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Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life (平装)
 by Shakti Gawain

Category: Inspiration, Life guide, Spirituality, Self help
Market price: ¥ 148.00  MSL price: ¥ 138.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: In this classical personal improvement guide, famous teacher Shakti Gawain teaches readers how to use their imaginations to manifest their deepest desires.
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  • Josh Klenkoff (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    Packed with nuggets of wisdom and "aha's," this book will help anyone! No one really changes from superficial change or through mere "positive thinking." Change requires exploring, discovering, and changing our deepest, most basic attitudes toward life. Creative Visualization is a tool to help in your pursuit of deep and meaningful growth.

    If you feel that most people in our culture have become cut off from their awareness of who they really are. that they have temporarily lost their conscious connection with their higher selves. that they have lost their own sense of power and responsibility for their lives. that they have a sense of helplessness. that they feel basically powerless to make real change in their lives or in the world. Next to Srikumar Rao's Are You Ready to Succeed, this book has been perhaps the most powerful spiritual tool along my journey. As a life coach, I've had clients tape quotes from this book to their office desk and read them throughout the day, every day for years!
  • Pie Dumas (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    Shakti Gawain is the original, quintessential earth-mother of new age thinking and healing. She went "out on a limb" with her concept of visualization and did so with masterful competency and down-to-earth ease. This book is well written with easy to follow techniques that really do work, if you work them! Reading this book, I learned to write my affirmations over and over and over. As I memorized each one, I would sit with my eyes closed, listening to quiet meditative music and begin to "visualize" myself having, doing or being what my affirmations were. The changes didn't occur overnight, it took concentrated effort of daily practice over a few months. At last... I began to "create" the new ideas, attract the things I wanted because I was "acting as if I believed". There are so many books out there that pale next to this timeless masterpiece. Give yourself a gift today... get this book, read it and do the exercises consistently. Then let me know if you feel better about your life. You will if you're sincerely ready for a change. You may just create the life of your dreams.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    1985 was a stressful time: I was going thru a divorce (that held much-needed freedom but no financial rewards, that's for sure), trying to finish a graduate degree and lost my job at a lousy trade magazine. Fortunately, an acquaintance told me I needed to find a copy of Creative Visualization right away. I did and took it all very seriously - did all the exercises, meditations, affirmations. I'm really glad I saved the notebooks! I can go back and read over the changes I wanted to make - places I wanted to go, where I wanted to live, relationships I'd enjoy, particular jobs, health/fitness and, yeah, some financial goals and STUFF I wanted - and I'm amazed at how easily those have come; how many times I've felt I was looking down a long, empty hall toward a goal and suddenly doors start swinging open and I get helped and guided. There's something magical about having real intent/knowing what you want and saying YES to opportunity and allowing the universe to give you what you deserve so you can share the wealth.

    I don't know where I'd be or what I'd be doing now if I hadn't found this book 20 years ago. But I'm sure I wouldn't be HERE doing what I'm doing, living a big life. I'm no heiress but life is great. And I continue to visualize and make lists and maps.

    If you've just found this book/concept, it doesn't matter how old you are or what your circumstances are, get going! Lead your life, rather than wait to see what will happen. Close your eyes, breathe and see yourself where you want to be. The way I look at this visualization stuff is IT CAN'T HURT and it might help.
  • Rebecca Lyle (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    Let me just say that I was at strange place in my life when my father recommended I read his copy of Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization. He handed me a very old, used copy and I forced myself to open it up. I hadn't read a book in years before this one. After I opened it up, I just couldn't put it down. This is, surprisingly enough, very easy to read. Gawain is an extremely positive writer with nothing but good to say about you, her reader, and life itself. She'll make you feel warm inside with her "affirmations". Basically, what Creative Visualization is about is using your mind and imagination to obtain what you so intimately desire in life. There are explanations in the book as to how this is so and they do make sense. There are many great exercises as well that you can use to help in using Creative Visualization that just about anyone can find helpful in some form or another. I'm really glad that I was fortunate enough to read this as it has helped me greatly.
  • John (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    Create your own reality. We do it all the time, although I have to say there are larger forces than individuals at work in the universe, such as George Bush and the Republicans or Osama Bin Laden. Nonetheless, I think everyone can benefit from reading Creative Visualization. First, if you let it, it will permit you access to relaxation, and then access to your inner peace, power, and light. Use the tools provided in this work to remake your life by sending out new patterns and thoughts and passions into the world and watching them return to you many times over.

    I believe this book speaks true as to how we conduct our lives. We often start out trodding along the worn-out paths of our parents, expecting and fearing what they have told us to expect and fear. Then, as we age and feel the confinement of these early messages, we break away and give ourselves new and exciting messages that permit us to grow. But we all can grow at any time and in any place. We just need to train ourselves in the process. Herewith, the training manual.
  • Dennis Mitton (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    Just about anyone who has read a self-help book with any kind of spiritual or meditative bent has been touched by book. Many people feel that it has never been surpassed in its simplicity and focus. Gawain takes time to explain the idea and process of meditation and visualization and then uses the information to look further in to concepts like flow, prosperity, healing, and self-image. Her writing is simple and the concepts are easy to understand. The book is surprisingly non-religious or spiritual unlike so many other books on the same topics. Might be the last book you need on visualization.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    I cannot emphasize enough the impact this book will make on your life. I read it about 5 years ago and have bought it for at least 20 people since.

    The information is simple and logical. If you adopt these simple ideas of thoughts, your life will transform in a way that seems like magic but is not because you control these transformations.

    This opinion comes from experience. I have adopted these ideologies into my life approximately 5 years ago after spending 8 years as a waitress and a constant feeling of defeat, fear of the future and confusion. I was constantly living from paycheck to paycheck and had high dreams that I just could not make happen.

    After reading the book I used some techniques to visualize what I wanted in my life. My life and my attitude had changed quickly and the path that I needed to follow started to unfold.

    I bought myself computers and used my art talents to become a web designer. I now work for a large reputable firm and am highly respected and rewarded for my talents. My first office job at the age of 30 and I am soaring.
    I also met the man of my dreams and am married. We have the kind of relationship that everyone dreams about. He has the qualities that I had imagined for myself over 2 years of living alone and I would not settle for anything less.

    Enough said-do yourself a favor, read this book and pass it around.
  • A Mexican reader (MSL quote), Mexico   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    I wan to give my testimony, so other persons could question their belief system. I am an Mexican. I came here to the University of Michigan to study my Ph. D in Signal Processing. Due to the fact that in Mexico the education standards are lower than in the US, I could not pass the qualification exam for my Ph. D degree in the first chance that I had to fulfill this requirement. Before I take the qualification exam in my last and final chance to pass it, I found Shakti's book. I applied creative visualization to pass the Qualification Exam, and in fact I PASSED it in my second and last chance to present it. Now I am sure that the book is an invaluable treasure of information and that everyone can achieve miracles in their lives!
  • Nicole James (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    A lot of these reviews say that they've read this book and it's "done wonders" for them and everyone they've recommended it to. The book itself will not do wonders unless you work on the things Gawain suggests. It's not a miracle cure-all book - it's about giving you the motivation to do something about your life instead of sitting back and watching the trail roll out behind you. I read this book in college when I was going through a little bit of a rough patch, figuring out what I wanted, etc. Now that I've graduated and am slowly becoming wary of the corporate world, I need more positivity in my life so I'm re-reading it in the hopes that I can zero in on my goals and start achieving them again. I highly recommend it to those who are open-minded enough to give it a chance.
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