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Covert Persuasion: Psychological Tactics and Tricks to Win the Game (精装)
 by Kevin Hogan, James Speakman

Category: Business, Sales, Persuasion
Market price: ¥ 238.00  MSL price: ¥ 208.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This is a guidebook, a treatise on persuasion and an eye opening exploration into what is possible when persuasion is systematically and ethically applied.
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  • Michelle Matteson (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-22 00:00>

    As a former multiple business owner for twenty years and a current business image consultant, I highly value anything written by Dr Hogan about the art of persuasion and influence. Time and again, I have been able to successfully navigate tough business negotiations using the techniques I've learned through Dr Hogan's courses and books. I now have a respectable library of Dr Hogan's material and I am more than excited to add this book to my collection. My husband is an attorney and handles billion dollar contracts and negotiations for the nuclear industry. He actually carries "Covert Persuasion" with him as a reference in his dealings. That says it all!

    Anyone who cannot realize the value of the content of this book probably has little real time experience in business dealings.
  • Rolf Dobelli (MSL quote), Switzerland   <2007-10-22 00:00>

    Looking for ways to convince clients and employees to see things your way? Motivational speakers Kevin Hogan and James Speakman offer dozens of secrets of what they call "covert persuasion" - the art and science of gently nudging people to do what you want them to do. Hogan and Speakman offer dozens of specific techniques for discretely bending customers to your will. Occasionally, these techniques seem more cheesy than covert - for example, saying "Just imagine how much you'll be admired in that new car." And if you're not a fan of Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar and Jeffrey Gitomer, you may lose patience. Still, even skeptics are likely to find something they can use among the worksheets, lists and tactics outlined here. We recommend this overview to salespeople and to those who want to polish their persuasive skills.
  • William Powell Jr. (MSL quote), Maryland   <2007-10-22 00:00>

    As a student of marketing and sales techniques, Covert Persuasion sits at the top of my stack of my books on the subject. Having purchased and read Hogan's Psychology of Persuasion, The Science of Influence, Talk Your Way to the Top, and Irresistible Attraction, I trusted Hogan's skills enough to buy Covert Persuasion new and without reading any excerpts.

    I was not disappointed.

    Since the book is the intellectual child of his Psychology of Persuasion and Science of Influence, I urge you to get those books as well. All three books are overflowing with the latest research on persuasion.

    My favorite chapter was chapter number 6, entitled The Focused Outcome Mindset, which explains that to be successful, one must imagine a desired outcome, design active steps toward that desired outcome, and continue to take those steps. I got a sense as I read Chapter 6 that Hogan was not merely restating what has been put down in many a self-help book, but showing us the drive and determination it takes him to stay at the top of the marketing research and speaking games. The man is determined. (Did you know it took him five years to get The Psychology of Persuasion in print?)

    In Chapter 4, Hogan introduces us to what he calls hypnotic language patterns. I wouldn't tell you to read this chapter first, but you might want to know what it says and apply it to your career or business. If I could show you a way to learn hypnotic language patterns, would you listen to me? (I just used several of Hogan's hypnotic language patterns; read the book and find them!)

    In Chapter 10, Hogan recounts 27 Observations About People (And How to Covertly Persuade Them). Therein, you'll find such critical principles as People Do More to Avoid Pain Than They Will Do to Gain Pleasure, Negative People Infect Others. Avoid Them, Peer Pressure Doesn't End with High School and many others. These will not only help you get inside potential customers' minds, but if applied, will help you in life.

    This is the kind of book that you will leave highlighted , sticky noted, and dog-eared. When you get it you will feel as if you've got a weapon no one else has!

    Lastly, make sure you apply the techniques in the book. As he writes in Chapter 6, no book can change your life. Only you can.
  • J. C. Young (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-22 00:00>

    Kevin has written yet another facinating look at how many unsuspecting are manipulated. He will confess that many of the techniques could be used for non-ethical purposes but the art of persuasion has been around since forever. Hogan lays the book out in 55 tactics and then continues to demonstrate how to use them. (presumably in a sales situation but it could be any scenario) I was familiar with a number of tactics but some were new and very interesting. Makes for an intriguing read.
  • Phyllis Staff (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-22 00:00>

    "Covert Persuasion" is crammed full of the latest research on persuasion. While you might scan the contents in an afternoon, you'll need time and attention to make these persuasive techniques a part of your automatic arsenal. Careful, thoughtful reading will reveal a treasure of information that is available nowhere else.

    The only minor criticism I have of the book is that the authors assume a basic level of knowledge of Neurolinguistic Programming. Examples of basic terms would have been helpful. However, even for experienced practitioners, the book teaches powerful tactics and techniques. This is a serious work, a major addition to the literature of persuasion.

    If you're in the business of persuasion (and if you think you're not, maybe you should think again), buy this book. Study it, use the techniques and tactics. You'll find it well worth the effort.
  • Philip Hamilton (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-22 00:00>

    I like this book because it focuses on practical tools that work. You'll recognize some strategies and tactics, others will be new to you, and a number will surprise you. Hogan goes beyond the worn platitudes and shows what research has shown to work in persuasion. "Covert Persuasion" is packed with examples to show how you can put these tools into practice.

    I love chapters 8 and 9. We've all heard about the importance of using stories to persuade. And that's correct. But they need to be the right stories with the necessary ingredients. And they need to be told the right way. How can we avoid the mistakes that so many of us make in storytelling?

    Chapter 8 gives you 20 keys to using covert persuasion in story. You'll then read stories that grab you...because they illustrate those 20 keys. You'll be able to tell stories that move others in the direction you want.

    Chapter 9 shows how to use questions most effectively in persuasion. It's much more than making a list of questions and plowing through them. Which questions should we use in what parts of the persuasion process? This chapter gives excellent information and examples.

    The last chapter gives you four worksheets to quickly choose ways to deliver your next message most effectively.

    Anyone I can think of...whether or not they formally consider themselves as "salespeople"...will earn a high return by using these tools in daily interactions with others.
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