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The Irresistible Offer: How to Sell Your Product or Service in 3 Seconds or Less (精装)
 by Mark Joyner

Category: Sales, Marketing, Influence
Market price: ¥ 238.00  MSL price: ¥ 218.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Written in plain language and with great examples and analogies, this is a must read for those wanting to market their products with the power of words and psychology.
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  • Joe Sugarman (Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation) (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    The Irresistible Offer is the missing link in many marketing books.
  • Howard Berg ("The World's Fastest Reader") (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    As the world's fastest reader (Guinness Book certified) I've read just about every business and marketing book in existence. The Irresistible Offer by Mark Joyner is, by far, the easiest and most powerful. If you want to make a profitable business (any business small or large), The Irresistible Offer should be your starting point.
  • Dr. Joe Vitale (author of The Attractor Factor) (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I've read every book on marketing printed in the last 150 years. This is the first breakthrough in over fifty years.
  • Randy Gilbert ("Dr. Proactive" host of The Inside Success Show) (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    If I had to choose one modern marketing genius to learn from, it would be Mark Joyner. The Irresistible Offer belongs in the hands of everyone wanting to wildly succeed in business.
  • Alex Foster (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I consider myself a marketing expert. I've built two hugely successful million-dollar mail order companies within just a few years and thought I knew ever trick in the book from Gary Halbert to Dan Kennedy.

    And I found a new gem in this book!

    There wasn't anything "new" per se but the way the author had "updated" the importance of marketing techniques was a refreshing polish on things that have gotten dusty over the past few decades. His point of view has been welcomed and long-needed in direct response.

    He actually includes testing examples that he's done. For instance he tested using the "7" which is Ted Nicholas' marketing trick from eons ago. He gives you information on when he tested the $99 price-point versus $95 and $97. He give you exact figures on which pulled the most. Many other authors who talk about the "7s" will tell you that they pull more but never give actual figures on which pulls the most, probably because they've never done a real-life test themselves.

    This book focuses on the "offer" and the "benefits" to the customer. As broad as that may seem this author seems to get deep into the nitty-gritty on EXACTLY how to push people's buttons to get people to buy.

    And within 3 seconds.

    And he does it in a fun, easy-to-follow, lightning fast manner that makes reading the book cover-to-cover a snap.

    All of the traditional marketing "secrets" are brought up to the 21st century standards. There is so much information that bombards people everyday that you have to HIT PEOPLE QUICKLY AND HIT 'EM HARD. Other marketing books by the greats are outdated because of that huge main fact. Life isn't the same as it was before the Internet. Therefore we have LESS TIME to get people's attention.

    This book is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for those of you who have studied Dan Kennedy, Ted Nicholas, Gary Halbert, Jeff Paul, or any of the other marketing greats. This is an UPDATE for the 21st century and is VERY NECESSARY if you are going to sell things to people who are becoming desensitized to advertising.

    And if you think you're a marketing expert, you need this book EVEN MORE!

    Isn't it the truth that those of us who think we know so much about marketing that we tend to "lock out" new discoveries (or forget about the "oldies" but goodies)...and then we become dinosaurs (perhaps as Dan Kennedy and others have become)?

    And that's why, as a marketing expert, you need this book more than anyone else...BECAUSE YOU NEED A BLOCK OF WOOD TO KNOCK YOU UPSIDE YOUR HEAD! As a marketer you can NEVER think you are an expert because the world is changing too much!

    HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. I will even go so far as to say that this is one of the TOP 5 marketing books out there! And that's saying a lot from someone who has most every marketing book there is!
  • Blair Warren (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I normally steer clear of claims like the one made in the subtitle of this book. I mean, really, is it even possible to sell a product or service in 3 seconds or less? It's not only possible. It's *necessary*. And that's the point of The Irresistible Offer.

    Think of the last few times you were persuaded to do something. Didn't you know almost immediately that you were interested? How about the last few times you *weren't* persuaded? Didn't something inside tell you right away these offers weren't for you? Most likely, these decisions were made almost immediately. As in, three seconds or less. And given the ever-increasing barrage of messages we encounter every day, it's only getting worse.

    Contrary to popular opinion, the answer to getting heard isn't to "sling more and hope some of it sticks." The answer is to make your offer so tight, so powerful, so irresistible that it cannot be ignored. And that's what this book is all about.

