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Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale (平装)
 by Zig Ziglar

Category: Closing skills, Selling skills, Sales, Sales mastery
Market price: ¥ 180.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Packed with insights from the the trials of experience, this book by America's top sales professional is a real master handbook to sales success.
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  • Clint Thomas (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    What a pleasure it was to read and thoroughly study this treatise on selling by the great Zig Ziglar. I don't care how successful you are right now or how inexperienced you are, this book will take you to new levels of accomplishment.

    In Zig Ziglars Secrets of Closing The Sale you will learn from an acomplished sales master. Zig has done it. He has been in selling since 1947 and speaks from actual experience. The techniques offered here are proven, sure fire tested methods, not theory.

    This book is huge and can be intimidating to some people at 410+ pages and 38 chapters. You will find over 100 closes and over 700 questions.

    You will learn how to paint word pictures and use stories. Not only will your sales take off but your ability to communicate in everyday life will become much easier and more fun as well.

    Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing The Sale is a fun read. Zig is witty and the hardest thing I had to do was to put the book down. It's a great read.

    The techniques are easy to apply and the best part is that they work even when the client knows what you are doing. Zig also drills the concept of integrity selling and building value as well as following up after the sale.

    Five months ago, I went to work for a company that is big on the "Spin" Method of selling. Being open minded, I tried The Spin Method setting aside what I had learned from the past. I was wholly dissappointed. Two months ago, I began studying Zig Ziglars Secrets of Closing Sales and am once again making money in selling and enjoying it.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    Zig Ziglar's Secrets Of Closing The Sale is probably the best book I've ever read. Not only does it provide you with everything you will ever need to be successful in the world of selling - it thoroughly entertains as well. "Secrets" provides readers with interesting and humorous stories meticulously tied in with step by step actions and exact scripts for sales people to use in specific situations.

    All you have to do is adapt these scripts to your situation and you are ready to start selling more of what you sell.

    Zig covers - how to use a tape recorder to explode your selling power - how to use voice inflection to communicate your message more effectively - how to make you and your prospect both winners when you close the sale - and so much more.

    Ziglar even has various free items that he will send you scattered throughout the book. Just by responding I've already received three free gifts including an incredible audio casette on voice inflection. It's incredible.

    I hope to get to see Zig live one day. He's an incredibly powerful speaker and author. Get this book - even if you have to steal it.

    If you do steal it though, read it, learn to sell, sell something, get your commission, then go pay for the book. Zig deserves to get paid. He did a fine job on this one.
  • Ray Mardo (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    Zig Ziglar's Secrets Of Closing The Sale is probably the best book I've ever read. Not only does it provide you with everything you will ever need to be successful in the world of selling - it thoroughly entertains as well.

    Secrets provides readers with interesting and humorous stories meticulously tied in with step by step actions and exact scripts for sales people to use in specific situations.

    All you have to do is adapt these scripts to your situation and you are ready to start selling more of what you sell.

    Zig covers - how to use a tape recorder to explode your selling power - how to use voice inflection to communicate your message more effectively - how to make you and your prospect both winners when you close the sale - and so much more.

    Ziglar even has various free items that he will send you scattered throughout the book. Just by responding I've already received three free gifts including an incredible audio casette on voice inflection. It's incredible.

    I hope to get to see Zig live one day. He's an incredibly powerful speaker and author. Get this book - even if you have to steal it.

    If you do steal it though, read it, learn to sell, sell something, get your commission, then go pay for the book. Zig deserves to get paid. He did a fine job on this one.
  • Carmen Mathews (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    Before my first read of this book, I actually asked that question. Then, as I was 2/3rd's of the way finished, I realized that I have experienced several objections. Most of which I had accepted as reasons to move on.

    Through this book, I have learned that all sales people experience objections, and that it is the savvy salesperson who responds to those objections as though she is a guide, leading her prospect towards her solutions.

    Through reading this book, I have written so many notes in the margins, and in a binder that I had to stop to type the details out, then add to them, as I evolved.

    I really appreciate this book, because as someone who sells services, and not products, yet, I was able to write directions that work in closing sales to even the most difficult of prospects. I recommend this book to anyone, rather or not you are in sales, because this teaches you to persuade others to accept your ideas, thoughts, products and services.
  • Ben Gay (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    As of this writing, I met the amazing Zig Ziglar in Atlanta, Georgia 40 years ago. Even then, he was astoundingly good - not only at selling, but at telling other salespeople how to do what he was doing. Trust me, I know! And much of what he taught me back in those early days is contained in Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale, one of the all-time sales training classics.

    Having read some of the critical reviews of this book, and having had to listen to some of today's young "sales trainers" knocking Zig and his "old fashioned ways" (when I'm sharing the stage with them in the sales training seminars I do), let me share this with you:

    Zig Ziglar knows as much or more about selling as any salesperson who ever walked the planet... and all of us who have experienced great success in selling and sales training know it - to a man and to a woman, without exception! Further, and to make sure you don't miss my point, the "salespeople" who say otherwise aren't qualified to carry Zig's briefcase. And I cleaned that up!

    I worked with Zig. I competed against him. And, after I became president of the company we both joined in 1965, he worked for me. But I never forgot for one second how good he was... and rarely does a day go by - all these years later - that I don't use some lesson, phrase and/or technique he personally taught me.

    Summation: Buy the book! And has my permission to attach this review to any other product Zig has ever produced.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    Zig Ziglar shares with the reader how he overcame obstacles in achieving success in his life, professionally, and personally. He uses stories to show examples of the "Secrets" to closing deals. Many of the stories he shares with the reader are stories about how he was closed by good, professional sales people. He also offers dozens of closes, throughout the book, and advice on how and when to use them most effectively. This book is a must for every professional's personal library,regardless of his or her field. If you want to be a great salesman, buy the book, follow Zig's advice, and his direction, then prepare yourself for great changes.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    It amazes me that a few reviewers have stated that these sales techniques are outdated. The human mind has no evolved greatly over the past 20+ years, so why does selling have to change? As Zig points out, it's all about control, psychology, word phrasing and tones, confidence, etc. If you're a salesman and you're using slick, state of the art, 21st Century tactics, you're probably not being an honest salesman, bottom line.

    This book has everything you need to know. I mean, Everything. Some might not like Zig's writing style. It's really rough around the edges, but easy to understand. He likes to go off track, make constant "redhead" references, and in the book, he also makes outdates references, such as selling cookware door to door. But that doesn't take away from the points the book is trying to nail home. I became at least twice as confident and more educated about selling after I read this book. I'm willing to bet a beginning salesperson will increase their income by 100% with this book.
  • George Walford (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    I find it ironic that one of the reviews below states "be devious and pushy" as a summary for the book. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Ziglar constantly illustrates how important it is to understand your customer, and at all times, treat them with respect. Ziglar even mentions in the beginning of the book that a salesman who tries to be devious and pushy won't make it very far in the world of selling as his customers will desert him.

    This book is excellent for more than just selling. It can be used in every day conversation with other people to help to understand their point of view, and for them to understand your point of view.

    If you are even remotely involved in sales, you need this book.

    And, like Zig says, when you read it, make certain you have a pen in your hand and you make marks in the book.

    I have decided to add a little to my review, after selling using the techniques in the book. Using Ziglars techniques, I moved from a rank beginner in my selling field, to the third highest paid salesperson in my section in under a week. Now, one month later, I am neck and neck tied for first place in sales in my section. It is my goal to be first, and Ziglar's book must be credited with giving me this boost.

    I am now making more money in the sales field than I was in a technical computer position.
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