it's power by defining it and merging it into everything you do. Ben Mack's book, Think Two Products Ahead, will be the access to your increased clarity and results.

    I love the approach Ben Mack has taken to this subject as it calls to your soul and moves you in a way that you KNOW what you're doing now. You can be yourself and win. And as a result of Ben's way of wording his concepts, you can feel peace over your future. Knowing your essence and the pillars that go along with it, sets you free from concern. It gives you the creative surge you need to go to a newer level of success.

    I agree with Dave Lakhani when he says:
    ... I'm confident (Think Two Products Ahead is) destined to become an entrepreneurial classic.
  • Andrew Jecklin (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-15 00:00>

    "Branding is finding out what you stand for and then communicating and delivering what you stand for."

    and later on, Ben writes:

    "Branding is consistently communicating and delivering what you stand for in a profitable way."

    I have a deep respect for the women and men who dig, and dig, deeply through the trash heap, the cigarrette butts, the pieces of shattered glass inside themselves, until they discover what it is they truly stand for.

    Even more, I respect the women and men willing to communicate and deliver what they stand for.

    Ben and his book have been invaluable assistance in helping me find what it is I truly stand for and desire to accomplish.

    In a practical, Real-World way.
  • Dave Lakhani (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-15 00:00>

    Think two products ahead is a powerful book, it will completely change your view of what branding is, how it works and whether or not you should do it.

    You probably fall into one of five categories:

    1. Branding is a waste of money
    2. My company is too small to worry about branding
    3. Branding is difficult and requires specialized attention from ad agencies
    4. You are a direct marketer who lives by the idea that branding should NEVER be done in conjuction with direct marketing.
    5. You have a feeling that you should be directing your brand but are not quite sure how.

    And, if you've had any of those thoughts you need to read this book. Mack reveals the truth about big ad agencies and their "proprietary" branding strategies (and he should know, he worked on some of the biggest brands in the world, Cingular, Yomega Yo-Yos, and dozens more).

    The book makes a very powerful point, your brand is not your logo or your colors or your tag lines, Ben calls those brand accessories. Your brand is actually something very palpable in the mind of your customers, it is the associations and attachments that they have with the experience you provide them, it is real in the way that they interpret it . . . and they'll interpret it however they want if you don't take control. Branding isn't about trying to get millions of people to remember your name or recognize your logo by the effective matching of pantone colors in an ad, it is getting people to have an experience that they'll remember, that they'll talk about through a conversation and words you'll control. Brands are influential and persuasive to the extent that you can control the experience of the person interacting with you and your company. Tell them what to say about you and how to say it and they will. Leave them to their own devices and they'll simply say whatever comes to mind or forget about you all together.

    Think Two Products Ahead walks you through the process of creating your own legend platform, the basis from which you story is told and grows. The legend platform is crucial to the success of your brand, it is the base of the pyramid from which the rest of the structure of your messaging will be built and seen.

    What I love about this book is the methodical approach, the way Ben sets up, draws you through and then systematically reveals what your legend, your brand really is. And he shows you how to make your brand know regardless of the size of your company or marketing budget.

    This is a must read marketing book and I'm confident destined to become an entrepreneurial classic.
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