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How to Master the Art of Selling (平装)
 by Tom Hopkins

Category: Selling skills, Sales mastery, Persuasion
Market price: ¥ 178.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: First published in 1982, this book is a classic in sales literature spelling out striking formula for selling success.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    I have to admit that I was not initially a fan of Tom Hopkins. To me he comes across like a used car salesman with a high pressure type of sales tactic.

    My business is network marketing, and we use a soft sell approach. I was conferring with the top rep in my group who is making some insane income in our company. I asked him what he attributed to his success and he mentioned several books and tapes, but when it comes to selling, he said Tom Hopkins is tops.

    I was at my favorite bookstore on Friday and was happy to see that the new and and revised version of this book was just released. It has a purple cover and large print. Over 420 pages loaded with information. I spent four hours non stop reading this great text, the most informative sales book that I have ever read. This is indeed the bible of salemanship.

    Nice intro by Mr. Hopkins mentor, the late J. Douglas Edwards. Then on to what makes a great saleman. Chapter after chapter by Hopkins covering every aspect of selling. I used some of Hopkins techniques earlier today, qualifying prospects and working on presentation skills ala Tom Hopkins. I began to use "tiedowns" and the the "ben franklin close" and have to admit I felt a little silly at first, but it worked!

    I can't wait untill I truly master all of the skills Mr. Hopkins presents in this masterpiece. Then I will really be dangerous.

    Right now I am only halfway though the book. Wait untill I finish it and master these skills!

    Thank you Tom Hopkins and Warner Books for releasing this new and revised version.
  • Michael Davis (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    "Successful people begin where failures leave off. Never settle for 'just getting the job done.' Excel!" -Tom Hopkins

    Sales ability often means the difference between success and failure for people starting a new business. In fact, you must be able to communicate your ideas to others to be successful. Also, you must instill a sense of "need" into the minds of your prospective customers so they will purchase your company's offering in sufficient quantity to convert wants into needs. Overall, this book offers great insight for the business owner. After scanning the book the business owner should give this book to each and every salesperson in their organization.

    Tom Hopkins is considered one of the foremost experts in the world of Sales and in his book he shares much of his insider knowledge. "How to Master the Art of Selling" is an awesome book on the intricacies of selling. To be honest, it is somewhat hard-hitting and his approach to closing is on the assertive edge. When reading and applying the techniques in this book, or any other book, always adapt the information to the times. While written in 1982, it is still a timeless classic when tempered with today's knowledge - particularly in reference to closing. Today it's less about closing and more about opening relationships.

    Rather than attempt to tell you all of what's in this classic, here are the contents:

    1) What the profession of selling really is
    2) The twelve sources of sensational selling success
    3) Question right and sink your teeth into sales success
    4) Creating the selling climate
    5) Why don't I do what I know I should do?
    6) Learn to love no
    7) Referral prospecting
    8) How to find fortune and felicity with the phone
    9) A spectator sport buying is not
    10) Put champion selling power in your presentations and demonstrations
    11) Finessing the first meeting
    12) Qualification is the key to Quota-Busting
    13) The objection connection
    14) Closing is sweet success
    15) Twelve power closes for aspiring champions
    16) A clutch for moneygrabbers
    17) How to perspire less and profit more from paperwork
    18) Fortune building starts with time planning
    19) How to sell your way out of a slump
    20) The most necessary skill of all
    21) How to sell to the most important people you know
    22) Five more power closes for aspiring champions

