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Ask and It Is given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires (平装)
 by Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks, Wayne W. Dyer

Category: Personal well-being, Personal improvement, Spirituality, Self help
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
Other editions:   Audio CD
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Packed with great information and inspiration as well with with practical exercises for raising your vibration, this book is a consummate Law of Attraction Resource.
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  • Jack Hraback (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-02 00:00>

    Ask & It Is Given is a fascinating look at the Law of Attraction. Esther Hicks and Abraham are a good match. I personally am working with The Wallet Process. At least I carry a $100 bill in my wallet. And I'm feeling a little more prosperous. I also have seen The Secret twice, and it was good to see Esther join with others to promote the Law of Attraction. Of Course, it takes quite a shift in belief systems and a change of consciousness to believe that Abraham appeared to Esther the way he did. I also believe that God talked to Neale Donald Walsch and that Arten and Pursah talked to Gary Renard. To quote Stuart Wilde, I guess this makes us all fringe dwellers.
  • Sara (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-02 00:00>

    This book was a real eye opener for me. I thought I was already pretty saavy about self-responsibility, being a Therapist, but this book took my self-responsibility to new depths. Thanks to the Hicks' and Abraham, I have been able to take full responsibility for everything I have manifested in my life, whether I wanted it or not. If you're ready to be held fully accountable for your life, and given the keys to open unlimited doors of potential, read this book! If you'd rather give your control over to others and play the blame game, this book is not for you.
  • Michael Sloop (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-02 00:00>

    I first heard about this book from The Secret Scrolls, and I also noticed that it was one of Dr Wayne Dyer's favorite books. Anyway, I have to admit that at first I was a bit skeptical about it because the information comes from Abraham (a nonphysical being). Many people may be turned away by the idea of the book being written from the Spiritual realm, but I was eventually able to get past the strangeness of how the book came about.

    Once I got past the strangeness of it, I was pleasantly surprised at how this book revealed so many things that ring true about Truth and the world we live in. There is something very comforting about Abraham's message. Perhaps it's the idea that we are creators whether we like it or not, and that we can become deliberate creators. I also like how Abraham emphasizes the importance of appreciation and how the phrase "Rampage of Appreciation" is used quite frequently. After reading this book, it really seems like appreciation is the key to experiencing great joy in Life. It's taught me to remember to take the time to just sit back and enjoy what God has given me lately, and it's quite refreshing to understand the importance of appreciating what we've helped to create in our life.

    I believe that the message in this book goes along perfectly with the Bible, and that it reinforces so many of the teachings in the scriptures. For example I now have a deeper understanding of what it means to be a child of God. We are truly learning to be creators like our heavenly Father, and I believe that this book is an amazing tool to help us become spiritually mature.
  • John Olsen (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-02 00:00>

    I listen to Dr. Wayne Dyer's (author of The Power of Intention) radio program regularly and on several occasions I've heard him mention this book by Jerry and Esther Hicks. I decided to purchase a copy and have been thoroughly engrossed in it from the moment I picked it up. I can see why Dr. Dyer frequently mentions this book and why it has had such an influence on his own body of work.

    The first half of the book is a description of intention, quantum physics, and a wide-range of other interesting practices. The second half of the book gives detailed descriptions of 22 processes for use in actually manifesting your intentions and desires. I decided that this book really is like an "owner's manual for your spirituality." I found myself marking up the book, underlining passages, and noting particular sections for future reference. I came to use several of these processes naturally, having discovered them simply on an intuitive basis, though these definitions provide a more structured way to think about using intention and intuition.

    I'll be keeping this book by my bedside to read on a daily basis and I would highly recommend it for anyone interested in taking a "proactive," participatory role in creating the life you want to live.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-02 00:00>

    This book deals with the undeniable power of thought and universal law. I had noticed in my own life how things and places of which I dreamt as a child became manifest in my life. Sometimes, I felt that I had a sense of knowing the future for much would unfold right in my mind and then happen before my eyes. This is the truth! I think my subconscious was already aware of the attractive power of thought, but I, intellectually was being driven too strongly by modern culture to stop and listen. The gift of the book is that many of my questions were answered.

    But let us get down to business. This book contains principles that work in life, period. I noticed many things within a short period of time begin to manifest, for example, I began to have fewer cravings after focusing on a smaller waist. I discovered beneficial herbs that miraculously helped to eliminate an ongoing physical condition, which though minor, was exceedingly annoying. I sought medical help even from the emergency room. I tried everything for 3 years - nothing worked. Things will start to show up which will direct you to your bliss, sort of like a sage or providence. Amazing!
  • Gail Frost (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-01-02 00:00>

    This book was the complete turning point in my life. Many things have happened in the last 6 years and I thought that I had climbed all the mountains but reading this book made me realize what I thought was positive thinking (and most of it was) was actually being blocked by the fact I still had some doubt in my mind. After clearing this up within my mind, everything personally and professionally changed within 3 days and I indebted to my friend for recommending it and the authors for writing it... thanks so much!
  • K. Rathi (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-02 00:00>

    This book will give you an original perspective and the one that is practical and works! My biggest suggestion is when you read it, read it multiple times. The sign of a good book is you often get fresh perspectives or deeper or more insightful meanings every time you read it. This book is the epitome in that respect. I got so many a-ha moments by reading the same sections again and again. Not kidding. The perspective changes and as your ability to understand the teachings becomes more, the techings themselves evolve and present with deeper or different meaning to you. Kind of like drinking a nice red wine at different stages of its cellaring. My other suggestion would be try to take breaks. The information will slowly digest into you and you can ponder and get amazed at what you just read during breaks. Finally, I would focus more on the message than how the message was received. Bottomline - invest the dollars... you will most certainly not regret it!
  • Sue Redkey (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-02 00:00>

    Whether you are already familiar with the teachings of Abraham, or are brand new, this book is for you if you want to be consciously creating your life. Many have channeled similar information, but through Esther Hicks, the teachers who are Abraham, have a way of making everything easily understandable. in addition to the basic teachings, this book also offers 22 "processess," or techniques and exercises for applying the material, which I found relevant, easy to apply and successful!
  • Judy (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-02 00:00>

    This book has been my salvation. It helps me focus on my greatest desires. I use it daily. I read the process I feel I need on this day. What you think about you bring about. This book calms my fears and I have moved toward my goals each day.

    I can not praise it enough.
  • L. Johnson (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-02 00:00>

    I've enjoyed this book so much, i think i've given away a dozen copies. Its gentle and kind and light-hearted, a reminder of what is right and an honest look at what may be challenging. So many books/authors/approaches take themselves far too seriously and make the subject matter far more daunting than this little gem. I think what I have enjoyed most has been the freedom this book has helped me feel about extricating things I've never really liked in my life, but kept around out of some feeling of obligation or responsibility - it has helped me cultivate my true obligations and responsibilities much more effectively, joyfully and fully, making life more of a pleasure than a chore. Taken as offered, I don't know if there is a more reassuring, straightforward, understandable or highly implementable offering in the realm of creating the life you desire for yourself. What a joy!
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