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Permission Marketing : Turning Strangers Into Friends And Friends Into Customers (精装)
 by Seth Godin

Category: Internet marketing, Relationship marketing
Market price: ¥ 268.00  MSL price: ¥ 248.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
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MSL Pointer Review: Seth Godin explains it all to you: the death of "interruption marketing" and the rise of "permission marketing."
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    When traditional methods of advertising or direct mail don't work as effectively in attracting your customer's attention, what do you do? Read up 'Permission Marketing' and apply the principles and practices recommended by Seth Godin. According to Godin, an advertising message which interrupts a customer's life - her time, privacy and peace of mind - has a lower chance of persuading her to buy a specific brand. Instead, he advocates, a marketer can build a relationship with a customer over time and win her permission to market to her. In other words, make friends with the customer. The customer, then, not only becomes more receptive to the advertising message, but actually anticipates it. Godin calls this method 'permission marketing' and illustrates its strengths with success stories ranging from to Yahoo!. Simple? Well, not exactly. It requires a deep understanding of direct marketing and using the Internet as a direct marketing tool. But, Godin makes all this easier in his new book. Read it before your competitors do.
  • Tom (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    In 10 years marketers will look back and consider this book the turning point. It defines the new age of marketing with outstanding clarity. It is an absolute must-read for everyone in sales, marketing and product development of tradition and electronic products. I read it then order 7 more copies to distribute to the people I work with. If they read and apply it, it will make at least $7 million for my company.
  • Greg (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    This was a terrific book for marketers, especially those who use the Internet in any way to promote their marketing efforts. It is very current and apllicable to todays environment. This is a must read for anybody in charge of marketing budgets and anyone who spends money on mass media advertising, it will save you money and get you results!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    I am falling in love with this book. The idea is not a kind of innovation. But, it is a re-engineering of the old method with the use of current technology. It is easy to understand and easy to implement. I hope all marketers read this book.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    Mr.Godin is an excellent teacher of how to market effectively. Before reading this I thought of marketing probably like most do. I thought to be successful in marketing and advertising, that big was the way to go... big magazine ads, t.v. spots, target a large audience and you're sure to get lots of customers, etc. WRONG!

    Mr. Godin hits the bull's-eye on the type of marketing that it takes to acquire and keep customers in your business. It is not mass marketing to anyone and everyone that's going to do it. But rather, Mr. Godin shows you how to set up a specific strategy, a clever method in which to acquire the type of customer you want to your particular business. If you own a sports shop, then your ideal customer wouldn't be a chef or a construction worker who just happened to walk into your would be the die-hard, sports enthusiast that you want to attract. Mr. Godin shows you how to attract your "ideal" customer; He teaches you how to get your ideal customer to come to you.

    I didn't fully understand all that "Permission Marketing" was really about until Mr. Godin broke it down and explained it to a tee. If you can get a potential customer to say "yes" to you prior to the sale, your chances of acquiring them as an actual customer dramatically increases. This is what Mr. Godin shows you how to do. He is a wise marketer and you can be too! Highly recommended.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    As a salesman and marketer, I have come to realize that marketing is much, much more than simple answers. It is a complicated living process. Many people make the mistake of confusing marketing with selling. They are different. Marketing is the process of causing someone to raise their hand and say "I might need your product or service." Permission Marketing assumes that the value you delivered to gain the hand raising response gives you "permission" to continue to add value to the prospect's life - opening the door to the sales process. I think this book offers a Blinding Flash of The Obvious and a point of focus for us who are in the trenches and waging the war each day.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    I agree with the author's theory of "Interruption Marketing". Don't you find it pretty true that people nowadays are paying less attention to ads, but yet marketers are trying 'extra' hard to get those attention. See the results of their 'creativity' ... all those banners are popping up here and there while surfing the net! So how effective? Probably hitting the messages across few out of a million.

    Meanwhile, if one could get people to be interested, and voluntarily listen to what he gotta say, the story will be slightly different, isn't it? That's the theory behind "Permission Marketing".

    I would think the author had nicely contrasted the 2 theories, and why the later works better. Besides, he also illustrated some ways to get people to be receptive, and thus permit one to market to them ... eg, get a freebie if you sign up the mailing list.

    Read this book. It'll change your mindset of the present advertising tactics, and perhaps inspire you to come out with better approaches in building a relationship with your 'potential' customers.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    This book does two things very well. For forward thinking marketing executives who have been pondering these issues, it helps organize your thoughts and understand planning. For traditional marketers, it is a way to break out of the old school of thought and begin to understand the electronic enviornment and its impact on marketing.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    Very insightful combining practical advice with examples of what works and what doesn't work. Why bother making mistakes when somebody else already has made them. Learn at their expense and profit from their experience. While this is not a silver bullet, it provides framework which when followed in planning and execution can provide a strong start.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    Seth Godin challenges many of the assumptions behind expensive advertising campaigns which rely on intrusive marketing and builds a very strong case for permission marketing. This is a short, easy read which is perfect for reading on your next trip.
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