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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Revised Edition (平装)
 by Joseph Murphy

Category: Mind dynamics, Empowerment, Motivation, Self help
Market price: ¥ 108.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A must read book about reprogramming your subconscious mind to bring whatever it is you desire into your life.
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  • Buxman (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    Although originally produced over 40 years ago, this version was updated in 2000. The book is broken down into chapters on Wealth, Health, and Relationships among others. There are good examples of affirmations in each chapter, but I think that it is best to customize your own affirmations, using the examples in the book as guidelines. Although controlling your own thoughts through the use of affirmations is a central principle in this book, there is also some good information here with respect to the impact of negative thoughts as well. The book makes good use of real-life examples which serve to illustrate the central principles. I have read many works on positive thinking and the use of affirmations, but this is one of the best since it explains the flip-side of negativity and unforgiveness that can sabotage your efforts to improve yourself. This aspect sets the book apart from the others. It is also a very smooth and readable resource that goes by quickly, unlike others that can be a struggle to finish.
  • A South African reader (MSL quote), South Africa   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    This classic work explains the miracle of the power of mind in a clear and concise way and leads to continual self-improvement. Explaining the fact that each individual has two minds, the conscious and the subconscious, it proceeds to explain the function of each and how powerful the subconscious is. The great subconscious power must however be directed by the conscious mind, and that is the individual's responsibility. The various techniques for directing the subconscious, like affirmation and visualization, are clearly explained. Many helpful affirmations are provided to kick-start the process of healing and many examples are provided of how people solved their problems by correcting their thinking. This inspiring book is immensely therapeutic in cleaning cobwebs and dogmatic brainwashing from the mind. I recommend this as the very best entry point in the entire field of self-improvement. I also recommend Mind Magic by Marta Hiatt. Other authors whose work is also of great benefit in this regard, include Catherine Ponder, Louise Hay, Emmet Fox and Frederick Bailes. Joseph Murphy's books on cultivating a consciousness of prosperity are very helpful too.
  • Terry McDonald (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    I had the good fortune to discover this book in a Barnes and Noble at probably the lowest point in my life. After reading it and applying the principles, things improved immeasurably. I became happier and more successful. I had been hanging around with a "bad crowd" and made new emotionally healthier, more fun friends. I had always struggled in school, but my grades improved, as well. I graduated from college, moved out of my parents' house, found an apartment and was able to go to Europe once a year! In short, thanks to this book, I was doing things that I wouldn't have even dreamed before.

    I also recommend Claude Bristol's The Magic of Believing, Norman Vincent Peale's The Power of Positive Thinking, and Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization. If you want to improve your life and don't know where to start, order one of these books. They're cheap, and they work.
  • Gia (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    This book has changed my life by attuning me to how life really works. I am convinced of the truths presented in this book, and I believe anyone can do anything if they apply the methods in this book. It explains what the Bible is really trying to say; the truths in the Bible are the same as the truths in all the great spiritual books thoughtout time. A must read for any human being.
  • Takipsilim (MSL quote), Philippines   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    A few years back I was at a familiar all-time low. Depressed, angry, frustrated, temperamental, spiteful, prejudiced, envious, hateful, and several more none too commendable traits constituted my mental state. Burdened and wearied by seemingly never ending physical, mental, and emotional problems I thought myself doomed from the start. I always believed then that a dark cloud hung over me, that my life would never get to a proper, more positive and fulfilling path. Peace of mind, satisfaction and fulfillment that come with a succesful life I thought were for others more fortunate and never for me. Then one day my mother lent me a book which offered to change one's life for the better.

    This was that book. At first I was suspicious, the book stating very clearly that one's life is determined by one's thoughts and it can be altered to one's desire all dependent on what one truly believes. Really? I've always heard about the power of the mind and all that brouhaha but at my deeply ingrained negativity and depression at the time it seemed like a con to further my distress. When I started reading the book I was stunned by the light which the words so wonderfully and eloquently conveyed. I couldn't believe that life could be so simple and so good. And have one's life controlled by no one else but ONE'S SELF, by one's power. Halfway into the book I pushed the book aside, thinking it was too good to be true, the author may have meant well, but it was really unreal. Looking back I could see how bad my condition was to think that way.

