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The Total Money Makeover, A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness (精装)
 by Dave Ramsey

Category: Personal finance, Investing, Wealth management, Self help
Market price: ¥ 288.00  MSL price: ¥ 268.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A witty, entertaining, and motivational wealth guide for the financially challenged.
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  • Billy F. Gibbons (ZZTOP), USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    Been there and back. Here is some trusty and valued input to get your mind and your money on the good foot. Dave Ramsey tells it like it is. (Billy F. Gibbons of ZZTOP)
  • Mary Whaley, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    "Winning at money is 80 percent behavior and 20 percent head knowledge." So states Ramsey, author and radio show host, offering a comprehensive plan to get out of debt and achieve financial fitness. Our current financial position represents the sum total of the decisions we've made to this point, he tells us, and we must take personal responsibility for our financial problems. His seven-step plan includes paying off all debts except the home mortgage at an accelerated speed, creating a financial safety net that covers three to six months' expenses, investing 15 percent of income in a retirement fund, and saving for children's college expenses. He effectively shows how regular people can rid themselves of debt and grow their wealth using current income. While many of Ramsey's concepts are not new, his simple approach and client testimonials will resonate with a broad range of library patrons. This is important information in a society buried in debt, with unprecedented numbers of people facing bankruptcy.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    The Total Money Makeover is written in the same entertaining and witty style Dave Ramsey uses on his talk show. I equate this book to a sensible diet and exercise book. We all know the principles, but sometimes need a reminder and some motivation. This book does just that. It reminds us of the principles our grandparents used when managing their money, "If I don't have the cash, I'll pass."

    I, like many Americans, was living paycheck to paycheck with car payments and credit card debt. After reading The Total Money Makeover one month ago, I am on my way to getting out from under this heavy blanket of debt. Did I already know credit card debt was bad? Yes, but it wasn't until reading the words of wisdom and testimonials in this book did I begin to do something about it. I've performed my "Plastectomy" (cut up credit card plastic) and have a solid game plan for financial freedom.

    I recommend this book to anyone who lives paycheck to paycheck or "Has too much month left at the end of the money."
  • K. Stenger, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    Here's the reason I bought this book: I sat in the bookstore for about an hour skimming through several personal finance books looking for one that would answer my question: "I have debt and I have very little savings; when do I start saving to buy a house?"

    This book was the only book to answer this. (The answer is after you've paid off all of your debt and saved up 3-6 mos. emergency cash, essentially baby step 3b.) All the other books had plenty of advice about credit scores and rapid debt repayment and Roth IRAs and private mortgage insurance blah blah blah but none of them had any advice for someone who didn't already have a mortgage.

    I think the first half of the book where Ramsey discusses debt myths was relatively enlightening. Common sense is not as common as you think, and there were several "myths" that I was brainwashed to believe at a young age.

    Ramsey's target audience is not people who read finance books. It's people who only read their bank statements once a month and really need a "Makeover." I think this should be the first personal finance book anyone reads.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    My husband and I thought we were doing well when we got married a few months ago and combined our incomes. We make about 140k a year but at the end of every month, we kept realizing that we weren't able to save anything. Everything that didn't go towards student loans, bills, and mortgage went straight towards paying off our credit card charges every month. We decided to do something about it and needed a written budget. At the advice of a friend, we started listening to Dave Ramsey and even bought his book.

    I got the book in the mail on a Monday and the following Sunday I was already done reading it. People have left reviews about how everything in the book is just common sense but I disagree. While some people have been taught well in the area of finances by their parents or what not, most people aren't taught these things, even if you're the smartest person you know. Society, friends, and banks tell you that financing things are okay and that you'll always have debt and SHOULD always have debt, but Dave is right that you can live richer without debts and that's why most millionaires don't have debts. Dave really explains and break down all these myths about debt and money. He tackles the topics like leasing cars and the lack of logic behind it, and the benefits of paying off your mortgage rather than dragging it out just for the tax benefits. I read a Suez Orman book earlier this year and I think Dave Ramsey's is much better.
  • J. Bussey, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    This book has really changed the way I think, and feel, about the way we handle our money. We are pretty responsible already, but Ramsey lays out a plan that makes sense and is attainable. We really believe that we can walk through his Baby Steps, focusing intensely on each step in confidence that we will move to the next. I highly recommend this book to anyone with any debt at all. You will actually be excited about making some sacrifices and cutting some fat so that you can take back control of your own income. And Ramsey is a straight shooter with a no-nonsense style that keeps the book spirited and entertaining. Buy this book RIGHT NOW.
  • Tom Duff, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    I earn more than my parents ever did, and more than I ever dreamed possible growing up. But when I look at the bank accounts and bills, it certainly doesn't seem that way. I had the opportunity to read The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey. No gimmicks, no tricks, and it may be just what I need to get things in order.

