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Less Is More: How Great Companies Use Productivity (精装)
 by Jason Jennings

Category: Business Management, Business & Investing
Market price: ¥ 268.00  MSL price: ¥ 248.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A great study of how business should be run: Stay true to yourself, your employees and your customers and success will be yours.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-19 00:00>

    My preconception about this book was that it would be the usual stuff of cutbacks and running lean operations. I found to my delight a very entertaining, quite well written account of a number of real world success stories, companies that far exceed their respective industries' performance standards by staying focused on what is really important. The example companies apply the most striking logic and simplicity in the tests and standards they apply to themselves and their businesses. And as for cutbacks, the book makes clear that cutbacks are just not part and parcel of companies that have shown over time they know what they are doing and where they are going. These top performers ask what resources they need and then execute flawlessly in ways, as recounted by Jason Jennings, that increase your awareness as to what is truly important in business today. Read for yourself and draw your own conclusions, but I can assure you it will make you think about what passes for conventional business wisdom. Thumbs up from this reviewer.
  • Stameroff (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-19 00:00>

    Jason Jennings latest book, Less Is More, has two very rare features that establish it as a classic, head-and-shoulders above other books in this category.

    The first outstanding item is easy to spot: the writing style is incisive and entertaining. When was the last time you read a book about business productivity that you thoroughly enjoyed? Even those completely unfamiliar with business tactics, financial statements and the like will find this book not only understandable but as easy to read as great fiction. And those with no background in business may be inspired to learn more, as Jennings advocates for all employees.

    The second rarity is the unflinching dedication to humility, respect for the work team, and adherence to building a culture of honesty. In the aftermath of the Enron & WorldCom scandals, we need a return to basic values and simplicity. The blueprint is here in this book.
  • James (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-19 00:00>

    I read this book in one sitting, and am going to return to it again and again. The style of writing is not only easy to read, but more importantly, the messages are simple yet profound. It is not often that I have read a book that from the first few pages gave me an insight into something that I had almost taken for granted. The concept of productivity is both easy and complex and Mr. Jennings has done what few authors are able to do and that is make the complex simple. Every owner of a business has to read this book. It is not filled with platitudes that sound good, it is filled with ideas and insights that can change a business and a life. I highly recommend it.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-19 00:00>

    Over the years I've read one how -to -succeed book after another and then I read this one. I concluded that this Jennings fellow says it straight and smart. He has done his homework and his intense research is obvious. I much appreciated that he did not just put some simplistic ideas together but had the courage to do a book that would showcase maverick but really strong thinking. With the economy pressing on businesses these days, this book would be an investment every single manager and owner should make. It 's an investment in time that will give business people the courage to be their best and do their best.; my business will without doubt be better off because I read (and will re-read) this solid book. I would like to congratulate the author and his team of savvy researchers. Just read it yourself and see what I mean about time well spent.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-19 00:00>

    Less is More seems to be a confusing title. It is more about successful companies that do more of the things that unsuccessful companies seem to do less of. It focuses on a few excellent companies that seem to have the "In Search of Excellence" qualities of focusing on customers, employees, and doing things right. Mostly ideas that are easy to agree with, but for almost all companies hard to implement.

    Stories are well told with good illustrations of points though out. Hopefully most companies will read this and look at themselves and improve. I plan on giving this book to several key people at the company I work at, and hope it will change their perspective on what is important. I urge others to share this book with anyone in a decision making position at any company.

  • Rev (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-19 00:00>

    Jennings' book is a delight to read besides being forthright, practical, and laced with humor. The language is clean and spare and does not waste the reader's time. Our economy would be healthier if all businesses practiced the principles Jennings and his team of researchers discovered in profitable companies. All overpaid CEO's should be required, no, forced to read "Less is More." Valuable book for management and employees who want to create a workplace that makes you want to come to work every day AND make a profit.
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