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The Quiltmaker's Gift (Hardcover) (精装)
 by Jeff Brumbeau

Category: Sharing, Quilt, Picture books, Ages 4-8, Children's book
Market price: ¥ 198.00  MSL price: ¥ 178.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A useful book for teaching values or for quilt units.
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  • Dale A. Blanchard (MSL quote), Ohio USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I'm not surprised to find this book listed as a Children's Book - who else is supposed to enjoy beautiful illustrated fables?

    The answer, of course, is the grown-up who reads it aloud. The detailed illustrations in this book will fascinate the fortunate child who hears the tale. The fortunate adult reader and the child will enjoy following this story about an unhappy king, laden with "things" he thought would make him happy.

    A classic consumer, he "gets" more and more - his closets and rooms are burdened with beautiful treasures that bring him little joy. He thinks the only thing he doesn't have - one of the quiltmaker's quilts - will bring him that elusive happiness. But she only gives to the poor - despite his threats and angry attempts to show her who has the power - she will not give him a quilt.
    She tells him how he can get that quilt - the answer of course is simple, once he figures it out.

    A wonderful gift for that person you know who always gives (s/he might like reading it to children or grandchildren) or the quilt-lover on your list. The colorful quilt patterns shown and named inside the front and back covers, and inside the dust jacket (!) are fantastic.

    Like Old Turtle, this is a beautifully illustrated book with rich layers to be enjoyed by children and adults, year after year.
  • Mary Bondo (MSL quote), Jackson, MI United States   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    If you are a quilter, or even if you aren't, this is a beautiful book about the value of giving. The book is well-written, if not very subtle. The illustrations are absolutely beautiful and the tie in to quilts makes for an interesting story.

    My children, age 7 and 9, both love this book just to look through and read to themselves. I like to look through and match up the quilting patterns. - Oh, an added extra is a search and find in the middle ... younger kids will love this.

    For quilters, there is a tie in with fabric still available in some stores and you can make a quilt to go with the story line. Altogether, a keeper.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    My children love this book. the story is about a king that collects beautiful things and demands a blanket from a mountain woman who makes amazing quilts but she refuses...she only gives her handmade quilts for those in need. The king is not considered a needy person. He demands a quilt and even though he tries to do mean things to her like leave her in a bear's cave to get his way, but she always comes out with a new friend because she has helped those she was left with. She finally tells him to give away all his things to get a quilt. For every item he gives away she'll sew another square. It has a great moral about helping those in need. The ending is great! The book has inspired my children to help make baby blankets for newborns in need as a Christmas service project. We plan on sending the books to all our relatives on our Christmas list while donating blankets in their honor. If you're looking for the perfect book for someone with a caring heart....this is it! Also perfect for the quiltmaker in your life.
  • Colleen Lafata (MSL quote), Michigan   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    Though my children are grown, I still enjoy browsing the children's book section of the local bookstore. I was drawn to remove The Quiltmakers Gift from its resting place on the shelf because of the beautifully rendered, inviting illustrations on its cover. And what a pleasant surprise when I opened the book to find a wealth of the same along with a most touching and tenderly written story about a king living in unhappy greed amongst the finest of splendor. Yet this same greed allows his path to cross with that of a loving, giving soul who has the gift to help the king learn how to find his own happiness. It is apparent that both author and illustrator have a deep understanding of the gift of giving, and have given us a wonderful story to share with our loved ones. I found myself sitting in the bookstore wiping away the tears from my eyes and I knew this book was a must even though I may save it for years before having grandchildren to read it to.
  • Jahnemann (MSL quote), Clinton, MO   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I have two boys, five and eight, and I have read to them nightly since they were born. My mother, a children's librarian, has instilled the love of books in myself and my children. This year for Christmas she gave us The Quiltmaker's Gift. It immediately became one of our favorites. The illustrations are outstanding and the text creates visual pictures of it's own. The tale of the joy of giving instead of receiving is an excellent teaching tool for parents. My eight year old cried when the Quiltmaker covered the poor, cold, homeless with breathtakingly beautiful quilts. This book also is a tribute to those talented individuals who make quilts and give them to others. Both of my boys received quilts when they were born and I have one made by my grandmother and grandfather, both whom have passed on. These quilts are treasures as is this book. Buy it!
  • Mary Ellen Cordes (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    As a quiltmaker, I found the colorful artistry in this book truly inspiring. My sons, 11 and 13, found the story to be enchanting, as did I. The hearts of most quilters urge them to give their quilts away to friends, family, etc. This book makes the quiltmaker in me want to piece a quilt for every cold (either emotionally or physically) man, woman and child in the world. No one quiltmaker can do it all, but if we each warm but a few souls, the world will slumber in peace.
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