    Contents: The Total Money Makeover Challenge; Denial; Debt Myths; Money Myths; Two More Hurdles; Save $1000 Fast; The Debt Snowball; Finish the Emergency Fund; Maximize Retirement Investing; College Funding; Pay Off The Home Mortgage; Build Wealth Like Crazy; Live Like No One Else; More Total Money Makeover Stories; Budgeting Forms

    The thing I appreciate most about this book is that Ramsey doesn't try to present some "buy my 10 step program for $500" pitch nor does he promise that getting out of debt is easy and painless. If it was, most of us wouldn't have a problem. What he does do is lay out a series of "baby steps" that if followed with "gazelle intensity", will work to get you out of the mess you might be in today. The first step is to get an initial emergency fund of $1000. Do whatever it takes... second job, garage sales, you name it. Just get a cash buffer so that you can get yourself off the credit card trap. Once that's done, you list all your debts and start putting as much as possible towards paying off the first one. Once that's done, then you roll that amount plus whatever else you can afford to the second. This "snowball" effect can quickly whittle down the number of creditors you have, as well as the amount you owe. Couple this with a budget and a hard look at things that have gotten you in debt (like that third car or the boat), and you're well on your way to reducing the financial stress in your life. Or as he puts it... "Live like no one else now, so you can live like no one else later". Each of the following steps builds upon the work you've already done, and it's a very logical progression. The book is also liberally sprinkled with a number of stories from real people who have followed these steps and eliminated incredible amounts of debt... Totals that are truly jaw-dropping...

    Fortunately, I'm in much better shape than most everyone highlighted in the book. But it wouldn't take much to make it all go south. And I could be doing so much better from "finishing the emergency fund" on... My wife will be reading this next, and then I hope to make some definite changes to make sure that money and lenders don't become my master. A recommended read.
  • N. Shaw, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    Don't listen to the people saying this book isn't worth buying. Don't buy this book unless you want to change your life, because it will. The book is simple but the real value of this book is that it will hope and an intense desire to do something about your life. a must reed for anyone anywhere. if you don't buy it go to a library. I'd just buy it though the waiting lists for this book is a mile long and once you read it you'll end up buying anyway. i must warn you though it's the kind of book that will change your life and if you're like me you'll want to give away to everyone you know, you mother, and the stranger on the street.
  • Jim Lange, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
    Dave Ramsey does a great job of getting straight to the point and straight to the core of many of the financial problems that plague the American consumer. I particularly enjoyed his words on the debt problem that has gripped America. This book is full of true-life, "we got out of debt," stories sure to bring encouragement to readers who find themselves trapped in similar circumstances. Heeding Dave's words and adopting his action plan will get most readers burdened by debt back on the right track.
  • K. West, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    No exaggeration, Dave Ramsey's book The Total Money Makeover has changed my life and helped my marriage. My husband and I are newly married and still in our 20's. Prior to reading Dave Ramsey's book, we were the type of people to put a lot of things we "needed" on our credit cards. We didn’t have a huge amount of debt but at the rate we were going, we would've been pretty deep in it by the time we reached our 30s.

    Dave Ramsey has changed our whole perspective on debt and money. His book is inspirational and so easy to follow! There's no super-formula and if you're looking to get rich quick this isn’t the book for you. If you're trying to make good choices, financially or, if you're trying to correct the mistakes you've made in the past with credit cards and other kinds of debt, I highly recommend this book. It will change the way you spend money and help you become financially secure in a way you never would've dreamed.
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