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What Southern Women Know (That Every Woman Should): Timeless Secrets to Get Everything you Want in Love, Life, and Work (Paperback) (平装)
 by Ronda Rich

Category: American South, Demographic differences, Cultural studies, Female reading
Market price: ¥ 158.00  MSL price: ¥ 138.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Simple, fun, inspiring and full of humor, this book tells how women are raised in the Southern USA, but it also talks about the lost art of a civilized society.
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  • People (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-12 00:00>

    Hilarious anecdotes about Dixie Chicks who have succeeded in life and love.
  • The Tennessean (Nashville, MSL quote)., USA   <2007-11-12 00:00>

    Reading her book is like watching a hilarious episode of the sitcom Designing Women.
  • Larry Shealy (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    Lord, what a fun, delightful read. There are two things I like about this book. First, this is a true, Southern voice in our finest, oral tradition. Second,there is value for men in the insider perspective on that most precious Southern ideal...the Southern lady...a.k.a. the Belle. Even men of the South (who ought to have learned by now) are often mystified by this phenomenon...and all Southern women have some Belle in them. For any man who has been strafed by a Southern woman and is still trying to figure out what hit him,this book might provide a clue; at least help his understanding of the process. And any woman who wants her fellow to understand her, might want to get a highlighter out and share. Read carefully, a man might even begin to get a glimmer of understanding of how he's being handled, and most importantly, why it feels so good. For women, this is a book about reaching full potential as a woman without diminishing femininity; rather using it to maximum advantage. This book will polarize some. It has to. But look deeper. There is gold, emotional gold, in these stories. Well done.
  • Patricia (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    I had to laugh when I read the Virginia reviewer's comments then I had to write. This is my first review but I'm doing it because I feel so strongly about this book. This is one of the finest books that women who want to be the truest kind of ladies can read. Ms. Rich's philosophy of "nice and kindness" is exactly what should be practiced in today's harsh world. Too many people are quick to be unkind and act ugly. In this lovely book, repeated emphasis is put on being thoughtful, witty, compassionate and kind.
    I, for one, believe that we need more people who will "compliment not criticize" as the author points out. She strongly asserts that praise should be shared (that's why I'm writing) and unkind words should be restrained. By doing this, she points out, you create a gentler environment for yourself and others.

    It's sad when others can be so vocally critical but, thankfully, they're the minority (or so I choose to be believe).

    If you're looking for a book that will make you feel better about yourself, choose this book. If you're looking for a book that will make you laugh, don't miss this one. If you're looking for a book that will guide you toward greater success in life both personally and professionally, this is the book for you.

    It works. When you treat others with thoughtfulness and kindness, they give you the same back. It's that easy. And that pleasant.

    I also recommend the sequel to this book, What Southern Women Know About Flirting. I didn't think that at my age (in my fifties), I needed it. But, my goodness, I learned a lot as it pertains to "social flirting" which Ms. Rich says is the "art of making others feel good about themselves so that they feel good about you."
    Now, isn't that a nice idea?
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    I received this audio-book for Christmas from a fellow southerner and a fine gift it turned out to be. Listening in the car during my daily travels, I found myself smiling, nodding and saying Amen.

    I found myself briefly distracted at the begining of the tape by Ms. Rich's accent and reading style. My first reaction was to wonder where Ms. Rich was from ( a southern habit of wondering "where your people are from" based on accent...not all southern accents are the same you know) However, I soon warmed to her and realized that giving this book reading to a "professional" would have been a mistake as we would have missed the pleasant and conversational style that is part of the charm of the audio-book.

    Ms. Rich's advice is time tested and true. I've known successful, charming women all of my life who employ many of the behavioral concepts in the book. I wouldn't go so far as to embrace everything suggested though. For instance, "the shorter your skirt when negotiating a new car price, the lower the price will be" may be true sometimes, but isn't advice I would personally endorse.

    All in all, this is a good book full of good advice. I've found her voice whispering in my ear in numerous situations lately. To her credit, most of Ms. Rich's advice produces win-win situations where everybody ends up happy. I plan to lock my daughters in the car on our next trip and let Ms. Rich give them a review of the things I hope I've already taught them !
  • Nicole (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    This book saved me from going crazy! I am a woman proudly born and raised in New Jersey but found myself in Atlanta after my husband's company tranferred him South. From the beginning, it was obvious that I didn't have a clue to understanding Southern women. I was sinking fast and, honestly, was quite miserable. Then someone kindly recommended this book. I read it and the door to understanding was cast wide open. It didn't change me into a southern woman but it helped me to understand that their friendliness and hospitality is genuine and a way of life for them. I now know that make-up is also a way of life for them. I wish I had had this book a year sooner but, nonetheless, I'm glad I found it and the mysteries of Southern life were solved for me. My husband is even happier and has offered to write a thank you note to the author for making his life easier since I'm happier and more content now!"

