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The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship (平装)
 by Don Miguel Ruiz

Category: Relationship
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL Pointer Review: Powerful, heartfelt, and spiritually freeing, the love and relationship teachings by a Toltec master will will you bring you inner joy and geneine peace.
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  • Jonni O’Connor (MSL quote), Canada   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This is the fourth in the Toltec Wisdom Series - so be prepared for a beautiful read. In it Ruiz writes about peeling away the layers, the voices of those we allowed to be caught up in our belief system and that now interfere with our creative, authentic expression. Ruiz calls these voices the voice of knowledge. It's our moneymind, our ego, "the voice in our head' that is so often about pain and drama, fear and sorrow. He talks about how we abandon the true self because we substitute those other voices for ours, and his book is filled with awareness and insights about what we can do about it.

    In his wonderfully personal and conversational style Ruiz tells stories of stories. Life is a matter of storytelling: theirs or ours, it's our choice. My favorite chapter he calls "Writing Our Story with Love". That says it all.
  • R. Freier (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    Of all the inspirational books I have read, I must say that this is my favorite. I struggle to find the right words to describe this book! When I first read it so many things began to make sense. Causes for so much unhappiness in my life became so much clearer. I could let go of my disappointment with family, religion and society for letting me down because I finally understood where all this poison came from. There was no longer a need to find someone to blame and with that came an incredible release perhaps some would call forgiveness. Now, every time I read it my eyes open up even wider and I can tell that I am changing. And I like the person I'm changing into. What a blessing is that!

    My life has not been easy and because of that I've exercised my God given right as a victim to blame others. The only problem with that is, I've lost myself in the process. I have spent years of my life in therapy trying to come to terms with that. While therapy has been vital in my growth, and subsequent inspirational books have contributed to my asking of questions, I credit this book with clarifying things, providing explanations and helping me with were to go from here.

    We each search for truth and when we find it, it resonates with us and we feel its impact in our lives. The Mastery of Love, by Don Miguel Ruiz resonates with me and my life will not be the same again. Thank you Don Miguel!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I read The Four Agreements, The Four Agreements Companion Book, The Voice of Knowledge and this book, The Mastery of Love. I read The Mastery of Love the first time after The Four Agreements but before The Voice of Knowledge. So, the first time reading The Mastery of Love, I could not get as much out as what I wanted to. However, the second time I read through it (after the reading of The Voice of Knowledge), I have such a deep appreciation of what the author's message is. I was applying many of the techniques I learnt from the author in this one relationship. I learnt so much about practicing love in and out of this one relationship even though it did not end up living happily ever after with this person. The book helps me understand why relationship can still end; even I exercised love through full acceptance of who he is.

    1)The projection of the many selves that hurts relationships

    We project so many versions of ourselves to others just to win their approvals, consciously and subconsciously. In my situation, I realize I was presenting who I was, or at least I make a conscious effort to be truthful and honest. I loved him for who he is with full acceptance (despite the circumstances happening in his life and our huge difference), and with acknowledgement of my own inner fears, ego so I can put my second attention to the track of love, rather than track of fear.

    The broken part is that he could not acknowledge the subconscious projection he had (he projected himself with the one full of love and care towards others - which is true but one dimensional), and maybe has suppressed many of his deepest fears about relationships.

    In addition, I realized at the end he also had a false impression of me. He thought that I need his love in order for me to survive (that one pizza while I can cook all my food - love, in my own "Magical Kitchen"). He thought I could not love myself and be independent. He thought I need to be taken care of. At least that is how I perceive through that projection.

    When there are too many projections in the relationship, you cannot accept who a person is truly. Without acceptance, then, where is love?

    2) Love is About Acceptance but Not about Drama

    This is what I learnt from Don Miguel Ruiz's teaching. Love is about creating heaven on Earth through acceptance. You can create that heaven by yourself and you can create that heaven with others. There is no need to invite drama (which is often inflicted by sense of fear, ego, anger, jealousy which are often hardly acknowledged) which drives the need to control, and the need to be right.

    I am glad I went through Don Miguel Ruiz's teaching when this relationship started and ended. It helped me to intensely love in the moment and treated the person the best I know how without the perfectionism paralyzing me. It was the first time I loved someone with acceptance and acknowledgement of fear. I was happy when I was in that relationship and I am still grounded falling off from it. It is too bad relationships ended. However, I always remember Don Miguel Ruiz's teaching about loving myself without judgment. With that being said, I also drew boundaries with this person at the end for the sake of not inviting drama into both lives again. He is wonderful just the way he is. And I will always remember the romance and the dance. He was the one who inspired me to see the true beauty of spirit. Thank you.

    What I am writing here is hoping to bring you an awareness in a practical sense that maybe you are living in true love, the love that helps you create the dream of heaven and not hell. However, your partner might not understand your well intention and things might still end. Why did it end? Why search for the answers when you realize there are so many projections out there and you might never find the truth? I hope my review here can inspire you that you can still love yourself the fullest possible, and enjoy your life the best way you can despite any life situation. Life is still beautiful after all if you have unconditional love about yourself. It does not matter when it starts or when it ends. For, all human mind has a "magical kitchen" that is capable to love self and others but some how that was lost during the "domestication" process.
  • Mirna Zepeda (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    After my painful divorce I waited two years before getting involve with a new person, I dated this person for seven months and I fall in love so deeply, suddenly this person walked away from me, I never understood why this man did not loved me, I had all Don Miguel book's, and I do try to practice the four agreements, and I control my knowledge voice, I also use the Prayer, but when I read the Mastery of Love, I found myself now I understand that nobody else can break my heart, because my heart has me and I will never walk away from my own heart, we have each other and that's all it counts I have mastery my self love.

