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Your Erroneous Zones (Mass Market Paperback) (平装)
 by Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D.

Category: Self mastery, Mitivation, Inspiration, Positive thinking
Market price: ¥ 108.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL Pointer Review: An awesome inspiration for self-mastery and self-development. Join the group that have benefited massively from the book.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    Your Erroneous Zones has been one of the best books I have ever read in my life. I remember I read it by first time when I was 16 years old, and I notice there were changes in my life. It helped me to feel better with myself and also it opened my eyes to the world, because I could see the world and human beings from a different prospect, and, the most important; it increased my self-confidence, because of the fact I started to have better human relations ship with people I delay everyday, that's why, I really recommend this book to everyone, mainly young people, because if you follow these advices and you learn how to apply to your daily life, I am sure you'll get good results. It's important to mention after reading this book I realize if you get angry for anything, or for other people, because they are "different" from you, or because happen something you didn't expect from any person or any situation, you are not going to make anything good, because all of them are in control of your life. It was one of the most interesting teachings I learned from this book, because, you are the only person who can control your life. You should read it. It's up to you to do it. Thanks, Wayne Dyer!
  • A reader (MAL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I just recently purchased a copy of Mr. Dyer’s book. Just reading the words gave me a since of freedom and liberation that I haven't experienced in years. But I still need to work at applying it. I will definitely be purchasing more of his work. I'm not one that usually purchases books from the self- help category, but I found that his book was easy to read, humorous and informative. I really would like to e-mail him personally and ask him a couple of questions. So it would be nice if his e-mail address was published someplace. As he makes mention of in this book about a military friend he had. I am in the military. And that being the case, It does make it more difficult to apply his, "Be true to yourself, type standards". But I am going to attempt to apply it and see if works. " It seems as if it could." I recommend this book to everyone. Maybe the world in general would lighten up there expectations upon people if they could all read these words. Love one another, freely. I'm age 30.
  • Dr. Howard (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    As a therapist, self-improvement author, and educator I strongly recommend this wonderful book to students and clients. Dr. Dyer provides self-help advice that is not complex and very easy to apply to day-to-day situations. There are thousands of self-help books, however, I would say with no reservation that this is one of the best ones ever written.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This book has something in it for almost everybody. It awakens your mind and will so that you have a multitude of thoughts about your being and the people that you love. There is a staying power that the good Doctor has put into this book because it was written about twenty years ago and is very relevant today. There should probably have been some biblical quotes as a verification of some of the ideals, but on the whole it is an excellent book and it should be used for self improvement or resolving issues that seem burdensome.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I first read this text is the late 1970's and at the time underlined paragraphs that I thought were of special significance. In fact I have used two different colored pens for the difference in significance. Since then, during times of stress, I have return to the book, for reinforcement of thoughts, or to set me back on the tract, that deep down I knew I needed to be on but were straying from because of life. I have recommended this book, to many friends and business associates. All who still have their copies and from what they tell me they have followed a similar pattern of use over the years. Obviously this text works for many, many people. Due to the age of my text I have recently ordered a new copy and a tape for the car at the same time. You never know when you may need to reflect!
  • Alex (MSL quote), Canada   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    Your Erroneous Zones is the best book I ever read. I read lots of self-help books in the last 6 years, Your Erroneous Zones is the best because it covers all the erroneous zones that deprives you from being happy... everyday. Dyer says you are responsible for your happiness, you have to live the present moment, control your thoughts, believe in yourself! There are lots of motivational books on the market... your erroneous zones is the best I know... because it goes beyond the raw-raw pep talks, you will learn lots of useful stuff in this book. Please, buy this book, you won't regret it. By the way, if you have ever read other books from Wayne Dyer and was disappointed, well according to me, this one is his best book!
  • Kim Smith (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This wonderful book was recommended to me by a good friend who told me, "it helped me learn how to knock my old habits." I thought it was worth a shot. I picked up a copy at the bookstore & started reading. The first thing I have to say is: thank you Wayne Dyer! Your Erroneous Zones is a guide for everyone. We all have habits developed in our growth years that are influenced by our society and parents... most of these habits are what keep us in a detrimental "comfort zone" that prevents us from embracing the true happy, loving self we really are. I have circulated my now worn and dog-eared copy to all of my friends and family. The wonderful life choices they are making now are thrilling to me because I know they have used this book as a guide to teach themselves self-love & self-worth. So have I.
  • J. Najarian (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I was in high school and messed up... I was picked on and ridiculed. I had a very low self esteem. I got a hold of this book and it opened my eyes. I grew leaps and bounds. Most of the books I had read up to this point would leave you knowing you were a mess, but did not explain how to fix it. I couldn't wait for his next book Pull your own Strings, but this book was just a rehash of the first. If you are letting people control you and need to get a grip this is a must read. I found the last chapter hard to deal with. I am now 40 and happy. I will enjoy reading this book again and rechecking the last chapter.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This book showed me a way out of 14 years of self-destructive behavior. The ideas expressed are SO simple and after reading just the first few chapters I knew that I had finally stumbled onto a gold mine of "how to live the happiest life possible." I would like to comment about the review from Feb 2002, Dr. Dyer does not "over-stress the idea of complete personal autonomy" in regard to marital relationships. What Dr. Dyer stresses is that if a person gives up something unwillingly; because of guilt, worry, or out of the need for approval, etc., then THAT is the point where it becomes an erroneous zone (self-defeating behavior) giving freely and lovingly to a spouse/significant other must come from personal choice.

    This is an outstanding book! I have my mom's original copy from 1976 and never read it until now. Some of the references are a little dated (songs quoted, cultural-norm examples) but the message transcends time. I HIGHLY recommend this book, especially if you feel you've lost control of your own happiness.
  • Bonnie (MSL quote), China   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I am Chinese and I read the Chinese version of the book when I was about 16. It changed my entire point of view to the world and myself. If I had not read this book, I would not be as happy, as confident and strong as I am now. And my world would not be as big. I guess there might be other books of this kind that are as well written, but this book came into my life just the right time, the time that I was very weak at heart, so it had a great impact to mold my personality. I wish to read original version of the book later on.
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