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Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (精装)
 by Andy Sernovitz, Guy Kawasaki (Afterword)

Category: Business, Market, Communication, Word of Mouth
Market price: ¥ 268.00  MSL price: ¥ 248.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
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MSL Pointer Review: Master the art of word of mouth marketing with this fun, practical, hands-on guide.
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  • David Godes (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    This book is to Gladwell's The Tipping Point as Engineering is to Physics. If you want to understand the deep sociological theories behind interpersonal communication, this isn't the book for you. If you want to understand how to harness interpersonal communication to drive your business, then buy this book.
  • Ed Keller (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    A primer chock full of great stories, tips, and exercises to make you a better word of mouth marketer, no matter what size company you work for. Read it, and you will increase your influence with your customers, and make yourself more influential in your company.
  • Don E. Schultz (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    The coolest book on the hottest topic in marketing and communication. Andy tells it all and tells it like it really is. The 5Ts are the best organizing framework for word of mouth I have seen yet. Use them and profit. No hype. No smoke and mirrors. No overblown promises.
  • Bud Bilanich (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    A while back, I was blogging about word of mouth marketing, and I mentioned Andy Sernovitz and the Word of Mouth Marketing Association. A friend suggested that I pick up a copy of Andy's book -- Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking.

    Word of mouth marketing is an important part of building strong customer relationships. And, as I point out in my book 4 Secrets of High Performing Organizations, strong customer relationships are critically important to the success of any business.

    Back to Mr. Sernovitz' book. I love this book. It is filled with incredibly useful information. For example, before you even finish chapter one, you'll find The Four Rules of Word of Mouth Marketing:

    1. Be Interesting
    2. Make People Happy
    3. Earn Trust and Respect
    4. Make It Easy

    Mr. Sernovitz does a great job of explaining each of these four rules - and illustrating them with personal examples.

    You'll also find the Three Reasons People Talk About You in chapter one

    1. They like you and your stuff
    2. Talking makes them feel good
    3. They feel connected to the group

    As he discusses, each of these three reasons, Mr. Sernovitz does a great job of explaining, in layman's terms, the psychological ideas behind them.

    This is great stuff, but Mr. Sernovitz isn't finished yet. In the middle of chapter one he discusses The five T's of Word of Mouth Marketing:

    1. Talkers - Find people who will talk about you
    2. Topics - Give people a reason to talk
    3. Tools - Help the message spread faster and farther
    4. Taking part - Join the conversation
    5. Tracking - Measure and understand what people are saying.

    Toward the end of chapter one, Mr. Sernovitz provides some great advice on the importance of honesty in word of mouth marketing.

    1. Word of mouth isn't stealth. It's open, honest communication with customers and the community.
    2. Fake word of mouth doesn't work. You will get busted. When you get busted, the backlash will destroy your reputation.
    3. Oppose all deception. Protect the trust in genuine word of mouth - for yourself as a marketer and for your family as consumers.
    4. Follow the Honesty ROI.

    The rest of the book expands on these concepts and will help you learn how to put word of mouth marketing to work for your business.

    Chapter 3 contains The Word of Mouth Marketing Manifesto - a great summary of what this is all about.

    1. Happy customers are your best advertising. Make people happy.
    2. Marketing is easy. Earn the respect and recommendation of your customers. They will do your marketing for you for free.
    3. Ethics and good service come first.
    4. UR the UE: You are the user experience (not what your ads say you are).
    5. Negative word of mouth is an opportunity. Listen and learn.
    6. People are already talking. Your only option is to join the conversation.
    7. Be interesting or be invisible.
    8. If it's not worth talking about, it's not worth doing.
    9. Make the story of your company a good one.
    10. It is more fun to work at a company that people want to talk about.
    11. Use the power of word of mouth to make business treat people better.
    12. Honest marketing makes more money.

    Word of Mouth Marketing is an important, easy to read and use book. I urge anybody who runs a business to pick it up, study it and use the ideas in it.

  • Ilya Grigorik (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    Andy did an exceptional job on this book - it's easy to read and packed with practical advice. The central theme is focused on the link between customer service and word-of-mouth, or as Andy puts it: "You are the user experience." Bad service is not only expensive, but it can also have disproportionate influence on other customers perception of your company or brand.

    Google has become a de facto research resource for many customers, and you better make sure that you join in on this conversation. Andy talks about communication strategies, crafting the messages, and ways to keep in touch with your customers. Word of mouth is as much about customer service as it is about marketing. "Worth of Mouth Marketing" is a great ground-up overview of a highly relevant subject - a highly suggested read.
  • David Berkowitz (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    Andy Sernovitz crams in more real world examples per page than I can ever recall reading anywhere. He keeps the focus practical. The book is subtitled "How Smart Companies Get People Talking," and the reader will feel like he or she can help make their own company smarter.

    The book reads much like the clear, concise tomes from Seth Godin, who not-so-coincidentally penned this book's forward. While much of the focus of the book is online marketing, given the low barriers for spreading worth of mouth through the internet, Sernovitz's guidance applies to any channel, as well as any industry.

    Within hours of putting this book down, I've been citing the book to my own colleagues and drawing examples for client presentations. It's one I'll keep on my shelf for reference and will recommend to others (I'll sooner buy colleagues the book rather than loan it, as I'll want to keep my own marked up copy close at hand).
  • Marianne Richmond (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    Business books seem to come in two flavors: Why you should and How to. Andy Sernovitz's "Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking" starts with the basic concepts of word of mouth, hits the high points of why you should, and then gets right down to building the plan; he ends with sixteen things to start doing right now....and that alone is worth the price of the book!

    Andy Sernovitz delivers a quick start guide to word of mouth, with just enough background and concepts to keep you going. Highly recommended!
  • Patrick Galvin (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    This is the perfect book for an entrepreneur looking for a "how-to" on word of mouth marketing rather than a theoretical or academic overview. Andy Sernovitz built the Word of Mouth Marketing Association using many of the intriguing word of mouth marketing tactics he describes. His strategies are practical for both small and large businesses as his interesting case studies demonstrate. You may put this book down a few times while reading it so you can start implementing some of its excellent ideas.
  • Chuck Donofrio (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    Andy Sernovitz is some kind of freak-a really smart, obsessed word of mouth freak that just happens to be articulate enough and experienced enough to create the ultimate how-to guide to effective word of mouth promotion. Of course, if he were writing, he'd just say it's common sense-or common courtesy-for the rest of us, it's a glimpse into the mind of the world's leading expert on the ripple efffect. As the owner of Carton Donofrio Partners, an advertising agency in Baltimore, I'd just as soon not talk about it (but I'll weave his insights into every campaign we do for oursleves and our clients from here on out).
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