    I thought I was done and over with the book, and about a month passed. Yet I couldn't get it off my mind, as if some inner entity in me kept saying, "Try it, give it a chance. You have nothing to lose". And considering my situation then it would have been criminal to ignore such words. So I returned to the book like a wayward child, read it, and had my life changed.

    The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is a philosophy of man's hidden power to change and maintain his/her life and that of others for the better. The book simply and marvelously elucidates through simple exercises how one can heal oneself and others; think positively to elevate one's life to peace and tranquility; visualize what one wants to attain and have it; and how to get rid of negative thoughts and bad habits which serve as obstacles to a person's dreams and right to have peace. Most important, it describes what the subconscious mind is, how it functions, how to treat it, and the wonders it can do for you.

    Ever since I followed the exercises of this divinely-imparted book my life has changed so much for the better that the person I was prior to reading Dr. Joseph Murphy's gift is so distant, so alien to me that I could barely relate to myself then and regret that I hadn't had the good fortune to discover this book much earlier in life. It would have kept me away from a lot of unnecessary thoughts and actions which led to much unfortunate events. But better late than never. Do yourself a favor - read this book and change your life.
  • Stephen Scott (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    I want to start off by saying that we all have that little voice that goes off in our head. Doubt, fear, worry, jealous,etc. We see people with these beutifull things in life, and one of the basic Universal Laws in life is to be abundunt as they are. Most people are envious of other successfull people. They see the Trumps, the Dell's,Forbes and resent what they have. Dr. Murphy teaches you to tranform your mind and Bless them. Bless what you want. If you want a new house, visualize yourself in your new house. Describe everything you want in your new house, the color, what part of town you want to live in, the square footage, everything. Believe the house is already yours, and claim it! Affirm it is mine now, and see what happens. When you plants seeds into your sub-consious mind, it's just like planting seeds into soil. Once the seeds are planted, the plant will grow 10 fold. It's the same with your mind, when you plant seeds of peace,harmony,love, and tranquility ever flowing through your mind and soul, it will happen.

    Remeber poverty is a disease. Tt's a disease of the mind. If you sit around thinking about how Broke you are all the time, you will become. If you think about all the debt you have, you will remain. If you think about positive thoughts, and affirm it, you will become. I say these exact words all the time , "Infinite Intellegience overflows my mind body and soul. I am sucessfull now. I am healthy now. I am propserous now." You have no idea how this will transform your mind, body and soul. It's crazy stuff I know, but just what Dr. Murphy says "What you sow, you reap" Which in theory all stems from Biblical principles. Remember, God lives in you. Does God want to be broke, have no clothes, live in poverty?? Absolutely not! God(which is living inside you) wants to fill propserous also, wants nice clothes, wants the nice car, the nice house,etc. Remember, you want these things, and so does God.

    I don't care where you are at in you life today, you can chnage it Now. But, you have to have a clear consious before you make any progess. Start with this book. I bought it literally 3 weeks ago today, and since then have bought an additional 3 books. If you know anybody whith Dr. Murphy CD's or tapes, please let me know. I would listen to them everyday. May God Bless you and enrich your life, buy this book today.
  • William McGee (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    This is a very convincing, yet politically correct, self-help book that teaches us how to give the power to our subconscious to solve our problems or to achieve health, happiness, and harmony. The general theme is to find a quiet place, put yourself in a relaxed state and "scientifically pray" to your "all powerful" "subconscious" mind. The author promotes giving our load of burdens to the subconscious mind to resolve.

    I believe that if you replace the word "subconscious mind" with "God" then the author has hit the nail on the head. "Fill your head with the concepts of harmony, health, peace, and goodwill, and wonders will happen in your life."

    He refers to the subconscious mind as an invisible power that we don't really understand - like electricity. "Although we can't see it, we must have faith in it and truly believe in it for our "scientific prayers" to be answered.

