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Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul: Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit of Writers (Chicken Soup for the Soul) (Paperback) (平装)
 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Bud Gardner

Category: Motivation, Inspiration, Writer, Writing
Market price: ¥ 148.00  MSL price: ¥ 138.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: An excellent reference for those who always seek beauty and healing in writing and self-examination and people who are preparing to pick up the pen.
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  • Koo Hang Boon (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    Another very inspiring book in the Chicken Soup series. I have read many of them and they are now a permanent part of my personal collection and I reread them often for inspirations.

    The Chicken Soup For The Writer's Soul is one book that I bought without having read a few pages of it as it was nicely wrapped up in the bookstore. But due to my past pleasant experiences reading books in the Chicken Soup series, I just bought it. And guess what? This is the book that has given me the most impact.

    I have all the while enjoyed reading and writing. But apart from building up a library of hundreds of books... I have never really got down to any serious writing. But the funny thing is I have often been approached by friends and associates to write reports and letters for them, in particular, letter of complaints! Yes, I am very good at that. Hah Hah.

    After reading this book, I finally knew why. The writer in me has been identified and recognised! Or should I say, "awakened". It never felt better than to discover something you would really love to do deep within you.

    When I first started a website project, "The Great Minds Project" at AwesomeLife.Com, I approached many great minds from all over the world to help... and eventhough many have generously agreed to share their knowledge for free with other fellow human beings, many have turned me down. Eventhough I knew it was a meaningful project, it was tough getting turned down time and again.

    After reading Chicken Soup For The Writer's Soul, I finally came to the realisation that instead of begging people to share their knowledge and success secrets in life, I might as well write them myself. Voila! I have found the answer. And that is precisely what I am going to do. Halfway through this book, GraciousHearts.Com is born. I will write and write .. true stories that will inspire people, insights that will move people... lessons that will change people's lives... just like this book.

    Thank you so much and keep up the awesome work. God bless.

  • Josie Willis (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    Unlike its predecessors in the Chicken Soup line of books, Chicken Soup For The Writer's Soul is a more condensed version of wit, wisdom and pathos. It is not the typical Chicken Soup recipe with 101 stories, but a shorter version of 87 stories (and cartoons) intended to amuse, inspire and motivate all writers great and small. Essays by famous writers serve up their recipes for success; sprinkled in-between like subtle seasonings are stories by not-so-famous writers.

    Chicken Soup For The Writer's Soul offers encouragement to all who wrestle with putting thought to paper. It is for those who eat, sleep and breathe the written word, who translate language into heart and soul. As with all the Chicken Soup books, the main ingredient is the power of the human soul to overcome all obstacles.

    It is a must-have companion not just for writers but for people everywhere who struggle with issues larger than themselves. It is another helping of love.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    Chicken Soup for The Writer's Soul is an inspirational book for writers who often find themselves isolated and misunderstood. It contains many essays of those who, despite all of the obstacles, managed to succeed anyway. Although as a writer myself, I have heard many of the same stories, I still find them to be enjoyable. However, what I like best in the book are the stories that tell how writing has managed to make a difference in the lives of people. My favorite chapter of all was Defining Moments. One of the most important things about this book is the subject matter doesn't grow old. Any time a writer feels down and discouraged he or she can go to it and find an essay about someone who was in the same position. Another important thing was the list of authors in the back of the book. Many listings have phone numbers, addresses, or emails and many of the writers invite readers to contact them. To me, this seems like a possible way to find a mentor. For all writers, be warned, once you read this book, you will do some soul searching of your own about your writing. I know that I did.
  • Cathymarie (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    I can't even begin to express my gratitude for the publication of this book. I knew about this book since March or April and knew it would be a success based on how well the Chicken Soup Series is doing. But I didn't count on how it would make me feel inside. This book was so inspirational it bought tears to my eyes and at the same time brought a smile to my face and laughter through my mouth.

