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When Bad Things Happen to Good People (平装)
 by Harold S. Kushner

Category: Spirituality, Inspiration
Market price: ¥ 118.00  MSL price: ¥ 108.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Wise and compassionate advice on how to cope with tragedy, what to do about anger and how to keep from feeling guilty.
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  • Norman Vincent Peale (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    This is a book that all humanity needs. It will help one to understand the painful vicissitudes of this life and stand up to them creatively.
  • Norman Cousins (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    Almost every great novelist has dealt with the theme of inexplicable illness... Harold Kushner deals with this question with deep insight and provides invaluable reassurance.
  • Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    Offers a moving and humane approach to understanding life's windstorms. It raises many questions that will challenge your mind and test your faith regarding the ultimate questions of life and death.
  • Andrew M. Greeley (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    A touching, heart-warming book for all those of us who must contend with suffering, and that, of course, is all of us.
  • Lauren Vettel (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    This is the least preachy bible study I've ever read. Kushner divides his chapters by themes and suggests, but does not demand, a theological answer which supports his thesis: that an all-knowing God can server the cause of good yet not function as a safety belt. He supports it with elements from his own experience.

    Since his language is comforting and conversational, anyone can relate to him as a speaker. Well worth it!
  • Brit Girl (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

     I singled out this book as I felt I'd come to a fork in the road of my life. I could choose to be bitter after the premature birth and death of my son or I could try to seek out better ways to live my now very different life. I started this book dubious of its content. I expected to be lectured. Instead I found myself reading with an open mouth; shocked at how accurately my loss was explained. It was as if this wonderfully gifted rabbi had invisibly witnessed the events of my life, the times when my relatives would say the dumbest and most cruel comments. Instead of being talked at, I found I was reading a book a kind friend had written just for me. I am not religious or spiritual, I guess you could say I'm confused, however his book has opened my eyes to a different, kinder religion than the one I had always felt was judgemental.

    I have since purchased the anniversary edition and this book will be one of my most treasured possessions. If you feel life has let you down, if you feel every door that was once open has been slammed in your face, if you feel alone in your sorrow and have nowhere else to turn for relief, this book is for you. It won't make the pain go away, but it will make the pain and sorrow less personal. You will no longer feel `why me', you will just realize that it is what it is and that in itself will make your pain easier to cope with. This is certainly how I feel upon it's ending, I hope you experience the same comforts.
  • Cindy (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    I was floundering, wondering if I could ever trust God again with the safety of my family after the death of my 19 year old son in a collision with a drunk driver. I did not understand why God did not protect Christopher, after all, I prayed constantly for his safety. I could not see how any sin I may have committed was so bad as to cause another person to lose their life. I could not reason how my son's death could benefit the world in some great Master Plan. I was SO SO angry with God until I read Kushner's book. I now realize that God cried too when Chris died. The man who killed him had free will and chose to drive drunk. He was driving a vehicle much older and larger than my son's Honda Civic. The laws of nature took over. This book does not go against God in any way - it reaffirms God's love for us and his wishes for our safety. And it literally saved my life.
  • Jen (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    Very helpful - honest, real. Helped me deal directly and honestly with the anger and sense of abandonment I felt toward God after my father passed away. At that time I had prayed so much and he still died. I was feeling so helpless and lost. Kushner helped me see God is walking beside me through the hard times, and is not the source of the 'bad things'. This book was very helpful for me.
  • Chris Anah (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    Gives an excellent perspective of the every day’s unexplainables of life. I picked this book up just a few days after loosing one of my close high school friends in a car accident. At first glance I thought this book was going to be just another religious book explaining why the author feels god takes the lives of our loved ones. However this was not the case, instead Kushner does and absolutely outstanding job of making the reader form their own opinions on the issue of why they think god makes the decisions he makes. I recommend this book to any one who is going through the tough times of losing a loved one. This book relates on all levels no matter what religion you are.
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