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Schindler's List (平装)
 by Thomas Keneally

Category: Biography, Fiction, Inspiration, Humanity
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Gripping, brilliant, and exceptional, Schindler's List is a timeless story about the triumph of humanity.
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  • C. Brandt (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    This book is masterfully-written, accessible to the layman, fascinating, and gripping. You'll finish it at one go, if you are not disturbed. Wipe the tedious, overpraised Spielberg movie out of your consciousness - this story is too complex and monumental to be adapted to film. Keneally has no answers for Schindler's actions - the man remains an enigma. The story, as it unfolds over the course of many years, examines exactly what Schindler achieved, and the odds against him doing so. Schindler was no saint: Keneally presents him warts and all. But thousands - literally thousands - of people are alive today because of him. Keneally has delivered a fitting legacy to one of the true heroes of the 20th Century.
  • Stuart Ellison (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    Schindler's List is unadulterated proof that a part-fact, part-fiction book can succeed. The product of painstaking archival research and personal interviews, Schindler's List is a riveting, painful account of a German entrepreneur's transformation into an extraordinary humanitarian who plucked from the jaws of death many thousands of people who were marked for extermination. Oskar Schindler is far from perfect. He's a hard-drinking womanizer and profiteer. But that's what makes him so appealing. Schindler rises above his faults, and, at great personal expense, risks his life to save thousands. Beware, this isn't a book for kids. There are many graphic scenes that adults will find hard to take. But it is a unique, redemptive story of a Holocaust hero that should be told as long as human beings walk the earth.
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