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Yesterday, I Cried: Celebrating the Lessons of Living and Loving (平装)
 by Iyanla Vanzant

Category: Motivation, Inspiration
Market price: ¥ 158.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Extremely poignant, heartfelt and healing, this amazing story will you strong and extraordinary, as much as Vanzant the author has been.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    I read this book in the car while returning from my daughter's college graduation. I didn't want to put it down. It was a refreshing change to read a biography about a horrible childhood that was written with so much love & innocence that I wasn't blubbering & boo-hoo-hooing all over everywhere. Bravo to Ms. Vansant on her remarkable ability to not only survive the tragedies of her childhood, but to overcome them & also rise to what she's become today. She must be an extraordinary person. This is the first book I've read written by Ms. Vansant, but I will definitely seek out others.
  • USA Today (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    Iyanla Vanzant taps the universality of spiritual yearning.
  • Sandra Peters (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    After reading this book, the reader will come away with a truer understanding of who they are, and a clearer realization that in order to find a happier, more peaceful, fulfilling life one needs to let go of the trials and tribulations of the past. This book will be particularly memorable and helpful to those who are victims of past abuse. Forgiveness does not come easy, but it is only in forgiving that we find the strength and courage to heal. In finding the strength and courage to heal, we discover the opportunity to find true and lasting happiness in the future. Revenge, dispair, anger and other negative emotions rob us of our future and deprive us of the opportunity to reach our full potential and discover who we really are.

    Iyanla is a pillar of strength and an extraordinary woman who has learned first-hand how to survive in a world that is not always kind of just. Readers will marvel at her wisdom and inspiration, at her ability to grow and heal, and her incredible desire to help others through the pages of this book. Yesterday I Cried will show readers there is hope at the end of the tunnel, and that each of us has within us the power to heal ourselves. The book is definitely highly recommended and worth a universe of stars in its rating.
  • Betti Trap (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    I was left, after reading this book, with more meaning and more intense scrutiny of my life than ever before. Since reading it, and having the knowledge that if Rhonda could do what she did, I could do whatever I needed, my life has taken a 360 degree turn. I became more spiritual for one thing, and incorporated daily meditation into my life, which was a whole new life in itself. Rhonda's journey into Iyanla is spread over a zillion lifetimes in these small pages, and when Rhonda finally goes within, you learn to go within yourself as well. There are no lessons at the end of each chapter, no scores to tally, just a new awakening, for some perhaps a small stirring. Answer the call. You will be pleasantly surprised.
  • David Baida (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    First off, I haven't even finished the book. I have about 15 pages to go but this book has affected me deeply and I couldnt help myself. I wanted to publicly thank Iyanla and say that if I ever meet you in person, I just want to give you a big long hug and celebrate Rhonda's triumphs and ability to survive and become Iyanla. There's a point in the book where Iyanla describes her proudest acheivement and she said it was being able to tell her Aunt that her uncle had molested her(she was a child at the time). Well, I just lost it at that point. I wept for Iyanla, Rhonda and anyone who had ever been abused.I agree with the reviewer who said: "I will NEVER say that my life has been hard after reading this book." I cried so many times for Rhonda, while reading this book. I felt so much sympathy and empathy for her pain. Most importantly, I have had some of the most painful experiences in my life happen over the last 2 months to the point where I can't believe anything worse could happen to me. I needed to grieve a death and the loss of a relationship and many things. This book helped me grieve and release my pain through tears.And in Iyanla's defense(to the people who were dissappointed with this book), I LOVED that this book was an autobiography.To me it made the book so much more than a self help book. I believe she does not need to end every chapter with the lesson laid out. During the chapters she brings up the "questions" that she asked herself during her struggle. I think that she wants you, the reader to ask yourself the same questions if they apply, and come up with your own answers. Her lessons are HER lessons, yours will be yours. I love this book. Thank you Iyanla, from the bottom of my heart!
  • Dana Joy (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    This book is breath taking. For Iyanla to go thru such trials in her life, it is truly amazing that she still exsist. Her strength and determination is a lesson for all. I was so moved by each chapter, at times I just held the book to my chest and sighed. A lesson in the hard knocks of life that everyone human being can learn from. Excellent, excellent, excellent. Iyanla has moved me to the very core of my soul. I have highlighted special excerpt that I can use to reflect on my daily situations. Just a very inspiring book and a must for all to read.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    Mrs. Vanzant is the first female author that has captured the absolute sense of my soul. She has touched my life by simply sharing her intimate story. For me, Yesterday, I Cried had an even more powerful impact via audiobook. Her rich, soothing voice, so powerful and sensitive enabled it's way to my inner most self and caused me to reflect on what was going on in my life. At times things in life can seem unbearable. Some common situations we can all relate. Mrs. Vanzant has taught me that life and it's circumstances is about choices. We have two choices in life. For me, I prefer do deal with life with my glass half full.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-31 00:00>

    I have read all of Iyanla's books; have listened to her sermons in person at Hillside in Atlanta and at C.U.T. in Chicago; witnessed her ordination on her birthday by Dr. Barbara; and hugged her at book signings - still I am always in awe. While it surprised me that this book was autobiographical, Iyanla's story conveyed the hurt and pain with which I could readily identify, as well as the eventual, slow healing. Her power grew as did mine and this same power has been reinforced by the reading of this book. I can't stop feeling it. The letter to her son mirrored my feelings towards my own adult daughter with similar issues. I love you Iyanla - keep up the good work. Also, I loved the bathing process - it works for me!
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