    Using numerous examples such as FedEx, Columbia House Records and Domino's Pizza, Mark Joyner not only explains exactly how to craft your own Irresistible Offer, but how to build upon it, and more important, how to get legions of loyal customers to spread it for you. In fact, Chapter 11 on Word of Mouth is one of the best overviews of viral marketing I've ever read. Couple these ideas with an offer designed from the ground up to penetrate minds and you've got a tool you better hold onto with both hands.

    But I think my favorite thing about the book is that it is, itself, an excellent example of an Irresistible Offer. I won't spoil it for you here, but after you read the book, take another look at the dust jacket, the first few pages and even the very last page of the book. And investigate a little into how the book is being marketed. You'll see how it uses the very techniques it teaches. Very, very smart.

    Thanks to this book I'm reworking several of my own campaigns because I'm convinced there will soon be only two types of offers - those that are irresistible and those that are obsolete. Which category will yours fall in?
  • Philip Hamilton (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    By design, this book in and of itself is an Irresistible Offer. Its combination of easy-reading style, tried-and-true ideas, and practical advice-all reinforced by real-world examples-is something you can't refuse.

    Mark lays out an appropriately simple framework for the Irresistible Offer. As he shows you, it's not rocket science, so to speak, so don't let the simplicity fool you. You'll probably be amazed at how straightforward his approach is.

    "What is the core imperative of business?" His answer on page six is two words-and as you'll see, it makes perfect sense. Likewise, check out his focus on prospects' four essential questions (Chapter Three). This helps you understand the framework in which your prospects will receive your Irresistible Offer.

    Chapters Four through Six systematically examine what The Irresistible Offer is and isn't, and what elements are essential for inclusion in your own. Case study analysis of Domino's and FedEx, for example, show the concepts in action and provide real-world reinforcement. These three chapters conclude with a concise summary that puts it all together for you (pp. 52-54).

    You're introduced to the basic profit process ("The Great Formula," Chapter Seven-precursor to his excellent, detailed book of that title) and the necessity of using appropriate add-ons and incentives to continue improving your offer (Chapter Eight). The section on second-glass delivery techniques and recipes is particularly insightful (pp. 64-76). Following the structured and straightforward approach to testing your offer (Chapter Nine) will underscore the practicality and effectiveness of your offer and bolster your confidence in its ultimate success.

    I highly recommend this book. Its practicality and accessibility is suitable for just about anyone. It's great on its own and especially in tandem with Mark's most recent book, The Great Formula.
  • Brian Norris (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    When I first read this book I dismissed it as a rehash of other direct marketing books. Upon the second reading, I realized I must have been in a coma the first time around. At the urging of Kitty Hermano, I started from the beginning and gave it the attention the subject deserves.

    Conclusion: Joyner's book is absolutely terrific. No fluff. High content that guides anyone into the next phase of effective marketing: What's your touchstone? Joyner and I share a passion for "proof": How are you overcoming the huge wall of skepticism inherent to most potential buyer? Are your big claims and offers believable?

    Read the book a few times so that you won't miss the Ahas the first time like I did. The stuff on word-of-mouth is great too. I'll have to re-read that section again, just to digest it. Joyner's 4 big questions and Success formula create an important standard that you'll want to use in your business and as a tool with clients. Congrats to Mark for writing a great work, and to anyone smart enough to put his advice to use.
  • S. Hasson (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    This book will get your creative juices going. It brings up interesting marketing ideas and considerations. It's not so much about the three seconds as it is about differentiating yourself by making bold offers that your competition can't or won't make.

    This easy and fun read has given me some great ideas in promoting my Website. So far, the changes I made haven't really impacted sales but, regardless, the book was worth reading. It really gets you thinking and that makes investing the time to read it worthwhile.
  • Thomas (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Mark Joyner forces you to rethink most of the advertising strategies that you have been taught and proposes a very powerful alternative instead.

    We are constantly bombarded with marketing today. So much so, that we have become oblivious to much of it. There are commercials on the television and radio, ads in the paper and magazines, banner ads and popups on the Internet, billboards, bus stop benches, and even on cars. We can hardly turn our head that we are not looking at some form of advertisement. Already we even avoid looking at banner ads on the Internet.

    With so much advertising, consumers have become much more savvy to the marketing methods, thus reducing their effectivity.

    While Mark still incorporates several common marketing methods into his Irresistable Offer, he presents them in a rather unique way that is less intrusive and much more likely to make it past the barriers that today's consumers have put around them.

    There is a lot to chew on in this book and it certainly merits reading more than once. It is certainly one of those books that I will be constantly pulling back out and referring to as I attempt to create my own "irresistable offers."
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