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But Not the Hippopotamus (Board book) (精装)
 by Sandra Boynton

Category: Picture books, Ages 0-3, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 88.00  MSL price: ¥ 78.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A bright and simple Boynton’s book combining witty and silly rhymes along with her trademark humorous cartooning style.
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  • C.B. Radley (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    I picked this up at a book store and giggled at the final line..."but not the armadillo" and just had to get it for my 3 year old. It has since become her favorite book by far! My husband began reading it to her when we tucked her in for the night, and she too giggled at the story. Now she pretty much has it memorized and reads it to us! Too funny hearing a 3 year old trying to say "hippopotamus". She even uses inflection in her voice when she recites "Hey! *mumble mumble* of us!" and "But YES! The *mumble mumble* -mus!" And her dad and I still giggle when she says "*mumble mumble* -dillo." Heehee. Then she says "THE END!" And puts it on her "nightstand" (really just her toy kitchen) and says "Night night!" *Sigh* what a great way to end the day. Just a precious book.
  • A. Saggau (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    My daughter is only 16 months old and I'm sure she'll have many "favorites" over the years but "But Not the Hippopotamus" is her FIRST favorite book. My husband reads this book to her several times a day. It's the ONLY book she "asks" to read. The other books in her collection she likes to look through but when we read them to her they do not hold her attention like this one. She likes this one so much that I'm adding other Boynton books to our collection tonight.
  • Kim (MSL quote), Belgium   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    My nearly 3-year-old loves, loves, loves this book. Heck, her nearly 35-year-old mother does, too! Although she doesn't know how to read, per se, she has quickly memorized the book. So she now wants to read it to me. She turns the pages and tells me what's going on and loves saying, "but not the hippopotamus." And when the hippo finally gets with the program, she giggles to no end that the armadillo is now the hippo. I also bought the Going to Bed Book and Moo, Baa, La La La at the same time. They all get a nightly read.
  • Mona Gracen (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Sandra Boynton writes some of the funniest children's stories. She must truly have a wonderful sense of humor. I have always loved her book "Cloe and Maude" and now that I am a mother I have discovered her books anew. I found "But Not the Hippopotamus" in the grocery store - it made me laugh out loud right there in the baby aisle. I had to buy two - one for my daughter (who is 5 months and loves it) and one for my best friend who is due with her first child in September. This book has such a great rhythm to it and the ending is too cute! Of course Boynton's drawings, as always, are adorable and full of personality. I think I have just about all of her books on my wish list! Really a must for the night-night library of a young baby. I never get tired of reading it.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    We love this book so much we have 3 copies, 1 for each child! I know the book by heart, and my 5- and 2-year-old are close. We prompt our girls to finish the lines as we read along. They can even "read" the book to each other. This book is filled with wonderful rhymes, and a silly story kids love. It also provides parents with an opportunity to teach kids an important lesson: be nice and include others when you play.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Sandra Boynton is an absolute genius with words and pictures. Seriously! But Not the Hippopotamus is one of the cleverest - driest - most delightful of all of her board books for wee ones. All four of my children absolutely loved it. You should hear my husband read it out loud. No, really. He's a master at Boynton-out-loud reading. One disappointment of this newer edition of the book is that the language has been a bit "dumbed down." The first page of the original edition reads, "A hog and a frog cavort in a bog." I suppose Ms. Boynton's editors figured that a lot of people don't know what the word "cavort" means. Well, they won't know, will they, if editors remove words like that from books?? At any rate, I highly recommend this - and any - Sandra Boynton board book for your toddler or preschooler. They are, each and every one of them, a refreshing move away from the cloying, poorly written, overly-cutesy garbage that is littering the bookshelves these days. Trust me - you and your child will both be delighted by this book!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    Sandra Boynton is an absolute genius with words and pictures. Seriously! But Not the Hippopotamus is one of the cleverest - driest - most delightful of all of her board books for wee ones. All four of my children absolutely loved it. You should hear my husband read it out loud. No, really. He's a master at Boynton-out-loud reading. One disappointment of this newer edition of the book is that the language has been a bit "dumbed down." The first page of the original edition reads, "A hog and a frog cavort in a bog." I suppose Ms. Boynton's editors figured that a lot of people don't know what the word "cavort" means. Well, they won't know, will they, if editors remove words like that from books?? At any rate, I highly recommend this - and any - Sandra Boynton board book for your toddler or preschooler. They are, each and every one of them, a refreshing move away from the cloying, poorly written, overly-cutesy garbage that is littering the bookshelves these days. Trust me - you and your child will BOTH be delighted by this book!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    We own a few Sandra Boynton books, and this one is, by far, both my baby's and my favorite. My daughter is four months old, and her face lights up when I read "But Not the Hippotamus" to her. I think she enjoys it because of a combination of the pleasing rhythm and the repetition since I read or recite it to her multiple times every day. I've read this book so many times, I now have it memorized but still find it thoroughly amusing. The characters are participating in such delightful activities, and the illustrations are perfect. I plan to buy this book as a gift every time friends or family members have a new baby.
  • Sandi Jones (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    This is a great little book to read to the little people. The illustrations are humorous, and the rhythm and banter of this book is great. All of the Boynton board books are worth having, but this one is a particular gem. If your child is to the age that they like the notion of call and response songs and books, they will love this book. As you will see, everyone in this book is living it up, and we see them all doing fun things. But at the end of every little scenario you get, "But not the hippopotamus" (It is amazing how quickly a child can learn to say hippopotamus, or what variations on that word a child will create!) But, don't fret for our poor hippo, he does get a happy ending, but... read the book! I won't give the spoiler.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    I used to love reading this book to my niece. Six years later when I became pregnant this was the first item I bought! I brought it home and couldn't wait to read it to someone so I read to my husband! He was equally thrilled with it. I started reading it to my daughter from day one. By 4 months she would start crying if I stopped reading it so I often had to read it to her several times and then distract her. A year later she still loves this book. She can be crying, in a bad mood or completely falling apart but if I start reading it to her she immediately perks up. In fact today we were in the car and she started getting antsy. I just started reciting the book (I memorized all the words long ago) and she calmed down. She now is at the age where she sits down with the books and looks through them herself, pretending to "read" them. We have many of the Sandra Boynton books and she loves all of them. Another thing you need to think about as a parent is how do you like the storyline? That is a very important factor. Think about it. You could be reading these books, possibly daily, for the next 2 years or more. Better make sure it's a book you can stomach for that long. These books are easy to read, with cute characters and are just the right length. I would rather spend a lot of money on endless books such as this, which provide educational value, one-on-one interaction and entertainment than spend a lot more money on numerous electronic toys that she will quickly outgrow. The best gift you can give your child is to take the time to read to him/her. These books make it not only possible, but enjoyable. I highly recommend these books.
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