    This book is a definite for any writer from aspiring to professional to famous. Oh it's truly worth it. I can not begin to say. Within a week I was back at my computer printing all of my work and sending them out to potential magazines. This book is a must for anyone aspiring to become anything others will try to discourage. You have to get it. I'm telling you: after you're done with this book, you will KNOW you can achieve anything. You'll just know.
  • Cydney Rax (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    As a woman on the verge of entering the publishing realm, Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul couldn't come at a more opportune time. It's like destiny is trying to get your attention to let you know that if these fine writers have struggled and made it, so can others. As a person who also loves to read I enjoyed being fed by numerous inspirational stories that show the sorrows, joys, and emotional rollercoaster of being a writer. I enjoyed the Terry McMillan story entitled, "Why I Write" because it shows she is sincere about what she does and about getting inside her characters heads and hearts so she can gain understanding.

    I also was enthralled with Bud Gardner's "A Chat With Alex Haley". The fact that Gardner had the courage to write such a legend and to ask him to speak at a writer's conference is one thing; to have Mr. Haley respond affirmatively just to turn around and do something totally unexpected, scary yet delightful, says a lot about how much a writer's life can be filled with surprises. I really am grateful such a book exists; it's empowering to know others share your feelings about your dreams. I would encourage all inspiring and professional writers to pick up a copy of this book. I believe you will notice immediately the difference that this book will make in your life.

  • Bonita Davis (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    From the moment I first saw the title,I knew that I must buy this book and I did. If you ever experienced writing then giving up, rejection after rejection, writer's block or other malaises that haunt a writer then Chicken Soup will abundantly fill your soul with joy in being a writer. Over eighty authors from diverse backgrounds share with us their anecdotes, memories and triumphs of writing. Many of them were told they didn't have what it takes to become a writer. Others were discouraged at an early age while some faced rejection after rejection. After reading their stories you will know that through it all writing made a difference in their lives and subsequently in the lives of their readers despite the hardships a writer faces.

    This book is truly a gift for writers as they go through the process of putting their thoughts onto paper. The book is broken down into ten sections with topics which include how the author became a writer, obstacles to overcome, making a difference and many other pertinent insights for a writer. By all means, if you write or want to write, purchase this book for inspiration, reflection and with the hope knowing that you are not alone as a writer.

  • Timothy Kearney (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    I'm going to admit it. I love the books in the series Chicken Soup For The Soul. I became an addict almost from the beginning. I even remember the first time I read a story in one of the volumes. I was having a terrible day, and all I wanted to do was complain, but no one was listening. It was suggested I sit back, relax, and enjoy a fire roaring in a fireplace. I grabbed the first volume in the series, the only one available at the time, and read a story at random. It was about a little boy battling cancer who dreamed of being a firefighter. I read the first paragraph, figured it was going to be sappy, and if it was too gooey, I'd throw the book in the fireplace as kindling. Well, that's not what happened. The child did not survive, but the local firefighters made his frame come true and as I read, I became emotionally involved in the story, almost feeling as if the kid was my own son. But it did more than just make me realize I was getting a bit to cynical in my not so old age, it reminded me of what writing can do for a reader: make a connection to a person's heart in a way no other medium can. Over the years the books in this series have made me take a few moments to reflect, appreciate life, and see the good that is out there even if we don't always realize it. No, not every story moves me, but I do believe that every story in the series moves at least one reader, and if writers claim to be pouring out their heart and soul on the page, isn't this the point? In some ways I have this series to thank for reminding me of my dream to write something that will be published. As I read many of the stories in this series, it reminded me that we may all have a story to tell, but writers take that story one step further and put it on paper.

