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More Than a Pink Cadillac: Mary Kay Inc.'s Leadership Keys to Success (平装)
 by Jim Underwood

Category: Leadership, Corporate history, Entrepreneurship, Business
Market price: ¥ 178.00  MSL price: ¥ 168.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Conceive, Believe, Achieve, And Lead. This book provides great insights on how Mary Kay Ash built a successful firm through these principles.
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  • Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    Mary Kay Ash built one of America's most admired companies. She turned her $5,000 investment into a billion-dollar corporation, and along the way helped thousands of women launch successful careers. This book is filled with the inspirational tales of modest women with grand expectations. Their stories are proof that success is based on choices, not circumstances.
  • Cheryl Richardson (author of Life Makeovers) (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    If you want to understand the true foundation of success, read this book. Then, take action and put [Mary Kay's] philosophy to work for you!
  • Alexis Hart (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    When I decided to start my own business, my goals were lofty and to the average person unattainable. Many people in my life were unconvinced that I could accomplish them. Desperate to grown personally, I began working my way through self-help books and the like. By mistake I picked up More Than A Pink Cadillac and my life was forever better. Jim Underwood offers us a look into the life of a remarkable woman who refused to let anyone hold her back. Not only does this book share her personal/professional journey, it shares the journey's of women just like myself. It's not just about business, it's about people. It reminds us that this world is nothing without the people in it. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has ever thought they couldn't make it matter what "it" is. Pure inspiration!
  • Rolf Dobelli (MSL quote), Switzerland   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    Mary Kay, Inc., is perhaps best known for two things: the cult of personality surrounding its founder, Mary Kay Ash, and the fact that it rewards successful salespeople with pink Cadillacs. In this illuminating book, management expert Jim Underwood delves into the guiding principles of Mary Kay, Inc.'s daily operations, which remain, 40 years later, true to Ash's founding vision. Countries or corporations founded by a charismatic leader often sag or sink when that leader inevitably steps down. Mary Kay's leadership was unique in that she built a solid foundation for the company so it could continue without her day-to-day guidance. This corporate biography represents the first time the privately owned company allowed an outsider complete access to its managers and employees, enabling Underwood to persuasively illustrate nine leadership rules with testimonies from members of the "Mary Kay family." We recommend this to anyone who aspires to leadership. Mary Kay may look fluffy, but it's all about the firm.
  • David Casey (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    The examples of good leadership given in this book are very interesting and inspirational. It shows clearly that being devoted to your employees can motivate them towards excellence. The advice given however is the mostly the old adages you've heard countless times: "think and act strategically", "have a higher purpose", "innovate or evaporate". In terms of format it's similar to "7 Habits": a maxim is introduced and then examples are given to illustrate it. If you are interested in how Mary Kay got where it is and its management principles this is a great book. As a general leadership book it offers similar advice as many other business books.
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