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Negotiate This, By Caring But Not T-H-A-T Much (平装)
 by Herb Cohen

Category: Communication, Selling, Negotiation
Market price: ¥ 198.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Together with You Can Negotiate Anything, this book will make you a better negotiator.
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  • Larry King (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    Knowing Herb Cohen for decades, I was surprised that a book could capture his unique style and sense of humor. Negotiate This! will not only help you get what you want, but is a joy to read. Almost every page is hilarious, so that profound aspects of human behavior become pure entertainment.
  • William Ury (coauthor of Getting to Yes) (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    Whether you are negotiating with your teenager or a terrorist, Herb Cohen's new book should come in very handy. It's packed with practical insights based on decades of negotiating experience and filled with humorous stories that drive the points home. A sheer delight!
  • M. Hernandez (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    Given some of the detailed comments of other reviewers, I won't go into too much detail in my review. However, it needs to be pointed out that Mr. Cohen applied his theories for negotiating to his book with quite a lot of success, to the point where you are convinced of what he's telling you. I want to clarify that I do not disagree with his strategies for negotiating: indeed, I think they work so well, it is hard to distance yourself from the book enough, to the point where you can realize that Cohen is a master at getting (most) people into buying into his ideas.

    All in all, this is a book I highly recommend for readers of all types: the MBA type who's going through a Negotiation class, the manager who faces a tough face-to-face with someone he needs to convince, the mother or the father who needs to talk the kids into something, or simply the casual reader "passing by" who feels like having a good time flying through the pages of this highly enjoyable and very useful book by one of the world's most respected negotiators. Otherwise, you can imagine how tough it can be to receive praise such as the one printed on the book's back cover, from the likes of Donald Trump, Mario Cuomo and Larry King.
  • Reginleif (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    I first heard, and heard of, Herb Cohen on the radio when Don Imus interviewed him one morning this past year. He sounded like a late great-uncle of mine: mild-mannered and self-effacing, with an endearing Yiddish-inflected speech pattern. (And the photo on the dust jacket reinforced this connection for me, although there's no facial resemblance.) But this "average schlub" - my phrase, not his - has been at the helm of some of the world's most tension-fraught negotiations in the last several decades. When you read Negotiate This!, you can see why.

    Most of my praise for this book would merely echo that left by others, but I did want to touch on two matters. To answer the two or three people who panned it: This isn't an instruction manual, nor is it meant to be, any more than a Zen ko'an is a detailed instruction on how to live life along the lines of Shari'a. In fact, the title of this review typed above would have been a great alternative title for the book. If you want blow-by-blow instructions and nothing else, check out his earlier books or those written by others. This book tells you not only the *what*, but the "why" - and is highly entertaining, too.

    I noticed that only one other reviewer went into detail about Cohen's having tried to negotiate the Iranian hostage crisis on behalf of ex-president Jimmy Carter, or his experience in high-profile, high-stakes international negotiations in general. I think those in and of themselves are reason enough to read the book, even if you don't feel you could stand to brush up on your negotiating skills (though I can't imagine anyone who couldn't use a little such fine-tuning). As the other reviewer remarked, Cohen predicted long, long ago that we'd be having much more trouble with that part of the world in the future.

    Needless to say, he was right. And his attempts to solve the hostage crisis were frustrated at every turn because "Dhimmi" Carter refused to play the game, out of both a pathological sense of "honor" - Cohen doesn't use this word, but I got the sense that Carter considered hard-nosed wheeling and dealing beneath his dignity - and his delusion that because the mullahs were of an "Abrahamic faith," we could appeal to their "better nature" (my phrase) rather than bargain as if we were in a souk or bazaar, as they expected us to all along. Cohen's version of the story echoes the frustrations of many of us today who see others in the West grossly underestimating the threat posed to us by Wahhabi Islam.
  • Peggy (MSL quote), Canada   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    Herb Cohen has done it again! With his humor and wisdom he has created yet another masterpiece. He is brilliant in his approach of delivering a message that makes it easy for a reader to grasp and, more importantly, apply these phenomenal negotiation techniques to win in almost any area of one's life. Herb uses stories to illustrate valid points. There is simply no better way to learn. Herb makes the subject of negotiation a fun and enlightening learning experience providing so much value. Invest in this book and you'll see your investment returned to you multiplied.
  • Alvin Romer (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    I had the pleasure of attending one of Herb Cohen's speeches several years ago on becoming a master of persuasion, and perfecting the art of meaningful negotiation. Of course, by that time, his signature work, You Can Negotiate Anything was already a must read book destined to become a masterpiece. That book, now 23 years old and still packing a solid punch will find company in the aforementioned current offering. Now comes Negotiate This! Albeit, with an interesting subtitle, "By Caring, But Not T-H-A-T Much", it gives the impressionable image that there's more to the title as implication would have you view it. It is inevitable that this author's seminal work, and a new twist to gaining footholds on how to win at an effective personal developmental tool would lend one to believe that there's something new to the game, and as you read Negotiate This! you'll be able to see just how different it is, yet some of the same principles in the former are present and prominent in the latter.