    I'll leave you with this striking formula for success - G.O.Y.A. that is explained on page 265.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    I highly recommend anyone that wants to succeed in business to read this book and act on it's lessons. I owe my success to the teachings of Mr. Hopkins. I have earned more in the field of selling for my family than I ever dreamed possible.
    I didn't always achieve at a high level - I was introduced to this book many years ago when I had trouble paying the monthly utility bills! After learning the Hopkins basics in this book my self-esteem and income soared! I am now in the top of my field and I still come back to this book regularly for refreshers. Do yourself a favor and get this book.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    I am a VERY successful media salesperson and was introduced to this TAPE SERIES right out of college. I had NO clue of how to sell and this tape series gave me the solid foundation upon which to build. After a few years I read How To Win Friends And Influence People and after I put both of these works together, it was MAGIC! I am the most successful salesperson in my industry and I constantly have clients "BEGGING" to give me all of their money. The interesting thing is that money is not the reason that I am in sales. However, I have more money than I could possibly spend! And, when I asked a close associate why she thought all of this was happening, she and I sat down and figured it out. The answer was that the principles of both of these works have become such a part of me that I hadn't realized how Effective, Unique and Valuable they were. At one point I said to her, "Doesn't everybody treat their clients this way" and she said- THAT'S IT! You really DON'T get it! That's why you're SO GOOD! It's not an act. You're sincere and the fact that you actually care about them really comes through and sets you apart so much!
    Enough said.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    How To Master The Art of Selling is actally much more than just a classic and even more than a masterpiece. It is the bible of selling. Tom Hopkins took what he learned from J. Douglas Edwards, refined it and shows you literally how to master the art of selling.Before reading this great book by Hopkins, I was just an average salesman trudglying around. The methods and technqiques described b Hopkins herein transformed me. How To Master The Art of Selling changed forever my ability to sell and also my belief in the profesion of selling.
  • Rolf Dobelli (MSL quote), Switzerland   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    Copious strategies for becoming a salesmanship champion fill the pages of Tom Hopkins' book. This is a handbook for those who are eager to become sales masters, but are asking themselves, "What do I do next?" "How do I deal with a procrastinating client?" or "How can I effectively present my product?" Hopkins conveys instructions and suggestions through a variety of sales conversations. The author, a master salesman, is obviously enthusiastic about helping others succeed in sales. His strategies, which are based on seminars he teaches, include steps for organizing and writing a successful sales presentation. He also provides strategies for closing sales. The information could be more compact and less repetitive, but it is logical and sometimes even funny. We from getAbstract recommend this book to people involved in all levels and aspects of sales.
  • Bill Koss (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    I just recommended this book to friend who is at a new startup company. I first read the book in 1994. I went from a good sales person to a top sales achiever using the techniques found in this book (I sell million dollar communication systems). The principles defined in this book are timeless. I make a point to read this book every year. Sales people fall into habits and become lazy. This book will help keep you sharp and with each read, I find a new insight in the book. I have also met many sales people who read the book each year - a spring training to reinforce the fundamentals of excellence. Thank you Mr. Hopkins...
  • Ruel Smith (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    Most salesbooks offer some closes and alot of useless stuff designed to pump you up. This book breaks down the selling process from greet to close and shows you how to properly do it. It's not written for any one type of sales career, but applies to many. My only problem was that my salesmanager wouldn't let me implement some of the tactics, insisting that I do it his way. I've used most of the tactics in this book, and while they won't always work (nothing always works) they have worked for me more often than not. This book should be mandatory reading for all new salesmen and experienced salesmen should review it periodically to brush up on their skills. When you finish with this, join his monthly cassette club. He takes a different subject every month and goes through it thoroughly.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-26 00:00>

    How to Master the Art of Selling is a book that must be read by anyone planning on entering the sales profession, and everyone currently in sales. No matter how good a salesperson you believe yourself to be, your sales skills can be sharpened by the information contained within the pages of this book. Tom Hopkins has been a master salesperson for many years. He has taken the time to compile all of his proven sales techniques and list them in an easy to follow format. Since I read this book, my sales have increased dramatically. Even though I have read this book from cover to cover many times, something new is gained every time I read it. You don't have to be in sales to benefit from the knowledge that is in this book. What you are selling does not necessarily have to be a product. It could be a point of view or an idea. How would you like to be able to talk someone into or out of something? You will be able to, if you follow the guidelines that are in this book. You will have a better understanding as to what people think about when they make decisions. Mr. Hopkins calls the people who have mastered the techniques in this book "champions". He says, "you know the champions when they walk through the door." If you want to be a champion.
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