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Five Wishes: How Answering One Simple Question Can Make Your Dreams Come True [AUDIOBOOK] (Audio CD)
 by Gay Hendricks

Category: Motivation, Inspiration, Personal success
Market price: ¥ 198.00  MSL price: ¥ 168.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
Other editions:   Hardcover
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This book is on how to discover five wishes that will give you a fulfilled life beginning from the perspective of looking back.
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  • John Gray, PhD, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus , USA   <2008-04-09 00:00>

    With brilliance and clarity, Gay Hendricks shares this inspirational story from the heart. Five Wishes can help anyone find the power within to change their life.
  • Mark Victor Hansen, coauthor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series , USA   <2008-04-09 00:00>

    It is time to make all your wishes come true. Gay Hendricks's brilliant, easy-to-understand five questions will take you the distance to happy wish-fulfillment. I wish everyone would read, absorb, and apply the wisdom of this great and inspiring book.
  • Susanna Hutcheson (MSL quote), USA   <2008-04-09 00:00>

    This wonderful book is partly autobiography, partly an allegory and it's just full of inspiration. It's a tremendous story of how by changing our perspective on our problems we can change the energy around us . . . the way people and things react to us.

    The author says in Chapter 2, "What I've come to see is that completing something, no matter how large or how small, puts you into harmony with the universe." How many of us start something but don't finish it? And what a wonderful, fulfilled feeling when we've completed the task. Don't we feel better about ourselves?

    The author says, "In my thirties, I received the gift of a question that changed the course of my life. My decision to answer that question gave me a life in which all my dreams came true. Now I want to offer you this gift, so you can use its gentle power to create your own fulfilled life."

    It is so true that one seemingly small thing that we hear, read or see, or as in the authors case, a question we're asked, will instantly change us. It will change the course of our lives. But are we prepared to be receptive to that happening?

    Highly recommended.
  • L. POWER (MSL quote), USA   <2008-04-09 00:00>

    Jack Canfield recommended this book to his email list, and I bought it. I find this strategy of looking back on your life many years from now on your deathbed, and asking the right questions about your life to be instructive and valuable.

    Using the future to discern now, what if anything is missing from your life that would make it worthwhile, and take the necessary action to attain those important goals.

    The author shows how he discovered five important wishes for his life following a chance encounter at a party. Pursuing these wishes helped him resolve lifelong issues which were holding him back, particularly in love relationships. If it worked for him it could work for you. Particularly valuable is the idea of completing, described in chapter 2, and I particularly liked that he shares his sticking points and breakthroughs, and I could relate his experiences to my own dilemmas.

    You are probably wondering what value you can derive from this book, and what ideas it might give you that you can apply. How much would learning what would make your life satisfying be worth? If you are like me, the answer is worth a lot more than what Amazon is asking.

    If you find this review helpful, please click yes.
  • Stephen Williams (MSL quote), USA   <2008-04-09 00:00>

    Gay Hendricks talks about a chance encounter that improved his life. His advice resonated with my own experience and I can believe what he says.

    The author takes his own advice. He talks about things that have worked for him. He makes sure that what he writes is true and has worked to improve somebody's life. Also, he is qualified through both academic training and discipline and through personal growth. The author is disarmingly candid.

    This process can change the quality of life. This book is a fresh and positive life dynamic.

    The sixth chapter invites the reader to participate in the five wish process. You will learn something about yourself if you participate in the exercise. It was such a good exercise and the answers could be written in the book.

    I learned about my own limiting beliefs through the final exercise. I recommend to a reader that they read the first five chapters and then go directly into doing the exercise in chapter six.

    I recommend this book.
  • Akemi (MSL quote), USA   <2008-04-09 00:00>

    This small book offers fresh insight and clarity in the process of creation, especially in the first step of knowing what you want. From the perspective of your deathbed, look at your life - is it a complete success? If not, what do you wish you have accomplished?

    I realize I am often so wrapped up in the current situation that I lose sight of the big picture. It is like running a business from day to day without the mission and vision. I may make my end meet (highly unlikely in a poorly planned business, but I may get lucky . . .) but will I have the contentment and the sense of success?

    When I think about life from the perspective of death, small things like having a nice car and house just fall off the picture. It is not like I don't want them - I do intend to have a good life and be wealthy - but there are far more important things, and I know small things will come along when I work on the big things. As the character in the book points out, we tend to aim too low. I was living to make a living and have some good time along the way. He was "merely wishing for a meaningful life." He continues saying "Why not wish for a magnificent life of complete fulfillment?"

    Big wishes I embrace wholeheartedly and feel enthusiastic about ignite the magic power of creation. They send out strong messages to the Universe. Petty wishes, on the other hand, fail to inspire us and just don't summon the magic energy within us.

    The book describes the author's five wishes and how they have manifested. Even if his wishes are different from yours, I strongly recommend reading it through because he presents great spiritual guides in a simple easy-to-understand manner. For example, do you identify with his anxiety of wanting to do something else while doing one thing, never really savoring the thing you are doing?

    I devoured the book in a day and wrote and re-wrote my five wishes in my journal. Then I read my wishes aloud many times until I really got the hung of them. Try it for yourself and feel what energetic difference it brings!

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