    Please be reminded that the purpose of this expose is not to draw parallels, but rather, to aim the reader's perspective in communicating how personal allegorical and simple logical insight to view experienced behavioral patterns can make a difference in positioning yourself to turn no's into yeses. In this book, you will find out why Cohen is such an accomplished, successful negotiator, a talent that personifies his creative intelligence, his intense focus on using the art of persuasion and emphasizing a negotiating style that is subliminal, entertaining and flexible. The primary message in this book is the negotiator's need to cultivate a certain aloofness, or employ an analogy to suggest a detached sense of awareness but still be able to take in the seriousness of what one should be doing to win - hence the book's subtitle. I like the way he uses well-placed metaphors to color the street-smart advice on effective demeanor, an implied uniqueness to style and the importance of the bargaining process. As I read, I wanted to have the answers that kept cropping up in my head. To wit: Is it possible to create advantages in negotiations? When would you know that you have the upper hand? What ploys should be used to project a preeminent air to intimidate your adversary?

    Cohen manages to do an excellent job in explaining all of the above. As such, manipulating the perceived levels of time, information and positioning to create an advantage in negotiations is a must to foster the image that knowledge is indeed power. In the process he gives a perfect if not defining analogy of what negotiating is all about while using three precepts. He opines: "Negotiating often involves the managing of conflict. At times, however, some conflicts that come your way need not be confronted but should be avoided. If you have some perspective you can see things beginning to develop and use your lead time to adopt a blueprint of avoidance, then do so. Another strategy that comes with distance is to diffuse or reconcile differences before they even come to a head. Finally, a third option is to confront the problem directly looking for alternate solutions that will provide for joint gain and build mutually beneficial relationships"

    All in all, this is an excellent read, but may not be anything new for those that feel that it's an old treatment of an earlier atonement on the same subject. In my opinion, there were a few things of less interest, and despite the book's verbosity in odd places nothing should be taken away from the author's unique expressionism in illustrating points that can make the difference between winning or losing arguable points of contention in negotiating situations. The result is a book that is quite useful, practical, and uses Herb Cohen's experience and success as a hallmark for authoritative wisdom. Read it for yourself to draw conclusive evidence for any limitations on patience and perseverance. I rate it five stars out of five!
  • Blaine Greenfield (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    Herb Cohen's You Can Negotiate Anything is my all-time favorite book on negotiations… I still recommend it as the absolute best book ever written on the subject.

    Amazingly, that book was written in 1980 and Cohen did not write a follow-up until now… as he notes in the Acknowledgments to his latest effort, Negotiate This! "This book has been incubating in me for some time. To be sure, if you believe in the academic axiom, 'publish or perish,' I would be long dead."

    Fortunately, that is not the case. Cohen lives, and that's a great thing because Negotiate This! is a worthy successor to his earlier effort… it is filled with useful examples and practical advice that is applicable to virtually any negotiation.

    In fact, that is one of the real strengths of the book; i.e., it will be useful to a wide range of folks - salespeople, diplomats, even parents. (A whole chapter is devoted to them!)

    The key is to keep in mind the subtitle to Negotiate This!, you can succeed By Caring, But NOT T-H-A-T MUCH.
    There were several memorable passages; among them:

    - Basically, there is a twofold explanation for why we often do not achieve our potential as negotiators. One, as we've seen, is that we are too emotionally involved, caring too much. The second reason is that we have too much authority. What I'm saying is that the last person who should negotiate for a country, corporation, or business is the chief executive officer. Take that one step further and realize that the worst person to negotiate for you is-you. Clearly this presents a practical problem that can be solved by limiting your own authority. Always give yourself room to say, "That sounds good to me but I'll have to check with my board." If you don't have a board, then substitute the word banker, attorney, adviser, boss, or even spouse.

    - What is really happening? This experienced salesman was merely playing the game. He knew that offers that come from the side of the mouth in soft tones have 37 percent more credibility that those made in a normal fashion.

    - Years ago, when I was first employed by a particular government agency, they asked for my fee schedule. At the time, I really wanted this assignment, but we both knew there was no way they could afford my regular price.

    Then, during a face-to-face meeting, I said, "Honestly, I want to work with you on this. Since I trust you 100 percent, I know you'll get me as much money as you can. Whatever that amount is, I'll still do it."
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    I read Negotiate This! By Caring But Not T-H-A-T Much over a weekend and found myself constantly smiling and laughing out loud. Afterwards upon reflection, I realized that this is a serious and profound work about human behavior. What the author has done is give us another lens or dimension through which to understand and predict human beings and their behavior. It's an empowering work that I would highly recommend.
  • Michael Goldstein (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    Once again Cohen has knocked another homerun out of Ebbetts Field. This kid who negotiated on the streets of Brooklyn and now does it for the U.S. Government and Fortune 500 Corporations is the best negotiator in the business. I would not want him to try to buy a car off of me if I were a car salesman. This book is the best I have read in negotiation techniques. Cohen gives you the skills necessary for you to enter any negotiation and come out a winner. A must by for the businessman as well as the housewife.
  • Donald J. Trump (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    There's an art to deal-making and negotiating, and it's an art that few people possess. Herb Cohen is one of those few people. I know a lot about making deals, and Herb's book is a terrific read in every way.
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