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The Little Prince: Sixtieth-Anniversary Gift Edition (精装)
 by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry , Richard Howard (Translator)

Category: Fiction, Fantacy, Ages 9-12, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 268.00  MSL price: ¥ 248.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
Other editions:   Paperback
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: It is a classic observation of which are important when you're traveling along the path to self-actualization, talking about love, hope and dreams, which will grow with you.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    It was the best present that I ever got. It’s the only book that I’ve read four times already. It’s no children's book, it's perfect for grown ups who just couldn't seem to find some answers to the questions as to what matters to them most. It’ll tell you that happiness don't just come in big packages but in most simple things. It’s definitely one great book!
  • Tori (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    This is the only book that survived the many moves between my early childhood and these, my middle years. I pull it out every year or so simply to reconnect with the profound truths Antoine De Saint-Expery revealed about friendships and love. I came across this edition on Amazon when searching for gifts, and quickly stocked up for Christmas. A great story for children, an even better one for adults.
  • Lisa (MSL quote), Thailand   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    At first, The Little Prince was like an ordinary fantasy story for children. With people living on stars and talking flowers, I was surprised that it was chosen as an 8th grade reading novel. As I read this chosen class picture book, I soon understood how it’s very meaningful, thought-provoking metaphors may be what are so special and hard to understand about the book. In my opinion, I think that some of the metaphors mentioned are a little too confusing to interpret. I believe that for younger readers, they will probably be able to read the book as a fantasy novel. For older readers, beginning at around my age, I believe is able to read this in a metaphorical way. It is very meaningful and gives a lot of thoughts for readers.
  • Hadi Jalali (MSL quote), France   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    Many people stop reading children's books when they grow up. They're wrong. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry turns here to words one of the most beautiful and magical adventures you could ever think of and even ten years passed since I last read The Little Prince, it still makes me laugh and cry like a kid. The book comes with simple and poetic drawings made by the author himself, adding another dimension to his fantasy. Pure, heartwarming magic that you hardly find in today's world. A classic, to be read in its original French version.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    When you read it for the first time you would think it is only a kids’ book. I have read this book at least 10 times now, and every time it teaches you something new about the little prince travels, his experience with the different planets, and people he meets. The little prince adventures leave the biggest influence on the adults, and the way they look at life. He shows how people have changed so much, and how they have lost the value in seeing the beauty in the small things. Everything seems the same to them, and their actions demonstrate that. The little prince left his planet, to understand the people more, and to find the best rose he can ever find, after all the traveling he did, and the questions he asked, he discovered that being content and making the best of what he had is the right way to approach life, he just wished everybody saw it the same way. If you never read any other book in your life, make sure you read this one.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    I hope if you are reading this, that it means you have already heard of or read this delightful book. It is lovely and by no means just a children's book. I have learned, though, that there is now a second translation of this story. The first translation was by Katherine Woods, and in my opinion it is superior to the more recent translation by Richard Howard. Woods captures the feel and character of the prince and narrator far better than Howard's, whose translation seems merely an attempt to make money by retranslating a classic. I seriously recommend you read and buy the Woods translation rather than the most recent.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    This wonderful story, with its profound lessons on life, is like a gentle old friend to me. I first read it as a child, despite my father's warning that some of its subtleties might have to wait until I was older. This happened in another world, another language. Later, as a teenager, I was surprised to learn that in America The Little Prince was considered to be a children's book. Out of curiosity, I read the book again... I smiled to remember my father's comment. Over the years I have read this little gem of wisdom again and again and again. At my wedding, the judge read the passage in which the little prince returns to the rose garden, only to discover how special and unique his own rose is. As for the taming of the fox, I know of no other instance in literature which captures the true nature of friendship quite like this. This wise little fox keeps hanging around my life... Surely, no child can truly understand "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." And yet, aren't the lessons in The Little Prince precisely what most of us really want to teach our children? Perhaps these very important lessons take a whole lifetime to learn... My husband and I have read The Little Prince to our daughter on several occasions. And that cunning friend fox keeps getting into our conversations. Can it be that he is now helping me raise my own daughter? You bet.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    This has become the standard guide book for behavior. First read as an adult, I now expect any new friend to have read it. Also great for reading aloud, especially while traveling, whether kids or adults are in the audience. The language is poetic and easily accessed, even in translation. The lessons in behavior are universal, kind, as well as thought provoking.
  • Kaila (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    I am not sure how I can best explain this book. I read it first a number of years ago in French, and ever since then it was been my staple gift for people - anyone who does not have a copy of The Little Prince, I promptly spend the nine dollars it costs me so that more people can understand its beauty. It’s like I have a circle of effect around me in which everyone has read The Little Prince because of my influence. I cannot praise it enough. It is a children's story with layers, and adults can enjoy the more philosophical portions of it. For a children's book, it is sad. I have read it out loud a number of times and I always choke up at the end, as well as my listener. The story is touching and memorable, melancholy but optimistic. And every time after you read it (especially if it is with your child), you can go out at night and look up at the stars and ask, "Has the sheep eaten the flower?" And you will see how this book can make everything change! I cannot supplicate you enough to permit yourself the pleasure of reading this story!
  • Frida (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    What hasn't already been said about this charming book, The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince). Although it's a children's fable, it could easily be relatable to people of any age. What makes The Little Prince quite charming for children is how it takes you into a chimerical, imaginative, and creative world that's similar to the fables they're used to reading (such as Aesop's), and for adults, how it reminds us how simple and magical the world used to be when we were young. As an adult, I felt like a child all over again from reading this book. Back in those days, I used to raise flowers and snails since I was an only child and couldn't have pets inside of the house. Of course, I was considered strange for caring so much about these things that are the most ignored and pointless to most people. Seeing the Little Prince's relationship with his rose and the fox reminded me of my own experience with nature. This book has other philosophical dimensions as well, but at best I feel that this is a story that still, despite its depth, be looked upon through the eyes of a child, even if you're 18, 30, or 60.
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