    Now, while I love the books in the series, I wondered if Chicken Soup For The Writer's Soul would have enough of an edge. I guess I believe books on writing should be challenging in order to be credible. I've read the books on writing theory by people such as Eudora Welty, John Gardiner, Anne Lamott, and Brenda Ueland as well as the "you can write a best selling novel in thirty seconds" type of books. Of course I read the former as an artist, but the latter for research purposes. The main character in my novel in progress is a popular writer so I need to know how popular writers write, right? Right. I wondered if the CHICKEN SOUP volume would have the critical push I need, or whether it would be enjoyable stories without a bite, so I avoided the book. Then I remembered something. Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen are two of publishing's most successful writers/editors, and the first volume was rejected by publishing houses that thought the idea would never succeed. I'm willing to bet they regret rejecting Canfield and Hansen now, but it also reminded me, these two people know the ins and outs of writing and publishing, and they may know what writers need to read.

    Obviously I purchased this volume, and I've read it as I do most of the books in this series. I look for a story that interests me and read it. Usually I take something with me. This volume shows the variety of people who take words and put them together in an attempt to find meaning. Some of the writers with stories in this volume include esteemed authors such as Ernest J. Gaines, best selling writers such as Clive Cussler, and writers from the world of entertainment such as Garry Marshall and Art Linkletter. Most of the stories are written by lesser known names that may not have the notoriety but have the same desire to put words to paper.

    I'll admit, most of the stories in this book I use in teaching, usually when teaching junior high students about the importance of pursuing dreams or having confidence in one's abilities. Yet as I teach these lessons and remember where the stories come from, I am reminded of my own desire to write, and since that's the purpose of the book., it succeeds.
  • Dera Williams (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    When I first saw this book in the bookstore, I thought a bit cynically, wow, those chicken soup folks have a book for everybody. Then I saw a review by one of the people on my favorite's list and thought hmm!. I picked it up that following weekend and have not regretted it one bit. I am enjoying this book so much. I read a chapter every few days so to stretch it out and savor it and make it last. The stories are both enlightening and encouraging. There are well-known writers and not so well-known writers giving their testimonies of how they found their place or voice in the writing world. From Ernest Gaines recounting of writing a book the summer he was sixteen, first writing in long-hand and then pecking out on a typewriter, and binding it and sending it to a publisher only to be sorely rejected to Barbara Jean Fisher's story in the Overcoming Obstacles section was a thrill. Ms. Fisher overcame severe health problems to achieve her dream of becoming published. Elizabeth Engstrom talks of meeting her favorite author and the invaluable advice she received. Barnaby Conrad writes about the youthful Alex Haley and his perserverance to become a writer. These are just some of the stories that will lift up and encourage all writers no matter where you are in your journey.
  • Ron Atkins (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    This is a collection of approximately 80 stories from various writers, some famous, some not. The stories are personal anecdotes of the obstacles faced in becoming a writer. Most of the stories seem to have a hardship story to tell, for example, overcoming poverty or illness. My favorite story was from the Christmas Box author, telling how he wrote and self-published the book.

    If you are looking for writing instruction, this is not what you want. However, if you need to be reminded that many other people who have aspired to become succesful writers have faced and overcome overwhelming odds, then you will enjoy this book. I recommend this book to any aspiring writer who is currently feeling discouraged from rejection or self-doubt.
  • Hines (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-06 00:00>

    I own many books on the craft of writing, how-to pieces and inspirational tomes that are sitting on my bookshelf gathering dust right next to my numerous unfinished manuscripts. So when I saw that the Chicken Soup guys were coming out with a book for the Writer's Soul I figured I'd buy it and add it to my books-to-read-one-day (whenever that is) pile. But before I had a chance to add the book to my book graveyard I read the first story, "Ronny's Book", and I haven't looked back or put this book down since. Each story in the book touches on the highs and the lows, the joys and the sorrows of the writing life. I recommend this book for anyone who is a writer, has thought about writing, or admires writers and what we go through. After reading this book I am so inspired to share my words with the world and dust off my bookshelf and those languishing manuscripts. What a blessing this book has been to me as a writer! Thank you Chicken Soup guys!
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