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Philadelphia Chickens (精装)
 by Sandra Boynton

Category: Bestsellers, Music, Picture books, Ages 4-8, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 178.00  MSL price: ¥ 168.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A family musical book which is a light-hearted presentation of a mixture of great 20th century musical styles.
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  • Clarissa (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    I think our children and grandchildren will regard Sandra Boynton as we and our parents regard Dr. Seuss. As usual, her stories are adorable. I saw highlights on the today show this morning and had to go buy it today. My daughter's a little young for it (7 months) but her 2 year old friends loved the music. It's a children's CD I like and do not find annoying (such as those by that purple creature). The book is well done. There is a page for each of the songs with an illustration. There is also sheet music and lyrics for each song in the back of the book. I'm sure we'll cherish this one for years to come!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    The Philadelphia Chickens music is fun and upbeat, with a variety of celebrity singers and kid-oriented themes. It is great for all ages, especially babies, toddlers and pre-Ks. My little toddler "be-bops" to the music and claps her hands. Her dad and I love the tunes, which help explain common children's feelings, questions and desires - the cookie that is out of reach, dinosaur blues, why adults are on the go all the time, wanting a new puppy... It also has funny songs like the belly button song and sounds that cows make. The CD has provided our family with hours of fun.
  • Karen (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    I purchased this book/CD for my grandson. He has many of Sandra Boynton's books; they are among his favorites. At nineteen months, he loves to have books read to him. Since he loves music, I decided this would be a wonderful addition to his library at my house. He loves the songs. He and I dance and act out several of them. He is even attempting to sing along in his own way. The songs are fun, each one different, catchy, and of course very funny. They put a new perspective on the regular books by Boynton. Probably his favorite is "Be Like a Duck" which gets played several times each time he comes over (2-3 times per week). Needless to say, we both have fun. I really like the fact that the words to the songs have been included for easy reading when he is ready to read. As well, each song is listed a second time with the musical notes. I plan to purchase the other two books/CDs that are available-Rhinoceros Tap and Dog Train as I fairly confident from the reviews my grandson and I will love them.
  • Cynthia (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    The Philadelphia Chickens has been an instant hit with my grandchildren and friends who are children. One friend reports that every time they get in the car, the Philadelphia Chickens is the only CD her children want to here. They learned all the songs by heart within a week. It's wonderful!
  • A. Adams (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    My 18 month old loves the songs especially in the car. "Like a Duck" and "Chocolate Chip Cookies" are the favorites. The songs are not annoying so even grandma can stand it being played over and over again. We especially enjoy the ability to sing along and in the future read the sheet music.
  • Carol K (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    If I could give this great picture book and music CD a rating above five stars I'd do it in a flash. We've been listening to Philadelphia Chickens for two years and have worn out two CD's. No matter, though, because the more times we buy it the more books we have to keep in car seat pockets to avoid fights over who gets to hold the book. I've used this as a great gift item to keep around for last-minute birthday invitations; hostess gifts; and just to share the fun with friends who might appreciate the clever mix of sounds and lyrics. If you drive with kids in the car you must have this CD. Unlike most children's song collections, anyone who likes a variety of musical styles will find something to love and lots to enjoy over and over, which is good, because it's the first thing the kids will ask for when you start up the car. They especially enjoy it when a friend who hasn't heard it before rides along. Then the competition to memorize the songs begins, and the kids in the know sing along to the envy of the newcomer. And it's not just for kids. Listen once or twice and you'll think of a grown-up who will appreciate the light-hearted presentation of a mixture of great 20th century musical styles.
  • Ron (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    My wife ordered this marvelous piece of work purely in error when she clicked on the wrong item. After it arrived, I started to look at it before returning it. Well- I have not laughed so much in a very long time. I grabbed my headphones and put in the CD so as not to bother her-she was concentrating on another project. Needless to say, my absolute delight was evident and she came over to see what I was roaring over. She too found it absolutely fantastic. She took it to school and played it for the kids. We have ordered another copy for our grandson, and have told all we know that this is not to be missed. Buy it!! You will not be disappointed! What a great find!
  • J. Heath (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    It's hard to find good music that is good for kids, too. This is a great answer for those of you who are tired of hearing yet another rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Their songs are original and fun. The artists are people that we, as adults, would know so it's fun for us, too. I am slowly trying to collect all the board books that are available for the songs. I'm waiting for the musical review to start touring. My one year old daughter loves the songs and dances to them. Get Rhinoceros Tap if you can.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    I hardly ever write reviews, but I just had to share how absolutely wonderful this CD is. My 2-year-old and 3-year-old ask for it every day and dance to it like crazy. As other reviewers have noted, the music is great and won't get on your nerves. We used to only listen to "The Wiggles" and this is a great change of pace. The lyrics are smarter and the music rocks!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-29 00:00>

    The best thing I can say about this music is that my husband and I both enjoy it immensely. Our 16 month old daughter loves music, and her collection tends to wear on our nerves eventually. But Philadelphia Chickens is funny, catchy and varied, and we find ourselves happily humming the tunes even when it's not playing. When our daughter hears us humming, she points at the stereo to request that we play the actual CD. She typically sways to any music, but Philadelphia Chickens motivates her to practice more enthusiastic dance steps. We recently had several children, ages 14 months to two years, over for Halloween. We turned on the CD, and every one of the kids stopped what they were doing and started to dance. What could be more fun than watching all of that enthusiasm in one room? This CD is a sure hit with toddlers!
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