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Flipping the Switch, Unleash the Power of Personal Accountability Using the QBQ! (精装)
 by John G. Miller

Category: Personal accountability, Problem-solving, Personal development
Market price: ¥ 228.00  MSL price: ¥ 208.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: A short, profound and life-altering book and framework, Flipping the Switch is a perfect follow-up to QBQ! You'll see your life change for better if you learn and apply the principles.
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  • K. Lowenstein (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    The perfect follow-up to QBQ! Whoever reads this book will be able to relate to what John is saying, and see how taking personal accountability can really change ever facet of your life. Please, argue with me that Leadership, Ownership, Creativity, Service and Trust and not the cornerstones of success in life, I dare you. In this book, John straight-forwardly explains how to truly build upon each of these aspects by doing something as simple as asking better questions. In Flipping The Switch, John takes the insights, values and philosophies introduced in The Question Behind The Question and applies them to these five principles which he terms “the Advantage Principles.” Allow me to share a few morsels that have had great impact: “Learning brings forth energy, enthusiasm, and a zest for life that’s lacking in those who…have ceased to learn.” “Blame never solves any problems… without Ownership, nothing gets done, nothing is fixed, and nothing improves.” “Our goals become unreachable only when we stop reaching…Be creative. Keep reaching. You’ll find a way.” “Service strengthens relationships and builds trust… most important may be the feeling of personal satisfaction and pride that come from rendering Service to others.” Also, “Organizations don’t serve people, individuals serve people.” “…spinning the message is a Trust Killer. Telling the truth, even if it stings, is the best approach. Where there is truth, there is trust.” These are just a few of the many gems that you will find in this easy-to-read, inspirational and powerful book. As with John’s QBQ!, he supports his insights with powerful, easy-to-relate-to stories. Buy it. Read it. Review it. Re-Read it. Work to live it. I’ve only just begun living the QBQ! way and it’s a lot of work it’s also truly rewarding. I am truly grateful to John for taking what he has been talking about in his training seminars and putting it on paper for all of us to read. John, thanks, Ken.
  • Ed Smitz (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    If Miller's QBQ! book was a 5 star, this one should be 6 stars. Deep, powerful, funny, personal, and practical. Miller understands personal accountability like no other and his content is easy to apply, can be used today, and works. He's back with more great stories and these help us know him better as well. Upon reading Flipping the Switch I was able to take Ownership for a situation I was avoiding. The specific ways to build Trust are things that I can do now and they are very effective. And the section on "Leaving a Legacy of Service" really touched me. I'm waiting for Miller's next book now. But meanwhile, I will "Flip the Switch" in my own life and eliminate blame, victim thinking, and procrastination!
  • J. Ges (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    Both of Miller's books are life changing. One is QBQ! and the other is Flipping the Switch. Very practical content that anyone can use. He teaches how to stop the blaming and victim thinking. As I read it, it stopped me in my tracks: Simple but profound. I realized right then, though I thought I was an accountable person, I had been off track by asking the Incorrect Questions that lead me to finger-pointing and waiting for others to get things done. Now at work I am better able to practice personal accountability by simply looking at a situation and asking, "What can I do to help?" as opposed to blaming the other dep't or my boss or my colleagues. I find the QBQ! approach reduces my stress and I manage my time better. Blame is such a time waster. When I then read Miller's newest book (Flipping the Switch) I realized these ideas can be taken even deeper. I can build Trust, Learning, Creativity, Service, and Ownership into my daily walk. I highly recommend both books. Buy them as a set. Both are an hour read and well worth the time and money!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    Flipping the Switch, John Miller's next book after QBQ! is a winner. And it was worth the wait! For over two years I have been practicing the QBQ! Getting rid of whining and blame was a big step for me and for people on my team. Now we are going through the new "FTS" book and there is so much in it! Here Miller shows us how to build Trust, Creativity, Ownership, Service, and Learning into our lives. By avoiding the IQs (Incorrect Questions) and ask QBQs it is amazing how your focus and use of energy change for the better. Miller teaches don't ask "Why don't others understand me" and "When will she/he listen to me?" but DO ask QBQs like "What can I do to better understand?" and "How can I be a more effective communicator?" These are just samples and throughout the book one can feel the better questions changing your attitude and approach to problems, relationships, and life. And just like QBQ! there are stories throughout Flipping the Switch that are fun, relevant, and touching. In this book Miller lets the reader into his life just a bit more with story that support the content about his mom passing away when he was a teen and the adoption of 3 girls under 6 his wife and he engaged in. The book is striking in its playful humor and humble tone. And yet after saying all that it does, it's basically an hour read. But like QBQ! needs to be read over and over again! Five stars all the way!
  • K. Brown (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-27 00:00>

    John Miller has done it again. This book picks up right where QBQ! left off. In just an hour, the reader gains benefits that span every area of his or her life and will pay divedends for a lifetime. Flipping the Switch takes QBQ! to the next level and provides the framework of principles that will make personal accountability come alive in your life and business. Order it now. In fact, order more than one. You'll want to give these away to everyone you know!
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