    While I won't ever be a true Southern woman, I found that this book has a lot of good advice for women of any region. "Choose Your Battles Carefully" is a well written, thoughtful chapter on the importance of fighting only when it's critical. Otherwise, don't waste your time. "Pretty Is As Pretty Does" was one of my favorites. The author is so right when she says that beauty comes from the inside and the courtesy with which we treat others is the truest sign of beauty as well as the most important. True southern women, the book says, treats people with kindness and refrains from rudeness and unfair attacks. That is an universal message that we can all benefit from practicing.

    I laughed, I learned and, most importantly for me, many times I said, "Aha! Now I understand!" For the many non-southern women who have found themselves living among this unique breed of women, this book is a must. For southern women, it must surely be a celebration of who they are and one they would enjoy.
  • Steven (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    This is one of the most charming and unique books I have ever read. The chapter names are wonderful and the stories Ms. Rich tells had me rolling with laughter. I read the entire book in one sitting because I could not put it down. Each chapter contained not only great stories of real life characters but important lessons on how to achieve everything a woman wants in life with class and femininity. The author's writing style and use of words are beautiful and make the book even more enjoyable. I highly recommend this book to both women and men everywhere. It is a classic.
  • Carrie Sheridan (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    Why that is a controversial statement for many is a mystery to me!

    For all the high-powered women i've known, i'd guesstimate 80% cared first and foremost about finding a great guy and being greatly loved by that great guy. It consumed their after-work hours and thoughts and focus...

    Look at sales of books like The Bridges of Madison County, all the romance novels... it's a wonderful thing to be really loved by someone and to be able to sustain a wonderful love...

    Al and Tipper Gore have it ~

    Bob and Elizabeth Dole ~

    Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker ~

    Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson ~

    The lucky ones...

    Marlo Thomas ended up very much wanting to have a baby and saying that what mattered most to her was FAMILY...

    I wish that Gloria Steinem and all the first feminists would be brutally honest about how they feel about how they lived their lives...

    Letty Pogrebin managed to Have It All - a great marriage to a great guy and a son and twin daughters during the best time to be an intellectual on the Upper West Side of Manhattan... she'd be a good person to talk to... this book is Great Fun to listen to, too ~ and pass around...

    Also the books on French women, French chic are worth reading, too... the French know how to live, enjoy life and great flavors and luxuriate in the moment... it's a rich way to live and doesn't cost anything to grab a loaf of great bread, a chunk of great cheese, some fruit, wine... and head to a local park on a lovely afternoon...
  • A reader, USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    I got this book as a gift for my birthday a couple of months ago and had not read it until a few days ago when I was on a trip. I could have kicked myself for having such a great book and letting it lay around for a while before I read it. First, it is extremely well written. The language is beautiful and lyrical, written in the kind of prose we don't see enough of any more. Second, the author is a terrific storyteller who just grabs your attention and refuses to release it. I chuckled throughout the book even in the parts of the book where I didn't agree completely (I never wear mascara)but respected the viewpoint. There are times when the author is teasing the reader in subtle ways such as in the chapter on negotiation when she advises short skirts. It's obvious that there's a sly smile behind such words. But who couldn't love a book with such adorable characters such as the cousin who believes she is married to Burt Reynolds or the grandmother who never leaves home without a shotgun! It is a charming book full of sage advice and kind spirit. I loved it so much that I'm reading it again and I am planning to buy several for graduation gifts because this is the kind of book that every young woman - Southern or not - should be armed with when she heads off into adult life.
  • Jenny (MSL quotee), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    In this book, the author stresses repeatedly the art of treating people with kindness, graciousness and good manners. How refreshing! True beauty, she writes, comes from within and radiates toward others and most battles, she points out, are won with a smile rather than harsh words. I'm all for it. I'm tired of a world where many people are quick to criticize and slow to recognize the importance of being polite and civil. Frankly, I like everything about this book because it reflects a return to a period in time when women who were feminine, ladylike creatures were the norm and not the exception. In this gentle approach to life and love, much is won and women triumph repeatedly. Southern women, without a doubt, know much about the art of charm. I have always been in awe of these women - and I admit more than a little jealous - but thanks to What Southern Women Know, I now know what they know and I have already begun practicing it with full enthusiasm. Chapters like "Pretty Is As Pretty Does," "Charm That Disarms" and "It's More Than The Drawl, Y'all" are well worth the price of the book. The other chapters are absolute bonuses.
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