    This book will not get you to Heaven; however, it does let you know that you are responsible for your own happiness. It tells us that we are responsible for what we think about others. It also tells us that others are not responsible for the ways we think about them. People do not annoy or disturb us, we let these things happen by taking in the negative thoughts of others and dwelling on them. Another author, David Matthews in his book Making Friends puts this concept more bluntly. He says, "What other people think of you is none of your business."

    The Bible and this book say that "we reap what we sow." Our actions attract equal and like actions. If we want to be treated well by others we must "do unto other as we would have them do to us." The author's view is negative people have a negative aura about them. They emit bad vibes. Their facial expressions and body language is negative. People don't like them and for that very reason.

    On the other hand if we "scientifically pray" for "health, success, peace of mind, and happiness for others and sincerely wish them well, they will be divinely guided in all of their ways." This will bring harmony to our relationships with others.

    While this is an excellent book that can really help people become positive and happy, it is also obvious that this author is not giving credit where credit is due.

    I believe that people who are disliked, unhappy, depressed, hateful, and are plagued by recurring disappointments should read this book several time. Then they should buy a Bible and go to Church for the rest of the story. This book can save your life, but not your soul.
  • A Hong Kong reader (MSL quote), HongKong   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    I was in a very tough moment in 2005. Things were not moving as smoothly as I expected and I worried so much about my future due to some failure on pursuing something academically. I was afraid of facing with new things. At that moment a friend of mind introduced this book to me and I felt astonished how amazing this book was. I spent a whole day reading it and myself just felt like a transformation. The author was talking about faith and positive thinking. I just tried to apply it. Things of course are not improving so fast, but I was feeling very good inside - very positive and worry free.

    I just couldn't explain how positive I have changed after reading this book. Although things were still unsolved yet and my future was not clear as well, I kept on reminding myself to be positive and have faith. Everytime I needed support, this book was there for me.

    And you know what, my blind faith and positive thinking REALLY WORK!!! Not only my problem has been solved, things are going much better than I have ever expected. I feel so grateful and I know I can learn much more from this book. So you should give it a try, and I am sure you won't regret reading it!
  • Pisano (MSL quote), Australia   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    Joseph Murphy seems to be able to explain everything so logically - why people get sick, why people with seemingly unrecoverable conditions recover, why miracles occur, why some people prosper and why some don't. Most significantly, he suggests, with convincing evidence, that each person has the power to create what they want in their lives. I found this book to be so simple yet so profound, and highly recommend it to anyone who has sifted through so many 'self-help' books to find one that gives them all the answers. Joseph Murphy essentially says - the answers are within you, the solutions lie in your subconscious.
  • Belinda Dawson (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    I could not put this enthralling book down! Dr Joseph Murphy has layed out the steps to our personal freedom, and all we have to do is follow his simple instructions, and in using the power of the mind, create a reality that we desire.

    I like that Murphy backs up his claims with testimonials and situations that I could easily relate to, and I found it easy to practice the techniques as a result.
    Although he doesn't acknowledge them as such, Dr Murphy is employing the simple principles of Quantum Physics and The Observer Principle to illustrate how we can take control and manifest an outcome, and our reality. I did make some significant changes in my life as a result of practising these techniques and principles, and to this day I continue to be the benefactor of those changes!

    "True and lasting happiness will come into your life the day you get the clear realization that you can overcome any weakness - the day you realize that your subconscious can solve your problems, heal your body, and prosper you beyond your fondest dream".

    The many real life stories and examples are excellent reading in themselves, and provide great inspiration to tackle some issues for ourself. After reading this little book, and achieving my own success, I realized there is nothing I cannot do by changing my state of mind.

    For further inspiration regarding changing our mindset to something greater, I suggest a wonderful DVD that I recently viewed, titled Gather The Women, Keynote Speaker JZ Knight. Another book that fits beautifully with this subject matter is The Creative Process in the Individual by Thomas Troward. For a more thorough understanding, Ramtha's compilation of teachings titled A Beginner's Guide To Creating Reality, offers exciting and expanding reading.
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