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Leadership and Self Deception: Getting Out of the Box (平装)
 by Arbinger Institute (Creator) , The Arbinger Institute (Author)

Category: Leadership
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This is more than a book: It's a powerful key to change - personal and professional.
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  • Don (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-02 00:00>

    This is a fascinating story illustrating a set of principles which, because of the fundimental truths involved, has the power to change lives. This book reminds me of reading "The Greatest Salesman in the World" and though different in style and scope, should be as big as any of Og Mandino's best-sellers. I believe it will be once the word gets out to those who seek inspiration from the worlds best books.

    This isn't just another "how to" type book. I personally found that I have been "in the box" of self deception for much of my life. I didn't realize, until it crystalized on the pages of this book, how much I have been blaming others for that which I should have been accepting responsibility.

    I don't consider myself a great leader of men, but this book speaks to me personally and applies to all who have relationships within this great human family.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-02 00:00>

    This is one of those rare, life-changing books. I could not put it down. Initially thinking it was a book on leadership skills, I soon found it applied in all areas of my life. It is a quick read - written in novel form - but is very thought provoking and insightful. The title is somewhat misleading. I think this is a must-read for everyone: boss, employee, teacher, spouse, parent. I especially think it should be read by anyone who does any counseling. It will forever change the way I look at people and the way I interact with them.
  • Stuart (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-02 00:00>

    Terry Warner has finally cracked the one riddle that has obsessed philosophers since the time of Thales: How is it possible to get rich from philosophy? Warner takes a handful of ideas from the same college existentialism class that most business majors ran from in terror, and repackages them so skillfully in the language of American corporate capitalism that CEO's now gladly fork over thousands for the privilege of listening to him. Naive philosophy professors everywhere - who actually made their ideas available free of charge, instead of copyrighting them as intellectual property, and setting up consulting firms to manage their distribution -can learn a lot from this book.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-02 00:00>

    This is an outstanding, easy to read book that I found hard to put down. The lesson is told as a short story in a fashion similar to the works of Dr. Ken Blanchard. The story slowly seduces you into realizing the failure of our own mental models that are hurting our effectiveness at work and at home. The author uses a childhood metaphor of a "box" to represent the mental trap that people fall into when interacting with other people. The key is rather simple in theory, but I find the practice difficult. When one has been in a box for years, it is hard to stand outside of the box. This is doubly difficult when others are still in their box while taunting you to return to yours.

    If this doesn't make sense, it will after you read this book. The insight is well worth the small price of it. I highly recommend this book.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-02 00:00>

    The Arbinger Team has done an excellent job of making Terry Warner's concept of self-deception understandable and accessible. A simplified definition of self-deception is when we feel something is right, we don't do it, and we convince ourselves that we are justified in our choice. Examples range from resisting the urge to help a coworker, to withholding needed encouragement and warmth from a child. When we engage in this self-deception, we experience others as objects: as obstacles, stepping stones, or irrelevancies. We are blind to the possibilities beyond this narrow view, and we could call this being "in the box." Perhaps the greatest hope offered by the authors is that getting out of the box is no arduous or monumental or lengthy task, though it often seems so from within our limited perspective. Outside the box, we experience ourselves and others differently, as real people, and our entire world transforms. The applicability of this book goes far beyond management and leadership: it is about who we are, which touches every aspect of our lives. This book will help you to live more true to your deepest sense of right, and more true to others. For those looking for more, additional material on the subject is available through Arbinger, such as an unpublished manuscript and short articles by Warner. The book can be seen as an introduction to these ideas, but can also be applied complete-in-itself. A comparison could be drawn to Stephen R. Covey's writing: though his books point you toward his seminars, you don't have to buy anything else in order to get enormous benefits from the practical concepts.
  • Jim (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-02 00:00>

    Great book. Hard to put down. Easy to think about later at home or at work.
    I have learned and practiced many good business management techniques. I have also had techniques used on me and felt manipulated or amused. This book will help me put a priority on a caring attitude first and only then apply, if helpfull to that person, some management techniques.

    More important, having read this book, I am aware when I need to get out of the box at home. After reading this book last week, I have already passed it on to two others.
  • David (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-02 00:00>

    The principles in this book are outstanding and timeless. I spend a great deal of time in the box myself. In fact, my boss, as well as any boss would benefit from reading and living the great concepts portrayed in this little book. My gripe about this, and any other modern self-help fable: In finding a solution to the problem at hand, a story can actually twist and turn, masking any real solution, as this book did. I don't mind reading a lot of extra words, but let them coincide with and elaborate on the concepts. The teachings found in this book are profound. The fact that it's written as a story - boo! It's not that I mind reading a lot of extra words. Author, Stephen R. Covey uses excruciating detail in his writing, without writing allegories. So does Brian Tracy, another great author. Another wonderful book on this same basic subject is: The Platinum Rule, by Tony Alessandra. Back to the book at hand: Read it. The advise is great - portrayed in a way unlike any other book on the subject I've read. I highly recommend it.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-02 00:00>

    This is a book that provides information on the foundational elements of behaviour and thus is applicable to all elements of society. I read it in one sitting on a Saturday night because it grabbed my interest. It's unique content is easily understood and deeply motivational. I believe it will be beneficial in all aspects of life to everyone who reads it. This material can change lives in a positive way!
  • Philip (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-02 00:00>

    This book will change your life. Not only is it an eye opening juggernaut but it will humble you before your friends, family, and coworkers by helping you realize how you deceive yourself. It is an easy read that you will fly through in a matter of hours. Then you will read it again! Buy this book and pass it on to everyone that you know, especially those you work with!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-02 00:00>

    This books brings a totally new meaning for the often used phrase, "Thinking Outside the Box". I currently work for a company where everyone strives to outdo another. Trying to "look good" for the boss or the public, and attending "secret" meetings. Congenial on the surface - as long as we're all part of making money. Now, finally a book that explains what this behavior is all about. The roots of the problem and a clean, unconfusing, non-hyped solution. WOW! My world has changed because of this book. Now I'm not just "Thinking Outside the Box", I'm "Getting Out of the Box" altogether. As a manager, the people I work with are real people - I see them very differently now. Thank you Arbinger! I highly recommend this book.
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