    This book is so simple to read as all Ruiz books he writes in a manner that is so clear it also teach you how to cure your emotional pain, it is so clear and refreshing that I had to read it twice and it has change my perspective of how to find love.
  • D. Murphy (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    This book provides a rather different approach to love than what is expressed in popular culture. While Ruiz's tenants are quite simple and should seem to be common sense (foundation comes from The Four Agreements), he expresses them with appropriate metaphors to offer an alternative and, in my opinion, a healthier conception of love.

    We should move away from the idea of Jerry Maguire love - the "you complete me" mentality. Portraying love as a need/desire that must be obtained in order to be a whole person is not healthy; and it perpetuates the notion that single people are unhappy and incomplete. This book focuses on the value of self-love and exuding that self-love to others.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I have just summarized the whole book with the title above. Why should you get this book if that is all it has to say? Well, some people don't know this! I didn't. My whole life, I was searching for love, but as Whitney Houston said, "...Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all..." And that is what this book is about. It gives some really interesting analogies and just makes some really enjoyable reading. I know because I read and ate it in only a few hours. It seems like pretty common sense to me now, though. How can you possibly love someone when you don't love yourself? Another point in the book I treasure is how it describes a relationship as a sharing between two people, not a union, not two hearts becoming one. Those kind of analogies only lead to tremendous pain in the future when the relationship turns sour. If we visualize a relationship as two people sharing their life, if that person leaves us one day, he or she can be replaced whereas anything that is part of you cannot be replaced. I must say, this book has dramatically changed my life. I used to feel lonely all the time and now, even when I'm alone, I feel great!
  • D. Keysser (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I truly enjoyed Don Miguel Ruiz's book The Mastery of Love. It is powerful and heartfelt. Don Miguel Ruiz is a Toltec master and he shares with us the wisdom and beauty of these ancient teachings. Through this ancient body of knowledge we hear many lessons expertly disguised as stories and legends. How freeing to be reminded that we can only be exactly who we are - not what we believe we should be, what society thinks we should be, or what we think would be better. It is not us that is the problem rather, it is our judgments and beliefs that cause us pain; that make life the "dream of hell". Once we stop believing the lies we tell ourselves our lives can become magical.

    Whenever I read a great book, like this one, on the topic of enlightenment/ self-realization/inner peace, I find myself thinking of another book called Working on Yourself Doesn't Work by Ariel and Shya Kane and of their new book "Working on Your Relationship Doesn't Work". I have read them both, the first book on several occasions over the years, and am always inspired by the simple yet profound message these books hold. Awareness, the non-judgmental seeing of what is, has a miraculous power and can transform your life. It really is just that simple.
  • A. Salinas (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    I read The Four Agreements and loved it and even took a seminar series on it. Then I stumbled across this book! It is fantastic! It is a roadmap on how to be happy, how to experience heaven right now (love yourself unconditionally. You will be happy any time your love is flowing to others). Simple concepts but I didn't know them. I typically underline when I read non-fiction so I can quickly review the salient points later on... in this case I might as well plan to read the whole book again, as just about every page has enlightening thoughts. Wow, I am still reeling from the power presented by Don Miguel! Read this book!!! Best book I have read in years, maybe decades! And I am an avid reader of both fiction and non-fiction. I liked best the allegory about the magical kitchen (if you have unlimited quality and quantity of food yourself (ie. love for yourself), you will not need to bargain with others for theirs. You will be content and able to just love others (unconditional love!)
  • Archie Frink (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    My sophomore year of high school I was very sad - depressed is more likely - and I had been for over a year. I didn't know quite what to do, but I was beginning to turn much of that into anger (i.e. I listened to bands like Reagan Youth, Crass and the Subhumans). I found this book on Amazon as I was browsing, and I decided I wanted to read it. As things turned out, I was talking with a friend of a friend, mentioned it, and she said she had it and would let me borrow it. The odds perplexed me, but a couple days later I was reading it, and Miguel Ruiz changed my entire perspective. I cannot forget the weekend I finished it - I was in a sort of complete emotional and physical shock. That may have been when my meditation practice began, also. For weeks after I could never decide what music to listen to, so I listened to reggae (the likes of the Wailing Souls, Inner Circle, Bob and Ziggy) and also started reading eastern philosophy. Am I straying? I was just explaining the impact I felt at sixteen. As I am a sophomore now in college, I still keep this book with me, and I am about to read it again. Don Miguel's thoughts always enlighten, inspire and ground me inestimably. But I am going to go, to begin this book again. Enjoy.
  • Alessandra (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-30 00:00>

    The Mastery of Love is an exquisitely written little gift of a book that can help you find the courage to live a life free of what the author calls emotional poison: fear, guilt, worry, jealousy, stress and perhaps most crucial of all, self-judgment and blame. Don Manuel Ruiz identifies the major obstacles to love and happiness as various forms of fear and as the need to be right. It is possible, however, to avoid this trap by consistently choosing to love without condition or expectation of return. As an alternative, Ruiz reveals that the very choice of sending love out enriches us from within and frees us from the fear of its absence. Exercising compassion, in its turn, frees us from the yoke of judgment.

    Ruiz offers us a window onto a world where "Heaven on Earth" is possible by simply disempowering our arbitrary thoughts and beliefs. He explains we can do so by choosing to live directly, honestly and with responsibility. By doing so, you can tap into the exciting and practically limitless possibility available to you once you start living in the moment. In, Working on Yourself Doesn't Work, authors Ariel & Shya Kane extend a similar invitation to their readers to see things as they actually are, not as we would prefer them to be or fear that they might be. The simple act of seeing, without judging, becomes a passport to a life of ease and satisfaction.
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