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The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick) (精装)
 by Seth Godin

Category: Motivation, Decision-making, Career development, Life wisdom
Market price: ¥ 148.00  MSL price: ¥ 128.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A great filter for viewing lots of experiences, a motivational book short on words but long on impact.
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  • Publishers Weekly (MSL quote), USA   <2007-08-18 00:00>

    Yet another easily digestible social marketplace commentary from the blogger/author who penned Purple Cow and Small is the New Big, Godin prescribes a cleverly counter-intuitive way to approach one's potential for success. Smart, honest, and refreshingly free of self-help posturing, this primer on winning-through-quitting is at once motivational and comically indifferent, making the lofty goal of "becoming the best in the world" an achievable proposition-all you need is to "start doing some quitting." The secret to "strategic quitting" is seeking, understanding and embracing "the Dip," "the long slog between starting and mastery" in which those without the determination or will find themselves burning out. As such, Godin demonstrates how to identify and quit your "Cul-de-Sac" and "Cliff" situations, in which no amount of work will lead to success. Godin provides tips for finding your Dip, taking advantage of it and becoming one of the few (inevitably valuable) players to emerge on the other side; he also provides guidelines for quitting with confidence. Quick, hilarious and happily irreverent, Godin's truth-that "we fail when we get distracted by tasks we don't have the guts to quit"-makes excellent sense of an often-difficult career move.
  • Anupam Malhotra (MSL quote), USA   <2007-08-19 00:00>

    The Dip by Seth Godin is a short book with a message that resonates close to the issue of the "honeymoon period" that many people have with projects, companies, and relationships. The author's basic hypothesis is that anything that is worth doing usually starts off with a period where efforts lead to rewards but that soon turns into a high effort / low reward situation for a while before it picks up a faster pace and heads back up... sometimes way up.

    Plotting effort vs. reward on a graph, you see the line take a "dip" after the initial period and that's the reason for the title. The author indicates that it is precisely in the Dip that too many people quit, and never actually get to the point of becoming so good at what they do that they can then enjoy the rewards that come later. He says that this is an important barrier that helps separate the truly committed from the not-so-committed ones. He also says that most work starts out feeling like "Dip" projects but some of them are actually "Cliffs" which may have a longer growth period but never recover from the steep downturn at the end. Additionally, some projects are "Cul-de-Sacs" where you continue to put in effort but never get any reward or get anywhere.

    Seth provides examples to help identify the three types of situations and provides some guidelines on how to decide when to quit Cliffs or Cul-de-Sacs. I'm not sure the guidelines are that good, but I think the concepts of Dip, Cliffs, and Cul-de-Sacs are pretty real. Most people that quit probably do so either because suffering the dip is not worth the potential rewards later in their minds, or they have decided that the situation is a likely Cliff or Cul-de-Sac.

    Overall a good book that is short and easy to read and provides a good framework for making personal and professional decisions.

  • David Dangelo (MSL quote), USA   <2007-08-19 00:00>

    This is an insightful book for anyone who has ever been frustrated with a project they questioned for a long period only to produce mediocre results. In this book, the author discusses what it takes to be the best and how to get there by focusing on your niche. Quitting can be a great tool if it leads to long-term success. The author does a very nice job of analyzing why people should quit at times and when it is time to push through the dip to achieve success.
  • Manny Hernandez (MSL quote), USA   <2007-08-19 00:00>

    When I read the title of this book I couldn't help but checking it out. What I found made me think for a little while. The gist of Godin's "The Dip" makes for more than a good theory, more than a self-help title: it's some great advice in a world where quitting is something that others typically frown upon. Yet, according to him, it may be the best thing to do, given certain conditions are met. He suggests that you decide in advance what those conditions will be, so that you don't choose to leave some unfinished business in the midst of an emotional burst.

    In general, while the book doesn't take too much time to process (you will hardly need to spend more than a couple of hours on it), you end up feeling the message could have easily been relayed in a shorter format (long blog posts, anybody?). If you can, check it out in the library or (cough, cough!) while sipping a nice Latte (or two) at your local bookstore.
  • Dan Miller (MSL quote), USA   <2007-08-19 00:00>

    Once again Seth hammers home his contrarian wisdom. In past books on marketing he's told us why traditional marketing doesn't work. In The Dip he defies one of America's revered adages - "Quitters never win and Winners never quit." As he points out the foolishness of living this out in everyday situations, the truth becomes obvious - sometimes the best decision is to quit - get off the Cul-de-Sac and redirect in a position direction.

    As a career coach I see this played out time and time again. People think there is merit and ultimate good in persisting in a job or business that is obviously going nowhere. I'm recommending The Dip to everyone I know. Every once in a while we need to have our clichés challenged to see if they really make sense or have just become culturally accepted.
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