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The Tale Of Three Trees: A Traditional Folktale (精装)
 by Angela Elwell Hunt (Author) , Tim Jonke (Illustrator)

Category: Story, Dream & belif, Ages 9-12, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 148.00  MSL price: ¥ 138.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Three little trees see their dreams for greatness come true in surprising ways, delivering a message of hope and love that we never know what God's plan is for us until it happens; so with a little trust something magnificent will happen in your life. A book of dream and belief.
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  • L. Ricci (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    I am a Catholic School teacher and have read this to my class at different times of the year. I find it a fantastic tale and the children are always amazed by the end of the story. I have purchased it for our Pastor when he was transferred to another parish and he said it brought tears to his eyes. It's a great tale of how you don't have to be embedded with jewles, pointing to the sky or a grand ship taking fantastic voyages to be a good person. God loves us just the way we are weather it be in a mink coat or rags.
  • K. Howard (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    This book was a wonderful addition to my family to enjoy. It describes three paths for three very different trees. It does have a Christian theme. All the more reason to include into your classic collection of books. We loved the book so much we bought 2 more as gifts to other families.
  • Cindy L. Hutchins (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    I read this for the first time as an adult and I, hardened and cynical by my years on this planet, cried the sweetest tears. It is moving and rich and I don't think it gets sappy. It simply tells the story. I don't think it will win a Pulitzer any time soon, but I think the message in it is one everyone should hear. There is a plan, and even if you don't think you're on the right path- with a little trust something magnificent will happen in your life.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    This book is fantastic. It moved me to tears. It is now our tradition to read this book at Easter and Christmas because of the significance it has. I recommend this book to all ages, and I have given it for babies and graduation gifts.
  • Casey (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    I first heard this story told at summer camp last year. The storyteller introduced it as a traditional folktale, and this year, I discovered the printed version. This is a great story for reading or telling. The illustrations are dark and quiet, not eye-catching, but help pull the reader in, and add to the depth of the story. This story is a classic, and its message is appropriate for any age: In God, all things are possible.
  • Lynne Carter (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    This is a wonderful children's book! I have purchased several copies of this book not only for my own daughter but also for gifts. The message of the story is one of hope and love. It is heartwarming as three trees learn the lesson that "you can not judge a book by its cover." Likewise the three trees who are used to build: a trough, a boat and a cross have no idea that they all will be used to serve Jesus in the most special ways imaginable! The trees initially complain about their use until they see how wrong they are and that they have been selected to be used to build the most precious items in all of history. One tree is used to make a trough- which eventually is the bed in the manager that Jesus sleeps in. Another tree is made into a large cross that Jesus was nailed upon when He died. The third tree was used for a fishing boat that carried Jesus and his disciples during a storm. Each of the trees ultimately realizes that the "simple" uses that they thought they were built for are actually "the most special" items that could ever be built from the trees.
  • Jay A. Babcock (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    I bought this book as a gift for my 3-year-old cousin. She enjoys it when I read it to her, but it is even better to watch her 7-year-old brother read it to her. This book tells a tale of three trees that dream of what they want to become when they grow up. All three are cut down and used in purposes far from what they had envisioned of themselves. However, by the end of the story, it is clear that the way they were used is not only exactly what they dreamed of, but they were used in the way that God wanted them to be. This book serves well when speaking to your child about what he or she wants to be when all grown up. It will serve as a reminder to them that whatever they do, God will be with them and guiding them. God will use them in the way that he (or she) sees fit. My first reading of this book was to a group of 6 and 7 year olds at bedtime at a Christian summer camp. I had never read the book before (not something I normally do) and I was so moved by the story and beautiful illustrations that I began reading every night to every group of kids that I had. I know read it to the kindergarten class in which I am an aide for at a small Christian school. This is their favorite rest time story. Why 5 stars: This book, teaches an enduring lesson through its words and wonderful pictures. It is on a level that second-graders can read. Perfect for them to read by themselves or possibly to a younger sibling. I would recommend this story to anyone who has ever had trouble seeing God in his or her life. His work is not always evident to us, but it is always there. I would also recommend the leather-bound edition for a never presentation of the story.
  • K. Pemberton (MSL quote), Portland   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    I heard this story spoken one year during a summer camp evening program. When you hear this story it hits straight into your heart and stays there. A few years ago, I had the opportunity to buy this book for all the families I work with. Now whenever "Auntie" is around the children request "The Tree Story". This book is always in the car to be read to any child. I read the other recommendations, and yes, it does bring a lump to your throat. No matter how many times I read it, this book never fails to bring tears to my eyes. This book belongs in every library and is a great influencer in the lives of young and old. The campfire I where I first heard this story took place years ago - yet I remembered the story long before I purchased the book. A story for the ages.
  • Gloria (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    Just after I was done eating Thanksgiving dinner this year, my friend shoved this book under my nose and said, "You have to read this." And she sat down in front of me to watch me read it. Not to read the book with me, but to watch me as I read. I got about halfway through and developed a fierce lump in my throat and couldn't see anymore because of my tears. I actually had to put the book down for about ten minutes. After I had my emotions under control again I picked it up and read only one page before having to put it down again for another ten minutes. And so it went for the entire last half of the book. Honest. After the reading the last tree's fate I just had to thank God and praise him for loving me so much! As you've seen from other reviewers who have read The Tale of Three Trees, this book will MAKE you share it with the people you love. And, like my friend, you will relish in their reactions.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-04 00:00>

    I was reading the story to my two children and we were all excited to see how the trees would end up at the end of the book. When I turned to the page of the first tree's fate, a huge lump formed in my throat and it was all I could do to finish the book without crying. I loved it. I read it to my mother and sister over the phone and they had the same reaction. It is a truly moving story. I recommend it to anyone of any age.
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